
Really powerful people all have these 3 "inner powers"

author:Purple Desk MCN
Really powerful people all have these 3 "inner powers"

There is a saying: "Walk alone and be your own god." ”

Follow your heart and find your own world.

Everyone is unique, and everyone's life has a unique meaning.

But sometimes people think that the road they have walked is full of flowers and applause, so they ignore the road under their feet.

Sometimes the world is filled with so many voices that we forget to listen to the call of our hearts.

As everyone knows, only by being true to yourself and seeking inward will you reap happiness.

Really powerful people all have these 3 "inner powers"

Don't use other people's brains to think about your options

In the TV series "To a Windy Place", Damai loves to write and is an online writer.

But my father felt that his writing was unstable and humiliating, and wanted Damai to be an elementary school teacher, so that he could find a partner, and he could take his children during the winter and summer vacations.

In addition, she encountered a bottleneck in her writing, so she came to Yunmiao Village to find inspiration.

But things didn't go as smoothly as expected, and Big Mac couldn't write a word after racking his brains.

The depression in my heart could not be relieved, so I came to Ma Ye to solve my doubts.

After Ma Ye understood her situation, he was a little serious:

"If you keep following in the footsteps of your parents, you can't get out of the way, you have to forge your own path.

However, the road may be full of thorns, but it can also be full of flowers. ”

With a twinkle in his eyes, he thought that if he persevered, he would see the flower road.

And Ma Ye hesitated for a moment and chose to tell her the truth: "There may not be a flower road." ”

Then recalled the story of his own business, and he was helpless in a fiasco.

However, despite the failure of his own business, the flame of wanting to start a business is still burning brightly, and he is unwilling to do other work.

When Big Mac heard this, she immediately empathized, she had no interest in anything other than writing,

But the reality is that he is 28 years old, but he is still an unknown young author, and his future is bleak.

I have to think about whether to listen to my parents, become a teacher, live my life in peace, or continue to write.

Later, Damai was still often exhausted in her writing, but with the encouragement of Ma Ye and everyone, she decided to rewrite a novel, not bow to reality, and resolutely move forward on the road of writing.

Once Damai was hovering between reality and ideals, but it was difficult to resist the love in her heart, and in the face of the unknown future, she resolutely went to it.

Shi Tiesheng once said: "Look at the gaze of others like a ghost fire, and boldly go on your night road." ”

Throughout their lives, people are constantly being held hostage by the eyes of others, which may affect their judgment and put them in a dilemma.

Really powerful people all have these 3 "inner powers"

But when faced with the incomprehension and doubts of others, you might as well leave it behind, let go of timidity, and move forward boldly.

Even if this road is lonely and obscure, or even a big gamble, you are free and live for yourself.

Because in this world, no path is perfect, it is better to choose the path you like, at least willingly, without complaint.

Going your own way, not following the crowd, is a kind of perseverance and courage.

As the years grow and recall the past, I will thank my once brave self, no matter what the outcome is, it can be regarded as a life without regrets.

Really powerful people all have these 3 "inner powers"

Love from the heart is the best salvation from difficult situations

There is a saying: "Love is the deepest and most enduring power in a person's heart." ”

Because in the journey of life, people will fall and be broken, but it is precisely with love that it is enough to be lifted up and healed.

In the movie "Flying Life 2", such a story is told:

Zhang Chi used to be the king of Bayingbrook, 5 years ago, he desperately ran the results, but was judged invalid due to an accident, his dignity was disgraced, and his whole body was fractured, and his career basically ended.

He started the second half of his life as a driving school instructor, spent all his savings on treatment, and even the driving school was facing closure, poverty and decadence.

Seeing that the last Bayingbrook competition was about to begin, Zhang Chi was entangled.

On the one hand, there is a deep love in my heart, and on the other hand, my physical condition is not as good as before, plus the truth of the year is unknown,

I even wondered if that result was my own strength, and my heart was full of fear of racing.

Until one day, when he found out that his results were innocent, he decided to take a desperate gamble and take the track to Bayingbrook, no matter what the outcome.

He galloped on the track, and at this moment he seemed to see himself 5 years ago, and the moment the two cars merged, he was finally relieved.

With this power, he rushed to the finish line and won the constructors' championship.

At this moment, the pain of the past and the oppression of reality no longer matter, and the endless grievances have been washed away.

It was from the love in his heart that Zhang Chi dared to go to his world, took back the glory that belonged to him, and got rid of the demons of the past 5 years.

Adults are always burdened with heavy burdens, and love happens to be the antidote to depressing life, giving people the enthusiasm to continue to move forward.

If you want to do it, you have to climb mountains and survive the darkness before dawn.

Really powerful people all have these 3 "inner powers"

It is with love that people are often tireless, day and night, and are invisibly pushed forward.

In fact, in life, many times it is yourself who gets along with yourself, and having love can make a boring life enjoyable.

Even with love, it is as if you have your own stage, shining in the spotlight.

Life is always not easy, if you have love, you can also go to the mountains and seas, wait for the flowers to bloom, and find comfort in life.

Really powerful people all have these 3 "inner powers"

The most correct way in the world is your own way

In the hit drama "The Road of Life", there is such a scene that is impressive:

In the 80s, in northern Shaanxi, poor and backward, people almost regarded the college entrance examination as the only way out of the mountains.

They think that it is the most honorable thing for their children to be admitted to college, so they devote their whole family to supporting them.

Ma bolt is the whole family has high hopes, and his parents smashed the pot and sold iron for him to study.

But he didn't pass the exam for three years, his age has reached the upper limit, and the road of the college entrance examination is completely impassable.

He sat on the ground and broke down and cried, and he didn't have the face to see his parents again, and wandered around.

When his friend learned about his situation, he couldn't bear it and asked someone to find him a job.

But he also had no intention of working, thinking that he was very unproductive, and he was annoyed.

At this time, Liu Qiaozhen saw this and told him: "If you can't pass the college entrance examination, don't worry about it anymore, that is the way that God gives to others, you should find your own way." ”

Ma Bolt was like an empowerment and cheered up.

Facing the reality, he returned home to learn how to make wine cans, which coincided with the period of economic recovery, and his business became bigger and bigger, and later he took his fellow villagers to make a fortune.

Fortunately, Ma Bolt woke up in time, recognized the truth, regained his strength, and explored a correct path of his own.

As the old saying goes: "The world has the same end but different paths, the same and all considerations." ”

Really powerful people all have these 3 "inner powers"

In this world, everyone has their own path, but they are all the way to a better life.

People are different from each other, and their respective advantages are not the same, and only by digging out their own advantages can we make correct judgments.

It is true that the college entrance examination has always been important for every ordinary person.

But there is no result in trying your best, rather than going to the black, it is better to find another way to have the possibility of success.

Because sometimes, the choice is far greater than the effort, and what kind of person to become and what kind of life to live depends on the choice of the moment.

However, life is also a process of constantly encountering difficulties and solving difficulties.

If you are in a slump because of a temporary failure, and do not look for a solution, you will undoubtedly have a way out.

Therefore, only by truly finding your own path can you live an ideal life.

There is a saying: "In the world of life, suddenly like a traveler." ”

When people come to the earth, they will return to dust.

If you have been living according to the wishes of others and have lost yourself, will you not live in vain?

People should follow their inner thoughts and make their own choices without regrets; Find the love in your heart, save yourself in the midst of hardship; Find the right path, turn around in time, start again, and reap the fruits.

I hope that people can write the answer sheet of life in person and complete a complete life.

Author | Poetry · SDX, a post-00s writer who is firm and motivated, and serious about coding words.