
The Chinese side skillfully exerted pressure, and the United States unexpectedly compromised: the EU became the new loser in the tariff war

author:Biquan News Station

In the midst of the imminent tensions of the Sino-European trade war, an unexpected visitor suddenly arrives in China. Recently, a special plane from the US business community arrived in China in a low-key manner, what is the deep meaning behind this action?

Is it a simple business exchange, or is it a more complex strategic layout? At the same time, the EU is facing strong countermeasures from China, so is the US ready to take advantage of the setback in the European market? All these mysteries make people want to find out.

The Chinese side skillfully exerted pressure, and the United States unexpectedly compromised: the EU became the new loser in the tariff war

Let's go back to the beginning of this trade turmoil. The European Commission's proposal to raise taxes on China's electric vehicles has undoubtedly added another layer of haze to the already complex and volatile trade relationship between China and the EU.

In the face of the EU's unreasonable measures, China did not choose to remain silent, but reacted quickly, announcing an anti-dumping investigation on EU pork and applying for a countervailing investigation on European dairy products.

What's more, China is rumored to also impose tariffs on imported large-displacement fuel vehicles. This series of countermeasures is undoubtedly a stern warning to the EU.

However, the role of the United States in this Sino-European trade war is rather delicate. At a time of tension between China and Europe, Hatton, the head of the U.S. Dairy Export Council, made a surprise visit to China, and the message behind this action is huge.

Hatton made it clear that the U.S. industry attaches great importance to the Chinese market and hopes to establish a long-term cooperative relationship with China. This not only raises speculation as to whether the United States is already preparing for a possible market vacancy in the EU?

In today's economic globalization, China's position as the "world's factory" is becoming more and more stable. China's continued economic growth and expanding international influence have made any attempt to challenge this position costly.

The trade war between China and the EU will undoubtedly have a significant impact on the economic interests of both sides. However, in this game, the United States seems to see an opportunity.

The Chinese side skillfully exerted pressure, and the United States unexpectedly compromised: the EU became the new loser in the tariff war

The United States has always been an important trading partner and export market for China, and the stability of bilateral economic and trade relations is also of great significance to the United States.

So when the American Dairy Association, a politically influential body, expresses a desire for a long-term relationship with China, we have to think about the deeper implications behind it.

Does this mean that the United States is trying to indirectly influence the course of the Sino-European trade war by strengthening economic and trade ties with China?

When we look back at history, we will find that a similar plot has played out in Australia. During the Morrison administration, Australia blindly pandered to the US strategy of containing China, which led to a sharp deterioration in Sino-Australian relations and a serious blow to Australia's exports.

The United States, on the other hand, quickly seized the Australian market in China, making Australia pay a heavy price. Now, in the tariff war between China and the EU, we seem to be seeing similar signs. Will the United States once again take advantage of the fire to seize the European market in China? It's all going to be interesting to see.

Returning to the Sino-EU trade war itself, it is not difficult to find that Europe has fallen into a passive position in this game. China's three major countermeasures are aimed directly at Europe's main exports, including dairy, automobiles and pork.

Exporting countries in these areas, such as Germany, Poland, France, etc., will be the first to be hit. In the face of China's tough countermeasures, panic has begun to rise in Europe. German Vice Chancellor Habeck's visit to China also reflects Europe's concern about China's countermeasures and its desire for peace.

The Chinese side skillfully exerted pressure, and the United States unexpectedly compromised: the EU became the new loser in the tariff war

However, the biggest losers in this trade war may not be Europe, but those countries that are trying to challenge China's status as the "world's factory".

The resilience of China's economy and the expansion of its international influence make any attempt to crush China through a trade war costly. And in this game, can the United States be the biggest winner? It will take time to observe.

As the July 4 date for the implementation of Europe's tax hike approaches, tensions in the Sino-European trade war are intensifying. However, in this game, we have to think about one question: who will be the biggest winner? Will the United States seize the opportunity to seize the market, or will China defend its interests through countermeasures? Or is Europe choosing to turn back at the last minute? The answer to all this will be revealed in the near future.

In this intricate trade war, each country is playing for its own benefit. However, the final outcome will depend on the wisdom and decision-making of all parties.

For China, safeguarding its own interests and defending its status as the "world's factory" is an unswerving goal. For the United States and Europe, how to protect their own interests while avoiding greater losses will be an important issue for them.

In this Sino-European trade war, the role and intentions of the United States undoubtedly deserve our in-depth attention. The amount of information behind the arrival of the US business plane to China is huge, and it may be that the United States is trying to find the greatest interests in this game.

The Chinese side skillfully exerted pressure, and the United States unexpectedly compromised: the EU became the new loser in the tariff war

However, what will be the end result? We'll see.

Whatever the outcome, this trade war will be an important event in the international political and economic landscape. It will not only affect relations between China and Europe, but could also have far-reaching implications for the global economic landscape.

Therefore, we need to keep a close eye on the progress of this trade war in order to respond to the challenges and opportunities that may arise in a timely manner.

In this game, every country needs to assess the situation and make informed decisions. And for us ordinary people, it is more necessary to remain calm and rational, and not be swayed by emotions and prejudices.

Only in this way can we find the right direction in a complex and ever-changing international environment and seek the greatest interests for ourselves and our country.

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