
Facts have proved that Tu Lei, who is "invincible", has finally paid the price for his actions

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Facts have proved that Tu Lei, who is "invincible", has finally paid the price for his actions
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Facts have proved that Tu Lei, who is "invincible", has finally paid the price for his actions

On an ordinary night in 2021, a voice that was both familiar and unfamiliar echoed in the webcast room. Tu Lei, who was once known for his sharp comments, is enthusiastically promoting various products to the audience.

From a CCTV host to an online anchor, Tu Lei's transformation is embarrassing. What is the reason that this once "unbeatable" host has come to this point? Let's go back in time and uncover Tu Lei's ups and downs and dramatic life journey.

In 2010, a new variety show "Love Defense" was born, like a whirlwind sweeping across the country. In the show, a host named Tu Lei quickly became the focus of the audience's attention with his sharp and unique insights and merciless comments.

Different from the gentle persuasion of other emotional experts, Tu Lei's comments always hit the nail on the head. This unique style has made him one of the most influential presenters in China in a short period of time.

Facts have proved that Tu Lei, who is "invincible", has finally paid the price for his actions

Tu Lei's eloquence is as sharp as a knife, but it is also as warm as spring. After experiencing his "reprimand", many viewers not only felt angry, but suddenly realized that they would express their gratitude afterwards.

This unique charm has won Tu Lei a large number of loyal fans, and the ratings of his show have been climbing.

With the growth of fame, Tu Lei's worth has also risen. The "Half past Nine" program team offered a high price of 500,000 yuan with an annual salary to invite him to join. This number not only made Tu Lei excited, but also made his self-confidence swell to an unprecedented height.

He came to believe that his words were the truth and that he could judge others as he pleased.

Facts have proved that Tu Lei, who is "invincible", has finally paid the price for his actions

However, fame also brought controversy. In 2010, in the program "Quack Popcorn", Tu Lei made a sharp comment on the writer Han Han, who was at the peak of his career at the time, calling him "a 'mad dog' with rich connotations".

This remark immediately caused an uproar on the Internet, and many viewers expressed dissatisfaction with Tu Lei's words and deeds. You must know that Han Han was named one of the "100 most influential people in the world" by Time Magazine at that time.

In the face of the surging doubts, Tu Lei didn't seem to care. He is well versed in the truth that "black and red are also red", and believes that this kind of controversy will only make him more topical.

In his opinion, it is this outspoken personality that is his magic weapon to attract fans.

Facts have proved that Tu Lei, who is "invincible", has finally paid the price for his actions

However, Tu Lei didn't realize that this kind of unrestrained remarks were quietly planting the root cause. His arrogance began to be revealed, not only in the show, but also in private.

Looking back, Tu Lei once sighed in an interview: "At that time, I was like standing at the top of the world, and I felt that I could do anything. I can judge others as much as I want without worrying about any consequences.

However, what he failed to foresee was that after the pinnacle of his career, a sudden Waterloo awaited him. The once sharp "emotional master" was finally pushed off the altar by his words and deeds.

This glorious but controversial period has become the brightest and most ironic chapter of Tu Lei's career.

Facts have proved that Tu Lei, who is "invincible", has finally paid the price for his actions

In Tu Lei's career, the transformation from a radio anchor to a TV celebrity can be called an important turning point. Let's rewind the clock to the days when he first entered the radio.

When he first joined the radio, Tu Lei was just an unknown anchor. However, his unique hosting style quickly caught the attention of his audience. In emotional programs, Tu Lei is not as soft-spoken as other anchors, but outspoken, and even sometimes sharp and mean.

This style has earned him the title of "the most poisonous streamer".

"I don't think comfort is the right way to solve problems," Mr. Tu said in an interview, "and sometimes it's the right criticism to wake people up."

Facts have proved that Tu Lei, who is "invincible", has finally paid the price for his actions

This unique point of view makes him stand out among many emotional anchors.

However, Tu Lei's style has also caused him trouble. Once, a listener broke into the radio station with a knife after being "reprimanded" by him. Fortunately, the incident was eventually settled, but it also made the radio management aware of the potential risks of Tu Lei's style.

It was during his work at the radio station that Tu Lei met his beloved, "Little Maruko". At that time, Xiao Maruko was in a confused period of life, and Tu Lei's show was like a beacon, pointing out the direction for her.

Although Tu Lei initially rejected Maruko's confession for financial reasons, Maruko's thoughtfulness and concern eventually moved him.

Facts have proved that Tu Lei, who is "invincible", has finally paid the price for his actions

Xiao Maruko often takes the initiative to pay for Tu Lei, who is financially strained, and even buys him cigarettes. This selfless care deeply touched Tu Lei. The relationship between the two became deeper and deeper day and night, and finally achieved positive results, and they entered the marriage hall in a low-key manner in 2009.

In 2006, Tu Lei successfully entered the TV circle with his excellent hosting talent. He has hosted many popular programs such as "No Paint, No Pleasure", "Very Observation" and "Quack Popcorn".

Tu Lei's sharp comments sparked heated discussions across the country, and his fame also rose.

"At that time, I felt like I had become famous overnight," Tu recalled, with a glint in his eyes, "and countless people were chasing me and appreciating my words every day."

Facts have proved that Tu Lei, who is "invincible", has finally paid the price for his actions

It's a really wonderful feeling.

However, just when Tu Lei was intoxicated with the joy of fame, he didn't realize that overconfidence was quietly changing his way of life. The young man who once fought tirelessly for his dreams is being consumed by fame and vanity.

Tu Lei's remarks became more and more sharp, and he began to point at the guests' noses and make severe accusations on the show. This attitude aroused strong dissatisfaction among the audience, and many people believed that Tu Lei's uniqueness lies in his "to the point" sincere remarks, rather than the "domineering" way of criticism.

However, Tu Lei, who was immersed in success, did not realize his change. He continued to host the show in his own way, enjoying the audience's following, but ignoring the doubts that gradually coalesced around him.

Facts have proved that Tu Lei, who is "invincible", has finally paid the price for his actions

This self-confidence and arrogant attitude eventually became a major hidden danger in his career, laying the groundwork for Waterloo in the future.

Behind Tu Lei's glamorous hosting career, what few people know is his early hard work. When he graduated from high school, Tu Lei had a dream of becoming a broadcast host, but his parents thought that computer science was more promising.

Faced with the insistence of his parents, the young Tu Lei had no choice but to compromise and chose the path of computers, which he did not love.

After graduating from university, Tu Lei successfully entered the bank work. On the surface, the job is stable and decent, and it seems to indicate that he will live a plain and comfortable life.

Facts have proved that Tu Lei, who is "invincible", has finally paid the price for his actions

However, the 9-to-5 days soon made Tu Lei feel deeply tired. "At that time, I was like a precision machine, repeating the same work every day," Tu Lei recalled, with a little regret for the past in his eyes, "I knew that this was not the life I wanted."

With his dedication to his ideals, Tu Lei made a bold decision - to quit his job in the bank and devote himself to the sales industry. This decision puzzled his family, but Tu Lei firmly believed that only by following his inner voice could he find the true value of life.

In the sales position, Tu Lei quickly emerged with his outstanding eloquence and tenacious perseverance. His performance won the appreciation of his superiors, and he was soon given the opportunity to be promoted.

However, the road to success is never easy. Just when Tu Lei's career was just improving, he suffered the first heavy blow in his life.

Facts have proved that Tu Lei, who is "invincible", has finally paid the price for his actions

A person who claimed to be a friend recommended a "high-return" investment project to Tu Lei. Tu Lei, who tasted success for the first time, was blinded by the temptation of huge interests, and did not hesitate to invest all the hard-earned 500,000 yuan.

However, this so-called friend disappeared without a trace immediately after receiving the money, leaving Tu Lei alone with remorse.

"That was the first pot of gold in my life," Tu Lei said, his tone full of self-deprecation, "It was also my most painful lesson." "

This failure made Tu Lei fall into a trough for a while, but it also made him understand the cruelty of life. However, the blows of life did not break the young man. He quickly adjusted his mindset and re-embarked on the road of job search.

Facts have proved that Tu Lei, who is "invincible", has finally paid the price for his actions

By chance, Tu Lei learned that a radio station was expanding its project and urgently needed talents to join. This news is undoubtedly a ray of light for Tu Lei. With a passion for the hosting career, he resolutely went to the interview and successfully got the job with his rich experience and excellent eloquence.

It was this experience that shaped Tu Lei's later "poisonous tongue" but not lacking in sympathy. He is well aware of the ups and downs of life, so when he comments on others, although his words are sharp, he always gets to the point and helps people recognize reality.

This arduous struggle has laid a solid foundation for Tu Lei's future success in the hosting industry.

With the growth of fame, Tu Lei's words and deeds have become more and more eye-catching. However, he seems to have forgotten the humility at the beginning of his fame, and his words and deeds reveal more and more arrogance.

Facts have proved that Tu Lei, who is "invincible", has finally paid the price for his actions

In 2019, an indecent behavior of Tu Lei on the plane sparked widespread controversy. Some passengers took photos of Tu Lei putting his feet on the cabin wall, and it spread on the Internet.

The act immediately caused a public outcry, with many accusing Tu of lacking public morality.

In the face of the surging doubts, Tu Lei gave an unexpected explanation: he said that he suffered from varicose veins, which he did to promote blood circulation.

However, instead of calming public outrage, this explanation has made more people doubt his character.

Facts have proved that Tu Lei, who is "invincible", has finally paid the price for his actions

The more fatal blow came from an episode of "Love Defense". At that time, a male guest was severely criticized by Tu Lei for "eating soft rice". Tu Lei used his usual sharp tone to accuse the male guest of being unmotivated and completely dependent on his girlfriend for support.

This was supposed to be an ordinary program review, but it unexpectedly became a turning point in Tu Lei's career.

Unexpectedly, just a few days later, the male guest who was severely criticized by Tu Lei appeared on the stage of another blind date show "If You Are Honest, Do Not Disturb".

What's even more surprising is that he not only changed his name, but also changed his appearance and outfit, seemingly to avoid being recognized by the audience.

Facts have proved that Tu Lei, who is "invincible", has finally paid the price for his actions

This coincidence immediately raised questions from viewers about the authenticity of the show. People began to speculate whether there was a "script" for "Love Defense", and whether Tu Lei's sharp comments were just performances to create topics.

For a time, the discussion about the authenticity of the program on the Internet was overwhelming, and Tu Lei's credibility was challenged like never before.

In the face of doubts and criticism, Tu Lei felt unprecedented pressure. "During that time, I often couldn't sleep at night," Tu recalled, with a deep exhaustion in his eyes, "and I began to doubt myself and wonder if all the hard work I had worked so hard for so many years was worth it."

This series of incidents has seriously damaged Tu Lei's credibility. The image of the former "emotional master" began to crumble, and his rhetoric was no longer as convincing as it once was.

Facts have proved that Tu Lei, who is "invincible", has finally paid the price for his actions

Under the pressure of public opinion, Tu Lei finally chose to quit the hosting world, ending his brilliant but controversial hosting career.

In 2021, when people heard Tu Lei's voice again, he had transformed into an online anchor. The former "emotional master" is now standing in the live broadcast room, enthusiastically recommending various products to the audience.

This shift came as a surprise to many and sparked a lot of discussion.

However, Tu Lei does not seem to have learned from the lessons of the past. In the live broadcast, he still maintains that high-minded attitude, and the way he treats the staff is still aggressive.

Facts have proved that Tu Lei, who is "invincible", has finally paid the price for his actions

Once, he even warned the platform during the live broadcast "Do not follow my live broadcast room", which undoubtedly makes people feel confused and uncomfortable.

What's even more surprising is that Tu Lei promoted some "three nos" products with questionable quality in the live broadcast. When the product provided by the brand obviously lacked relevant proof, although he was disdainful, he still strongly recommended the purchase to fans.

This behavior is in stark contrast to the principles of honesty and trustworthiness and life that he has advocated in the past on the show.

This shift has disappointed many former fans. Tu Lei, who used to be sharp and outspoken, now seems to have become a slave to money. His words and deeds are very different from the image of the past, and people can't help but sigh at the ruthlessness of the years.

Facts have proved that Tu Lei, who is "invincible", has finally paid the price for his actions

"Maybe this is the arrangement of fate," Tu Lei said with a wry smile in an interview, "From the host to the anchor with goods, my life seems to have gone in a big circle and returned to the starting point."

Despite this, we still hope that Tu Lei can find a life path that suits him, regain his original intention, and become the sincere, sharp and responsible Tu Lei.

After all, in the hearts of the audience, the image of the "emotional master" who talked eloquently on the stage of "Love Defense" is still so vivid and unforgettable.

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