
It is undeniable that the host Meng Fei, who has gradually disappeared, has embarked on another avenue

author:Madoka chats about interesting things
It is undeniable that the host Meng Fei, who has gradually disappeared, has embarked on another avenue
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It is undeniable that the host Meng Fei, who has gradually disappeared, has embarked on another avenue

In the memory of the audience, Meng Fei is the host with a sparkling bald head and witty words. With his unique personal charm and talent, he became popular all over the country with the program "If You Are Honest, Do Not Disturb", and became the leader of Jiangsu Satellite TV.

However, in recent years, the former "variety show brother" seems to have quietly faded out of public view. Except for "Do Not Disturb", it is difficult for people to see him in other shows.

This contrast has puzzled many fans: Has Meng Fei been "hidden"? Has his talent faded? In fact, the talented host did not disappear, but quietly embarked on a very different life path and opened a new and wonderful chapter.

Meng Fei's life trajectory can be called an inspirational legend. After the college entrance examination, with a dream, he resolutely went to Shenzhen to work. However, the reality was far more difficult than he imagined, and he soon realized the importance of academic qualifications.

It is undeniable that the host Meng Fei, who has gradually disappeared, has embarked on another avenue

So, Meng Fei started a painstaking self-study process, studying textbooks day and night. With extraordinary perseverance and ingenuity, he eventually succeeded in obtaining a degree from Nanjing Normal University.

With this hard-won diploma, Meng Fei successfully stepped into the door of Jiangsu TV. However, the gap between ideals and reality once again gave him a blow to the head: when he first entered the workplace, he had to start from the grassroots level, and carrying cameras and running errands became commonplace.

But Meng Fei was not discouraged, but studied harder, and followed the master photographer to learn shooting and editing techniques like a sponge absorbing water.

Hard work pays off. With his talent and hard work, Meng Fei successfully filmed the high-profile feature film "Western Regions", which won high praise from the director.

It is undeniable that the host Meng Fei, who has gradually disappeared, has embarked on another avenue

This success opened a new door for him and gave him more opportunities to display his talents. Taking advantage of the victory, he produced two documentary series, "Running to Atlanta" and "Flying to Atlanta", which not only received praise in Taiwan, but also won the second prize in the national TV feature film selection.

Meng Fei's talent has finally been fully demonstrated and recognized.

However, the road to success is never easy. Long-term work pressure and irregular life and rest led to Meng Fei's hair loss problem. Faced with this dilemma, he resolutely shaved his hair, a seemingly simple decision that would become his signature image in the future.

Meng Fei's efforts and talent finally ushered in a bigger stage. He was appointed as the host of the important news column "Nanjing Zero Distance". With his unique hosting style and simple expression, Meng Fei has made this show one of the most popular news programs in Jiangsu.

It is undeniable that the host Meng Fei, who has gradually disappeared, has embarked on another avenue

Audiences praised him for his approachability, ability to accurately grasp social hotspots, and interpret complex social issues in an easy-to-understand way.

Meng Fei's professionalism is even more admirable. According to statistics, he has only taken one leave for nine consecutive years, and this kind of focus and dedication has made him firmly sit on the throne of the "pillar" of Jiangsu TV Station.

From a working boy with dreams to the mainstay of the TV station, Meng Fei has used his practical actions to interpret what real talent and hard work are.

However, this was only the beginning of Meng Fei's brilliant life. With the broadcast of "If You Are Honest, Do Not Disturb", his career ushered in a new peak. With its unique form and Meng Fei's wise and humorous hosting style, this marriage and love show quickly became the sought after object of the national audience.

It is undeniable that the host Meng Fei, who has gradually disappeared, has embarked on another avenue

Meng Fei's talent has been fully demonstrated on this stage, and his success has not only promoted the vigorous development of the show, but also pushed himself to the ranks of first-line hosts.

Standing at the pinnacle of his career, Meng Fei was not satisfied with the status quo. He was well versed in the wisdom of "don't put all your eggs in one basket" and began to diversify his career.

This talented host is determined to make a difference in the business world.

First of all, Meng Fei founded a media company solely with his contacts and experience accumulated over the years. This move not only broadened his career horizon, but also laid a solid foundation for future development.

It is undeniable that the host Meng Fei, who has gradually disappeared, has embarked on another avenue

However, Meng Fei's ambitions don't stop there.

With a keen sense of smell, he set his sights on the burgeoning restaurant industry. In 2014, Meng Fei spent a huge amount of money to open his first restaurant, "Meng Fei's Small Noodles".

He is confident that his fame and quality products will attract a large number of customers. However, reality gave him a slap in the face. Although the environment and service of the restaurant are top-notch, many diners are deterred by the high prices.

The price of a bowl of noodles is often twenty or thirty yuan, which made this restaurant, which has entrusted Meng Fei's hard work, quickly fall into business difficulties.

It is undeniable that the host Meng Fei, who has gradually disappeared, has embarked on another avenue

This defeat did not bring down Meng Fei. He chalked it up to his lack of visibility and was determined to keep up with it. In 2017, he joined hands with the famous actor Huang Lei to open the "Huangliang One Dream" hot pot restaurant.

However, history seems to be repeating itself again. Despite the blessing of the halo of stars, the high price has once again become a stumbling block. A hairy belly is as high as 198 yuan, far exceeding the price of ordinary hot pot restaurants.

Even if the price is reduced significantly later based on customer feedback, it is difficult to recover the decline. Eventually, the ambitious project was short-lived.

In the face of successive setbacks, Meng Fei was not discouraged. He began to reflect on whether he was really a good fit for the restaurant industry, and at the same time set his sights on the emerging field of live webcasting.

It is undeniable that the host Meng Fei, who has gradually disappeared, has embarked on another avenue

However, the lack of script and post-editing of the live broadcast format made Meng Fei, who was accustomed to careful preparation, feel uncomfortable. Despite his considerable income, he knows that momentary gains are not enough to offset the reputation he has accumulated over the years.

After weighing it repeatedly, Meng Fei finally chose to quit the live broadcast industry.

Although this series of cross-border attempts did not achieve the expected success, it made Meng Fei more clearly aware of his advantages and limitations. These valuable experiences laid the groundwork for his future career transformation and made him think more deeply about life.

The successive entrepreneurial failures brought a lot of blows to Meng Fei. He used to be beautiful, but at this time he had to face the cruelty of reality. Just when Meng Fei was at a low point in his career, a sudden illness sent him to the hospital.

It is undeniable that the host Meng Fei, who has gradually disappeared, has embarked on another avenue

In the days when he was sick in bed, Meng Fei had plenty of time to review his life. He recalls the days when he was younger and traveled around to make ends meet, realizing that he missed out on too many precious moments with his family.

This period of recuperation became a turning point in Meng Fei's life. He began to reevaluate his lifestyle and career direction. The once hard-working and tireless "Meng Fei" seems to be getting farther and farther away from him.

Instead, there is a "new Mengfei" who aspires to balance work and life and pursue true inner satisfaction.

After recovering and being discharged from the hospital, Meng Fei seemed to be a different person. He began to take the initiative to reduce his exposure to variety shows, and only kept his favorite "If You Are Honest, Do Not Disturb". Instead of putting all his energy into his work, he began to enjoy life and cherish every moment with his family.

It is undeniable that the host Meng Fei, who has gradually disappeared, has embarked on another avenue

The precipitation during this period of time allowed Meng Fei to regain the balance of his life. He realized that true success is not only about having a successful career, but also about living the lifestyle he wants.

This realization pointed out the direction for the rest of his life.

Meng Fei's transformation surprised many people. For him, however, it's a journey back to the basics. Instead of chasing vanity and fortune, he began to look for things that would truly make him feel happy and satisfied.

This decision not only changed Meng Fei's life, but also opened a new chapter in his career.

It is undeniable that the host Meng Fei, who has gradually disappeared, has embarked on another avenue

After repositioning the direction of his life, Meng Fei started a new journey. He no longer limits himself to the identity of the host, but explores the beauty of life as an ordinary person.

Meng Fei began to travel around, feeling the customs of different places with his heart. It's no longer about running around for work, it's about really experiencing life. He wandered the old alleys, tasted the food of various places, and listened to the stories of the locals.

These experiences have enriched his heart and brought new inspiration to his hosting work.

In the process, Meng Fei came up with an idea: why not share these wonderful travel experiences with more people? As a result, the online variety show "Let's Go Lao Meng" came into being.

It is undeniable that the host Meng Fei, who has gradually disappeared, has embarked on another avenue

This show records Meng Fei's travel experience from a unique perspective, which not only allows the audience to see a real and down-to-earth Meng Fei, but also conveys his thoughts and insights on life.

In the show, Meng Fei is no longer the glamorous host, but an approachable traveler. He talks to the locals and experiences all sorts of new things, sometimes with humor, sometimes with deep thought.

This real and natural state allows the audience to see a new Meng Fei, and also allows them to gain a new understanding of life.

At the same time, Meng Fei did not completely let go of his presiding work. He put more energy into "If You Are Honest, Do Not Disturb", the show he knows and loves the most. Years of experience and thinking have made his performance in the show more calm, and his insights into emotional issues have become more profound.

It is undeniable that the host Meng Fei, who has gradually disappeared, has embarked on another avenue

He is no longer just a host, but more like a wise life mentor, guiding young people.

This new way of life has allowed Meng Fei to find a work-life balance. He is no longer the "old scalper" who works hard for his career, but a wise man who knows how to enjoy life and return to his heart.

On his personal Weibo, Meng Fei often shares his daily life, from a bowl of authentic noodles to a spiritual insight, which has become a topic of communication between him and fans.

This change not only made Meng Fei feel happy, but also affected the people around him and the audience. Many people have been inspired by Meng Fei's experience and have begun to think about the direction of their lives.

It is undeniable that the host Meng Fei, who has gradually disappeared, has embarked on another avenue

He used his actions to tell everyone: life is not only about career success, but also about inner wealth and satisfaction.

Meng Fei's new journey is another sublimation of his life. In his own way, he interprets what true success is, and shows many people a path to find themselves and return to their roots.

Looking back on Meng Fei's life history, we can clearly see his growth trajectory: from the "desperate Saburo" who struggled tirelessly when he was young, to the wise man who learned to enjoy life and balance work and family in middle age.

This transformation is a vivid embodiment of Meng Fei's philosophy of life.

It is undeniable that the host Meng Fei, who has gradually disappeared, has embarked on another avenue

Meng Fei's success stems from his talent and hard work, but more importantly, he knows how to adjust his direction in time. When he found that the catering industry was not suitable for him, he decisively gave up; When he realized that his life was out of balance, he resolutely changed.

This spirit of timely stop loss and courage to try is the key to his ability to continue to break through himself.

Today's Meng Fei is still hosting "If You Are Honest, Do Not Disturb", and the media company has also brought him considerable benefits. But in his view, the most valuable asset is the wisdom of life accumulated over the years.

He used his own experience to tell us that success in life is not only about how much you have achieved, but also about whether you can find a lifestyle that suits you and find a balance between work and life.

It is undeniable that the host Meng Fei, who has gradually disappeared, has embarked on another avenue

Meng Fei's philosophy of life can be summarized as: unremitting efforts, courage to try, know how to adjust, and live a true self. His experience has taught us that success is not static, it changes the definition as the individual grows and the times change.

True wisdom lies in being able to recognize oneself and find the most suitable path in life.

This is what Meng Fei taught us: on the road of life, we must not only have the determination to move forward, but also have the wisdom to adapt to changes. Only in this way can we find a wonderful life path of our own in a complex world.

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