
Shop Feng Shui: What objects can't be faced by the store door? How do I determine the orientation of the store?

author:Qingyin Taoist people say feng shui

The process of determining the orientation of a shop involves the understanding and application of Feng Shui, as well as practical considerations of the business environment, which are mainly based on mental hygiene and environmental hygiene considerations. The following is an introduction to how to determine the direction of the store:

Shop Feng Shui: What objects can't be faced by the store door? How do I determine the orientation of the store?

1. Why can't the store door face the hoodoo

1. From the perspective of mental health, inauspicious buildings will have a negative psychological impact on people. For example, hospitals and funeral homes are often associated with illness and death, which can be unsettling. Chimneys and toilets are reminiscent of pollution and filth. The store doors are facing these buildings, which can cause customers to feel disgusted and affect their willingness to patronize.

2. From the perspective of environmental hygiene, inauspicious buildings will produce noise, odor and other adverse environmental factors, which will affect the comfort of the surrounding environment of the store, and then affect the physical and mental health of business and employees.

Shop Feng Shui: What objects can't be faced by the store door? How do I determine the orientation of the store?

Therefore, when selecting a site, you should avoid opening in areas with inauspicious buildings as much as possible. If for some reason it is necessary to set up a store in such an area, then the design should consider using screens and other partitions to block undesirable air flow, and at the same time, in the choice of door direction, should try to face the direction that Feng Shui considers to be superior qi, in order to create a good business environment, promote business prosperity, and protect the health of employees.

Shop Feng Shui: What objects can't be faced by the store door? How do I determine the orientation of the store?

2. How to determine the direction of the store

1. Understand the principle of mutual growth and restraint of the five elements: In traditional Chinese feng shui, the five elements are metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, and there is a relationship between them. According to this principle, different industries are suitable for different directions. For example, the wood industry is suitable for the east or north direction, the fire property industry is suitable for the south or east direction, the earth property industry is suitable for the center or southwest direction, the metal industry is suitable for the west or north direction, and the water property industry is suitable for the north or southeast direction.

Shop Feng Shui: What objects can't be faced by the store door? How do I determine the orientation of the store?

2. Analyze customer flow: The rise and fall of a store depends on the customer, therefore, the door direction of the store should consider the direction of customer flow. Ideally, the door of the store faces the main flow of customers, which maximizes customer attraction.

3. Consider the location: The location of the store has a significant impact on the door orientation. If the building orientation of the store is already determined, such as the south facing north or the west facing east, the orientation of the store may need to be adjusted to this restriction.

Shop Feng Shui: What objects can't be faced by the store door? How do I determine the orientation of the store?

4. Balancing Feng Shui taboos: In practice, you will encounter some Feng Shui taboos, such as not facing north or east. If the location of the store and the flow of customers are pointing in these directions, you can consider using the principle of yin and yang and the five elements of mutual restraint to resolve it. For example, balance these taboos by placing corresponding feng shui items inside the store, or adjusting the design and layout of the store.

5. Physical environmental factors: In addition to feng shui factors, you also need to consider physical environmental factors, such as sun exposure, wind direction, surrounding environment, etc., which will affect the comfort of the store and the experience of customers.

6. Professional advice: When deciding on the direction of the store, you can consult a professional feng shui master or architect, who can provide professional advice according to the specific situation.

Shop Feng Shui: What objects can't be faced by the store door? How do I determine the orientation of the store?

In conclusion, determining the orientation of the store is a process that takes into account Feng Shui, customer flow, location, and physical environmental factors. Merchants should determine the best sitting direction according to their actual situation and needs, combined with professional advice. How to determine the direction of the store to sit