
Professor of Peking University: It is recommended that young people do not lie flat and continue to roll! Only volumes can succeed

author:Calm red maple leaves

Young man, are you lying flat? Don't lie flat, you have to continue to roll, only the roll can succeed, only the roll can see hope, only the roll can create wealth, otherwise you can only be abandoned by this society.

Professor of Peking University: It is recommended that young people do not lie flat and continue to roll! Only volumes can succeed

Recently, the words of Peking University professor Yao Yang have aroused heated discussions among young people. He suggested that young people should not choose to "lie flat", but should continue to "roll", believing that only in this way can they achieve results and succeed in this highly competitive society. The question is for us young people, how to find a balance between "rolling" and "lying flat", and find our own path?

In today's society, young people are facing various challenges and pressures, among which the words "lying flat" and "involution" have become hot topics. Yao Yang, a professor at Peking University, put forward his views in a speech: young people should not choose to lie flat, but should continue to "involute", but face it with a peaceful mind.

Professor of Peking University: It is recommended that young people do not lie flat and continue to roll! Only volumes can succeed

Many people didn't know what the Internet terms "lying flat" and "rolling" meant before, but they only knew what was going on when they saw a lot of people saying it, plus some experts and professors' interpretations.

"Lying flat" is to give up hard work and hard work, choose to return to nature, return to yourself, and live a simple and quiet life, and everything outside has nothing to do with me.

What is "involution"? To put it simply, "involution" is to constantly invest more time and energy in the fierce competition to get better results or status.

Professor of Peking University: It is recommended that young people do not lie flat and continue to roll! Only volumes can succeed

For many young people nowadays, money and wealth have been earned by their parents, and with these capitals, many young people no longer need to create them, which may also be one of the reasons.

But many people will say that I have worked hard, and I have worked hard, but in the end I will lose all my money, and even be in debt, and choose to "lie flat" in the face of the pressure of the bank and those debt collections, and some people can't stand it in their hearts, and choose an extreme way to cut their lives, I really can't see hope, what can I do if I don't lie flat?

However, Professor Yao Yang believes that if young people really choose to lie flat, they may miss out on many opportunities, and the world will leave them as a result.

Professor of Peking University: It is recommended that young people do not lie flat and continue to roll! Only volumes can succeed

In fact, what the professor said also has a certain amount of truth, but he just stands on a different position, has a different status, and has a different identity, and even many netizens say that these so-called experts and professors are sitting in the air-conditioned room and talking on paper, imagining out of thin air, have they gone to the grassroots to take a look, and have they really understood the lives of the grassroots people?

It's not that an aunt faced the reporter and said that the young people are very pitiful nowadays, and suggested not to raise the salary of the retired elderly, they are 4~5,000 per month, and some are more than 7~8,000, they have enough to live, and they can't use it up at all, so they save these wages for young people.

Professor of Peking University: It is recommended that young people do not lie flat and continue to roll! Only volumes can succeed

In fact, this aunt's heart is good, but now the social phenomenon is that there are a few elderly people who think like her, 99% of the old people think that the pension is small, and what is the dedication to the society for decades, so much. This is human nature, and it is only from the perspective of one's own interests, and it does not consider anything else at all.

Think about it, the competition in modern society is becoming increasingly fierce, and young people need to face multiple pressures such as employment, supporting their families, buying houses and cars, etc. Many college students can't find a job after graduation, and they may need to put in more effort to fight for opportunities, but they often get less than the salary of retired seniors, and many enterprises do not buy social security.

Professor of Peking University: It is recommended that young people do not lie flat and continue to roll! Only volumes can succeed

In some areas, the cost of living, such as housing prices and prices, is rising, putting huge financial pressure on young people. They may need to take on high mortgages, car loans and other debts, and their lives are extremely stressful, even extreme.

What to do? It's not that young people don't work hard, it's the current environment that forces them to work 12 hours a day, and they can't even afford to buy a house after working hard all their lives.

In addition to material stress, young people also face mental stress. They need to adapt to the rapidly changing social environment and continue to learn and grow. At the same time, they also need to deal with complex matters such as interpersonal and emotional issues, which can cause them stress and distress.

Professor of Peking University: It is recommended that young people do not lie flat and continue to roll! Only volumes can succeed

When there is a positive relationship between the effort and the return, I believe that young people will be enthusiastic about the struggle, and their creativity will continue to emerge, bringing many beneficial ideas and contributions to society. Such an environment can not only stimulate the potential of young people, but also inject a steady stream of vitality into the development of society.

Nowadays, young people are down-looking and don't want to move, physical health is important, just enough to eat, what 12-hour work, a month without a day and not much back. At present, it is becoming more and more difficult to realize the dream of making a fortune. Therefore, the number of people who choose to move forward with a heavy load is relatively decreasing, while the number of people who pursue a quiet and stable life is gradually increasing. This change reflects the rethinking and adjustment of young people's attitudes towards life.

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