
At the age of 19, he gave up his college studies and fell in love with Zhang Yimou, and for him to raise children, Chen Ting's successful life

author:Yuxuan Literary Society
At the age of 19, he gave up his college studies and fell in love with Zhang Yimou, and for him to raise children, Chen Ting's successful life
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At the age of 19, he gave up his college studies and fell in love with Zhang Yimou, and for him to raise children, Chen Ting's successful life

The sun shines through the curtains and sprinkles on Xiao Hua's busy figure. As usual, she carefully sorted out her husband Zhang Yimou's clothes. Suddenly, a letter that had been carefully hidden slipped out of his pocket.

Xiao Hua's heart was beating faster, and he unfolded the letter with trembling hands. The familiar handwriting came into view, but it belonged to another woman - Gong Li.

This accidentally discovered love letter was like a heavy blow, instantly shattering Xiao Hua's illusions about marriage. Her face turned pale from shock, and her heart welled with unspeakable pain.

This letter not only unveiled the mystery of Zhang Yimou's complex emotional world, but also became the fuse that changed the fate of many people. From this moment on, Zhang Yimou's life trajectory began a dramatic turn, and this was only the prelude to his emotional journey.

At the age of 19, he gave up his college studies and fell in love with Zhang Yimou, and for him to raise children, Chen Ting's successful life

In 1950, the ancient capital of Xi'an ushered in an ordinary but destined extraordinary life. Zhang Yimou, the name that shocked the Chinese and foreign film circles in the future, first sounded in this thousand-year-old city.

His father, Zhang Bingjun, served as a quartermaster in the Kuomintang army, and after liberation, he was transferred to the Shaanxi Provincial Agriculture and Forestry Bureau. My mother worked as a doctor at the Second Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University, comforting patients with her hands.

Although Zhang Yimou's childhood was ordinary, his heart burned with a passion for art. In his youthful years, he met Xiao Hua, a girl from the same school. The two young hearts gradually approached in the interweaving of ideals and reality, and finally became married in the arduous life of the countryside.

In order to support Zhang Yimou's dream, Xiao Hua resolutely gave up his university study opportunity. Her selfless dedication has become a beacon on the road to Zhang Yimou's pursuit of his dreams.

At the age of 19, he gave up his college studies and fell in love with Zhang Yimou, and for him to raise children, Chen Ting's successful life

However, fate always likes to play tricks on people. When the country resumed the college entrance examination system, 28-year-old Zhang Yimou seemed to see the hope of realizing his dream. Although he was over the age limit, with Xiao Hua's encouragement and assistance, he still mustered up the courage to embark on the journey to the exam.

In the end, Zhang Yimou was successfully admitted to Beijing Film Academy and started his film life.

From Xi'an to Beijing, from ordinary youth to film academy students, Zhang Yimou's artistic journey began. His eyes flashed with a vision for the future, and his steps were firm and powerful.

However, he never imagined that this road to chasing his dreams would not only bring glory to his career, but also trigger a series of emotional ups and downs.

At the age of 19, he gave up his college studies and fell in love with Zhang Yimou, and for him to raise children, Chen Ting's successful life

During his study career at the Beijing Film Academy, Zhang Yimou was hungry for film knowledge. His talent was quickly recognized by his teachers and classmates. However, as he gets busier at work, he spends less and less time at home.

Xiao Hua, who stayed in Xi'an, silently supported her husband and took care of the family, but she didn't know what kind of blow fate was about to bring her.

Zhang Yimou's artistic dream pursuit is not only a history of one's struggle, but also a life journey full of hopes, challenges and accidents. Every step he took was difficult and determined, paving the way for future glory.

However, behind the success, there is often an embarrassing price.

At the age of 19, he gave up his college studies and fell in love with Zhang Yimou, and for him to raise children, Chen Ting's successful life

In 1987, Zhang Yimou's debut film "Red Sorghum" shook the entire Chinese film industry like a thunderclap. This work not only established his status in the directorial world, but also became the starting point of his emotional entanglement with Gong Li.

On the set of "Red Sorghum", the young and beautiful Gong Li was like a blooming wildflower, which instantly attracted Zhang Yimou's attention. In front of the camera, Gong Li played the role of fierce and passionate; Behind the camera, the two sparked unexpected sparks in their creations.

As the filming deepened, the affection between them quietly grew, and finally crossed the boundary between the director and the actor.

However, the relationship was shrouded in controversy from the start. Gong Li had to bear the infamy of "Little Three" and was under huge pressure from public opinion.

At the age of 19, he gave up his college studies and fell in love with Zhang Yimou, and for him to raise children, Chen Ting's successful life

In the face of criticism from the outside world, she chose to remain silent and protect this hard-won relationship in her own way.

Despite the difficulties, Zhang Yimou and Gong Li still walked through eight years hand in hand. From "Ju Dou" to "Shake, Shake, Shake to Grandma's Bridge", their cooperation has been successful and has left one classic moment after another on the screen.

Every tacit cooperation makes the relationship between the two deeper. Gong Li devoted herself to this relationship, and it seemed that there was only Zhang Yimou in her eyes, as if the whole world was turning because of him.

In the past eight years, Gong Li has not only been Zhang Yimou's muse, but also his staunchest supporter. She silently endured the accusations of the outside world, just to be able to be by the side of her beloved.

At the age of 19, he gave up his college studies and fell in love with Zhang Yimou, and for him to raise children, Chen Ting's successful life

Whenever Zhang Yimou faced a creative bottleneck, Gong Li could always give him the warmest encouragement and support.

However, the reality is always cruel. When Zhang Yimou finally got rid of the shackles of marriage, Gong Li proposed to him with great expectations. She thought that this would be a new beginning for their love.

Who knows, Zhang Yimou responded with a cold sentence "Marriage is just a piece of thin paper", which instantly extinguished the enthusiasm in Gong Li's heart.

This sentence is like a sharp knife, piercing Gong Li's long-standing illusions. She finally realized that her position in Zhang Yimou's heart may not be as important as she imagined.

At the age of 19, he gave up his college studies and fell in love with Zhang Yimou, and for him to raise children, Chen Ting's successful life

With full of disappointment and unwillingness, Gong Li chose to leave.

When Gong Li turned around and left, what was left was an empty set and a silent Zhang Yimou. Although this vigorous relationship ended, it left an indelible mark on Zhang Yimou's artistic career and emotional world.

It has witnessed the pinnacle of their careers, and has also experienced the sweetness and bitterness of love.

After experiencing two unforgettable relationships, 50-year-old Zhang Yimou met 19-year-old Chen Ting. This love, which spans more than 30 years, is like a realistic version of a fairy tale, which is amazing and enviable.

At the age of 19, he gave up his college studies and fell in love with Zhang Yimou, and for him to raise children, Chen Ting's successful life

When we first met, Chen Ting was still a college student with a dream. Her eyes shimmered with a vision for the future and a love for art. When she met Zhang Yimou, she seemed to be attracted by a powerful magnetic field.

Zhang Yimou's talent and charm made Chen Ting unable to extricate herself, and her eyes revealed deep admiration and admiration.

For Zhang Yimou, Chen Ting's youthful vitality and innocence touched his heart full of vicissitudes. In her, he seemed to see the shadow of his youth, the kind of dedication to art and enthusiasm for life.

The age gap between the two does not seem to be an obstacle, but rather makes the relationship even more precious.

At the age of 19, he gave up his college studies and fell in love with Zhang Yimou, and for him to raise children, Chen Ting's successful life

However, love always comes at a price. In order to wholeheartedly support Zhang Yimou's career, Chen Ting made a surprising decision - to give up her university studies.

This choice caused a lot of controversy, but Chen Ting was steadfast. She chose to stand behind the well-known director and support her beloved in her own way.

In the second year after marriage, Chen Ting gave birth to the eldest son Zhang Yinan for the Zhang family, bringing new vitality to the family. Two years later, she gave birth to her second son Zhang Yiding and young daughter Zhang Yijiao.

However, there is also a haze hidden behind happiness. Due to his overbirth, Zhang Yimou was fined more than 7 million yuan. This blow did not shake their relationship, but made the relationship between the two closer.

At the age of 19, he gave up his college studies and fell in love with Zhang Yimou, and for him to raise children, Chen Ting's successful life

In the face of doubts and criticism from the outside world, Chen Ting always stood silently behind Zhang Yimou. She is not only a dutiful wife and mother, but also a strong backing for Zhang Yimou's career.

Whenever Zhang Yimou faced creative pressure, Chen Ting always gave him the warmest support and encouragement.

As time passed, Zhang Yimou also gradually removed the director's shelf and began to show his family life publicly. Every time he attends an important event, he will bring Chen Ting to show their love to the world.

This change allows people to see a more real and humane Zhang Yimou.

At the age of 19, he gave up his college studies and fell in love with Zhang Yimou, and for him to raise children, Chen Ting's successful life

This love that spans age has withstood the test of time, and has also witnessed Chen Ting's transformation from an ignorant girl to a good wife and mother. She interprets the true meaning of love in her own way, proving that the age gap is not an obstacle to true love.

In this relationship, Chen Ting not only found the value of her life, but also brought new vitality to Zhang Yimou's life and career. Her dedication and persistence have brought her a happy family, and Zhang Yimou has a warm harbor at the peak of his career.

This modern version of the "Cinderella" story is not only a good story, but also the best interpretation of true love. The story of Chen Ting and Zhang Yimou makes people believe that the power of love can cross the gap of age and identity and create their own happiness.

While the emotional world is full of ups and downs, Zhang Yimou's achievements in the film industry are like a bright galaxy, shining brightly. As an outstanding representative of the "fifth generation of directors", his works have created an immortal monument in the history of Chinese cinema.

At the age of 19, he gave up his college studies and fell in love with Zhang Yimou, and for him to raise children, Chen Ting's successful life

Zhang Yimou's film style is unique, he skillfully blends profound national cultural heritage with sharp social reflection, and at the same time infuses the concept of cultural root-seeking and innovative cinematic techniques.

His unremitting exploration of the potential of film language, and the ultimate pursuit of composition, imagery and color, present the audience with a soul-shaking audio-visual feast.

From the enthusiasm and unrestrainedness of "Red Sorghum", to the grandeur of "Hero", to the grand epic of "The Great Wall", each of Zhang Yimou's works has attracted widespread attention and has also become popular with many new stars.

His talent has not only won national acclaim, but also international recognition, and he has been awarded honorary doctorates from Boston University and Yale University, demonstrating his high status in the world film industry.

At the age of 19, he gave up his college studies and fell in love with Zhang Yimou, and for him to raise children, Chen Ting's successful life

However, behind the success is hard work. Zhang Yimou often devoted himself to his creation, and this obsession with art was one of the reasons for the failure of his early marriage.

But it was this persistent pursuit of art that forged his legendary status in the film industry.

Zhang Yimou's film career is not only a person's artistic pursuit, but also a microcosm of the rise of Chinese films on the world stage. He uses the lens to tell the story of China, and uses light and shadow to convey oriental aesthetics, so that the world can see a colorful and profound China through his works.

As the children grew up, Chen Ting began to examine the value of her life. She realized that she should not be satisfied with just being Zhang Yimou's wife and mother to her children.

At the age of 19, he gave up his college studies and fell in love with Zhang Yimou, and for him to raise children, Chen Ting's successful life

Deep down, a voice of longing for self-realization grew stronger.

With a thirst for knowledge, Chen Ting picked up the textbook again. She first chose yoga, a field that can not only exercise the body but also cultivate the mind. Through hard study and practice, she successfully obtained the Yoga Teacher Training Qualification.

This achievement has given her great encouragement and ignited her enthusiasm to continue learning.

Taking advantage of the victory, Chen Ting further studied for a master's degree. In the process, she showed amazing perseverance and learning ability, impressing those around her.

At the age of 19, he gave up his college studies and fell in love with Zhang Yimou, and for him to raise children, Chen Ting's successful life

From a girl who gave up her studies for love to a confident and independent intellectual woman today, Chen Ting's transformation is amazing.

Today's Chen Ting has found a balance between family and career. She is not only Zhang Yimou's virtuous helper, taking care of all aspects of the family; She is also a modern woman who pursues self-worth and continues to make progress in her field.

Her growth not only won Zhang Yimou's more respect and love, but also became a role model for children to learn.

Chen Ting's experience tells us that love and self-realization are not in conflict, the key is how to balance and grasp. From the choice of 19 years old without hesitation to today's happiness, Chen Ting has interpreted in her own way what is the real "counterattack in life".

At the age of 19, he gave up his college studies and fell in love with Zhang Yimou, and for him to raise children, Chen Ting's successful life

Her story will undoubtedly inspire more people to bravely pursue their dreams and find their own happiness in love and career.

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