
Outburst! As soon as Lai Qingde's voice fell, in less than 24 hours, the mainland made two actions, which made the island nervous

author:Aunt Mao looks at the world

The situation in Taiwan has always attracted the attention of the mainland and the people of Taiwan, and there is no doubt that China's confidence in recovering Taiwan has always been there, and the recent opinions on the Taiwan independence forces also symbolize our determination.

Outburst! As soon as Lai Qingde's voice fell, in less than 24 hours, the mainland made two actions, which made the island nervous

First of all, with regard to this opinion, the maximum death penalty can be imposed against Taiwan independence forces, and as soon as this opinion was issued, it attracted the attention of the current authorities in Taiwan, and in this opinion, the time limit for litigation against Taiwan independence forces was extended from 20 years to indefinitely. As we all know, the general litigation period is only 20 years, and non-special events will no longer be prosecuted after 20 years, that is, for us ordinary people, the prosecution period is 20 years.

Outburst! As soon as Lai Qingde's voice fell, in less than 24 hours, the mainland made two actions, which made the island nervous

In this opinion, the period for the state to prosecute Taiwan independence forces has been extended from a time limit to an indefinite period without a time limit. It can be described as a big step forward in China's measures related to the Taiwan issue.

Outburst! As soon as Lai Qingde's voice fell, in less than 24 hours, the mainland made two actions, which made the island nervous

The current leader of Taiwan's authorities, Lai Ching-te, later said in his speech that the general meaning was that Chinese mainland did not have the right to pursue the Taiwan people across the border. Moreover, he said that the mainland currently regards many forces in Taiwan as Taiwan independence forces, and reunification regards the current forces of the Taiwan authorities as Taiwan independence forces.

As soon as this statement came out, it not only aroused the dissatisfaction of mainland netizens, but also changed the mainland's layout on the Taiwan issue. In the face of the problems embodied in the speech of Lai Ching-te, the mainland in power in Taiwan is unprecedentedly strong.

Outburst! As soon as Lai Qingde's voice fell, in less than 24 hours, the mainland made two actions, which made the island nervous

Just a few days ago, in the early hours of the morning, the Chinese coast guard gradually approached Taiwan's Kinmen waters without informing the Taiwan authorities in advance, which was not only a few nautical miles away from the Jinhu area, but also the most recent operation in the history of the Chinese coast guard.

Outburst! As soon as Lai Qingde's voice fell, in less than 24 hours, the mainland made two actions, which made the island nervous

At the same time, helicopter operations are also developing in the airspace over Taiwan, gradually approaching Taiwan's airspace, and the distance from Taiwan is also very close, and the mutual cooperation between the sea and the air all demonstrate China's firm determination to recover Taiwan.

Regarding China's major moves, netizens have expressed their position on reunifying Taiwan. Some netizens believe that the Taiwan issue cannot be delayed any longer, at least it cannot be left to future generations, and if it can be resolved, it will be resolved quickly, and it will not be a good thing if it drags on for a long time.

Outburst! As soon as Lai Qingde's voice fell, in less than 24 hours, the mainland made two actions, which made the island nervous
Outburst! As soon as Lai Qingde's voice fell, in less than 24 hours, the mainland made two actions, which made the island nervous
Outburst! As soon as Lai Qingde's voice fell, in less than 24 hours, the mainland made two actions, which made the island nervous
Outburst! As soon as Lai Qingde's voice fell, in less than 24 hours, the mainland made two actions, which made the island nervous
Outburst! As soon as Lai Qingde's voice fell, in less than 24 hours, the mainland made two actions, which made the island nervous
Outburst! As soon as Lai Qingde's voice fell, in less than 24 hours, the mainland made two actions, which made the island nervous

The views of netizens are not unreasonable, solving problems is fast, accurate and ruthless, procrastination cannot solve the problem, and seeing the right point can often maximize the benefits and minimize the damage.

Of course, as a member of the People's Republic of China, we have always respected and supported the decision of the Chinese leader, and these actions are all preparations for the recovery of Taiwan, and can also be seen as testing the waters.

Some time ago, CCTV News released a set of pictures about Taiwan Angelica, and many influential stars forwarded it, and as ordinary people, we are also aware of the signal of Taiwan Angelica. Taiwan's return is not just a slogan, and it has never been superficial, but has really taken relevant actions.

Outburst! As soon as Lai Qingde's voice fell, in less than 24 hours, the mainland made two actions, which made the island nervous

From the issuance of the relevant opinions to the implementation of the opinions, we can all feel China's top-down determination to recover Taiwan, and China now has relevant legal support, and the maximum sentence for Taiwan independence elements is the death penalty. You must know that the conditions for the death penalty in our country are extremely harsh, and the death penalty must be reported to the Supreme People's Procuratorate when the death penalty is imposed, and the execution must be reported to the Supreme People's Procuratorate.

As a member of the People's Republic of China, I also feel an unprecedented surge of heart. Never before, the day of recovering Taiwan is as close as it is today. I believe that the issue of Taiwan will not drag on forever, and the Chinese mainland side will not continue to wait, and now is just missing a suitable time. We all believe that moment won't wait long.

We are always ready, we are looking forward to the day when we are unprecedentedly excited about the day when Taiwan will be recovered.