
Gold Coin Diary: Meituan watches videos to receive cash, do you like to receive 20 yuan or 2.5 yuan?

author:Pick up a shallow one

Recently, when I was picking wool, I found that many APPs have this "watch video to receive red envelopes", and well-known APPs including Alipay, Meituan, Taobao, etc. have launched this activity. Today, let's talk about watching videos in Meituan to get cash!


The task is on, and the "Video" column appears in the center of the Tab bar at the bottom of the Meituan App.

Gold Coin Diary: Meituan watches videos to receive cash, do you like to receive 20 yuan or 2.5 yuan?

Meituan watched the video and received 20 yuan in cash

Click on the "video" here to watch the video to get cash, in fact, here it is to watch the video first to get gold coins, and then convert the gold coins into cash, the "my cash" on the right is here by watching the video in Meituan every day, and finally get 20 yuan. I searched the Internet for Meituan, how long does it take to watch videos and receive 20 yuan? I've seen a response that it will take a month. Wow, I don't have the patience!

Gold Coin Diary: Meituan watches videos to receive cash, do you like to receive 20 yuan or 2.5 yuan?

Meituan watched the video and received 2.5 yuan in cash

No, no, no, it's not over yet. It takes a month to receive 20 yuan in cash, and there is no cost performance. Then, immediately change your thinking, see that there is "100% cash for playing the wheel lottery" below, and click on it.

Gold Coin Diary: Meituan watches videos to receive cash, do you like to receive 20 yuan or 2.5 yuan?

It takes a month to receive 20 yuan at a time, so I can receive 2.5 yuan a day, and I can receive 25 yuan in 10 days.

This turntable is actually very simple, don't look at only 2.5 yuan, but this completion rate is high and fast!

On the first and second days, you can get 2.5 yuan for inviting five people to help

On the third day of playing, invite six people to help get 2.5 yuan

And this task can be started every day, and all of them can be completed directly to the WeChat account.

Gold Coin Diary: Meituan watches videos to receive cash, do you like to receive 20 yuan or 2.5 yuan?
Gold Coin Diary: Meituan watches videos to receive cash, do you like to receive 20 yuan or 2.5 yuan?
Gold Coin Diary: Meituan watches videos to receive cash, do you like to receive 20 yuan or 2.5 yuan?

That's all for today, we'll see you tomorrow!


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