
The most in the wishing fountain is not gold coins, but Wang Ba

author:Yuan Dadao
The most in the wishing fountain is not gold coins, but Wang Ba

When I was a child, I went to the temple with my family to play, and the most curious thing was the large number of coins scattered everywhere in the incense burner.

When I grew up, I also went to many places where the incense was strong, and the coins in the incense burner were gone, replaced by the gold coins in the pool, and if I wanted to say whether it was gold or not, I thought it was definitely not, because I heard that this gold coin was also bought for money, and as for why I didn't just throw the money into it, I was told that it was the rule.

I think I may also realize that there is something wrong with throwing money directly, and I think it may be out of respect for making a wish, and there are many animals in the pool in addition to gold coins.

Among them, according to my observation, Wang Ba is the most numerous.

I have also seen other fish, but for a while, due to work needs, I often brought different customers to visit and found that the number of fish always changed from more to less, and the number of Wang Ba seemed to increase quietly.

For this reason, my friend said that maybe it was because Wang Ba might hunt the fish in the pond, so there were more and more Wang Ba, and it was not an inexplicable thing that there were fewer and fewer fish.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that there were always many questions about the problems in the wishing fountain when I was a child.

Growing up, these questions seem to have a reasonable explanation.

The most in the wishing fountain is not gold coins, but Wang Ba

When we talk about the many secrets of the Trevi Fountain, it is always inevitable that the real money that is put into it will go from there.

In fact, this is not a secret, or the way to deal with this matter is actually with the tacit consent of both parties.

That is, the acquiescence of the wishers, and their acknowledgment.

The sincerity of the wisher acquiescing to his own casting is a quid pro quo that is desired.

Although the wish is illusory, the thing that is cast is really valuable.

And these valuable things, the act of being taken away by them, is a kind of beautiful expectation that "maybe the wish itself can be realized".

As for whether or not the wish can be granted, it seems that this is not a problem that has to be dealt with in front of the gong.

After all, who would treat a wish as a "problem"?

I remember when I used to travel, I saw a note posted in front of a wishing table, which simply means that the incense is voluntary, and if you are not satisfied, you will be refunded unconditionally.

At that time, I was very curious and asked the staff, I said, is there really anyone to refund?

The staff smiled, raised their hands and made a silent gesture, and ignored me.

Today, when I think about myself, I was also "inspired by it",

Asked a question that is not a problem,

So there must be an answer that is not the answer.

So the question is not the question, the answer is not the answer,

The wish is real, but it doesn't feel like it's real.

But the thing that is cast is indeed undoubtedly true,

But what is this to them?

And what is it?

Therefore, for spending money to buy gold coins that represent good wishes, and put them into the symbolic wishing pool,

There seems to be an answer to this act, which can be known even without saying much.

Yes, the gold coin is a symbol, and the trevi fountain is also a symbol,

So here, what is true?

I think about it, maybe only Wang Ba is real.

The most in the wishing fountain is not gold coins, but Wang Ba

Wang Ba's thing, the meaning is very good, put it in the wishing pool, swim around and feel uncomfortable.

Wang Ba will not feel that he can really bear the wishes of everyone, but the object of people's wishes will not be Wang Ba.

It's just that this thing relies on the allegory, and it also relies on the allegory.

Going deeper, Wang Ba's "ability" is the implication.

The wishing fountain is a symbol, and Wang Ba is a meaning, as if everyone has not promised anything,

It seems that all things have been said in the dark,

said that the sea is dry and rotten,

Gold coins are not made of gold, and the wishing pool will not really treat wishing as a "top priority".

Every thing has a symbolic reason for its existence, but there is only this symbolic meaning.

Take all of this, whether it be heavy, or sad, or happy and happy wishes,

The support is orderly, and the conditioning is undoubted,

Only Wang Ba is the only thing, living in the pool happily,

He didn't know what gold was, and he didn't care what the pool meant.

He just knows that I live and starve,

Heaven above, earth below,

Between heaven and earth, there is water vapor.

Isn't that enough?

What is there to be greedy for?

Funny, funny, really funny,

I guess if Wang Ba saw those gold coins that came and went, and came and went, but if Wang Ba was a little "careful", he should take a few and hide them.

Zang, and don't need any special meaning, and don't need to care about the so-called "order of gold coins",

Take a few, just casual, only casual, is the only truth in this place.

After all, between the "square inch world" of this wishing pool,

The relationship between Wang Ba and the gold coin,

Whether it is the reason of distant relatives, or the name of humility and humility,

Isn't that all the king's say?

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