
Video | Kongtong District: Apricots are full of branches and harvest, and "apricots" are happy to pick busy

author:Pingliang Cultural Tourism

It's another season of apricot red, and the fruit is fragrant to attract customers. In the past few days, the concubine apricots in Anguo Town, Kongtong District have had a bumper harvest and entered the picking season. The sweet, juicy, crisp and fragrant chaise pricot attracts many tourists to come for sightseeing and picking.

Video | Kongtong District: Apricots are full of branches and harvest, and "apricots" are happy to pick busy

In the 100 acres of apricot forests in Donggou Village and Youfang Village, Anguo Town, the apricot trees are tall and lush, fruitful, and the fresh fruity fragrance comes to the nose. Under the shade of green leaves, the apricot fruits are full of golden and attractive colors. Visitors walk through the apricot groves, stop to watch, or look up, holding baskets and gently plucking ripe apricots from the branches, enjoying the fun of picking.

Tourist Pan Chengxiang:

Video | Kongtong District: Apricots are full of branches and harvest, and "apricots" are happy to pick busy

I picked some of them for my family to try, and I just ate a lot of them, and they were very delicious.

Video | Kongtong District: Apricots are full of branches and harvest, and "apricots" are happy to pick busy

The abundant harvest of apricots not only brought considerable economic income to the farmers, but also injected new vitality into the development of characteristic industries in Anguo Town. The history of planting apricot trees in Anguo Town has been thousands of years, because of its unique geographical and natural environment, the cultivated apricots have low crude fiber content, high carotenoid content, and outstanding health care functions. Today, the noble concubine apricots in Anguo Town have become a new "apricot" business card in the local area, and have won the reputation of "the most expensive apricot". At present, the planting area of Guifei apricots in Anguo Town has developed to more than 1,200 acres, and it is expected that more than 200 catties of Guifei apricots can be harvested this year, and the comprehensive income can reach more than 10 million yuan.

Lan Hong, a farmer in Donggou Village, Anguo Town, Kongtong District:

Video | Kongtong District: Apricots are full of branches and harvest, and "apricots" are happy to pick busy

This year, the total output of my family's planting of concubine apricots is about 2,500 catties, and it has entered the picking period, and everyone is welcome to pick.

Since the beginning of this year, Anguo Town, Kongtong District, has vigorously promoted the fruit quality improvement project, fully implemented the management measures such as garden cleaning, pruning, fertilization, pest control, etc., and raised more than 20,000 seedlings of Guifei apricot in Donggou Village, and transformed more than 200 acres of low-yield apricot garden. In the near future, the second Guifei Apricot Picking Festival and agricultural product promotion activities will also be held in Anguo Town, Kongtong District.

The development of industrial standards is smooth, and the people are rich when the industry is prosperous. In addition to the guifei apricot industry, Anguo Town also digs deep into local characteristic agricultural and sideline products, broadens the channels for increasing the income of the masses, and creates two gold-lettered signboards of Jiehe vinegar and Longweilang sesame oil to help rural revitalization.

Du Li, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Mayor of Anguo Town, Kongtong District:

Video | Kongtong District: Apricots are full of branches and harvest, and "apricots" are happy to pick busy

Relying on the resource endowment and industrial foundation, Anguo Town vigorously develops the four pillar industries of vegetables, cattle, fruits and rural tourism, and carefully builds "one village, one product", and facilities for vegetables, beef cattle, mushrooms, concubine apricots, Wangbao garlic and other industries to achieve brand creation and efficiency.

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