
Trump chooses his deputy, who will be the new partner in the White House and is expected to win the 2028 presidential election?

author:Observer's Diary

Trump recently revealed that he has identified a deputy, and this news has undoubtedly caused quite a stir in political circles.

Currently, the three most favored candidates are North Dakota Governor Bogum, Ohio Senator Vance, and Florida Senator Marco Rubio.

Each of these three has its own strengths and backgrounds, which makes the choice particularly complex.

Trump chooses his deputy, who will be the new partner in the White House and is expected to win the 2028 presidential election?

First, North Dakota Governor Bogum, who is known for his deep pockets.

Bogum's successful transition from business to politics is similar to that of Trump, and the two men share a number of ideas that resonate with each other.

What's more, Bogum has a close personal relationship with Trump, and this intimate relationship undoubtedly adds a lot of weight to his candidacy.

Mr. Trump's team also has a good opinion of Mr. Bogum, who is not only an excellent messenger of information, but also knows how to effectively assist and support Mr. Trump without stealing the limelight.

However, Bogum is seen as a representative of traditional conservatives, which may have affected his ability to attract more far-right supporters to some extent.

Next up is Ohio's young Senator Vance, who at the age of 39 is already seen as the next generation of leaders in the "America First" movement.

Vance's youth and dynamism are undoubtedly one of his strengths, and he is able to breathe fresh blood into Trump's team, which represents a new generation of political power.

At the same time, he has a solid political foundation in Ohio, which is crucial for a swing state.

Trump chooses his deputy, who will be the new partner in the White House and is expected to win the 2028 presidential election?

The third candidate, Senator Rubio of Florida, has a legendary relationship with Trump. The two were once rivals in the political arena, but now they are teammates together.

Rubio has a unique cultural background as a Cuban-American, which has helped Trump expand his influence among Latino voters while also helping to attract support from moderate Republicans.

Rubio's multiple identities and broad political base make him a potential candidate for his deputy.

It's worth noting that all three potential candidates are from politically important swing states, which is undoubtedly an important consideration for Trump.

However, Trump himself seems to have a relatively detached attitude towards the choice of his deputy. In his view, the ultimate voter votes for the president, not the vice president.

This notion relieves the pressure of the deputy's selection to a certain extent, but at the same time raises the requirements for the candidate.

Trump chooses his deputy, who will be the new partner in the White House and is expected to win the 2028 presidential election?

Unlike in the past, Trump has no longer made loyalty the primary criterion when choosing his deputies, but has instead focused more on leadership.

He is looking not only for a man who can serve as vice president for the next four years, but also for a candidate who has the potential to take over as president of the United States in four years.

Such a high standard undoubtedly makes this deputy selection more eye-catching.

It is reported that Trump may announce this important decision as soon as next month's Republican National Convention.

It will be interesting to see who will be the right-hand man of the political magnate.

This choice will not only affect Trump's political direction, but may also have a profound impact on the entire political landscape of the United States.