
The sanitation worker took refuge in the shade of a tree, and cried on the ground after being angrily scolded? Urban Management Bureau: Don't scold, there is another reason

author:Hanamachi curator
The sanitation worker took refuge in the shade of a tree, and cried on the ground after being angrily scolded? Urban Management Bureau: Don't scold, there is another reason
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On June 26, a sanitation worker in Jining, Shandong Province, was suspected of relapsing his old illness after being angrily criticized by the leader for summer vacation.

As soon as this video was released, it attracted the attention of many netizens, and the local relevant departments were angrily scolded.

The sanitation worker took refuge in the shade of a tree, and cried on the ground after being angrily scolded? Urban Management Bureau: Don't scold, there is another reason

Afterwards, the family members of the sanitation workers came forward to speak out, and this time they wronged the urban management bureau.

Event details

At around 11 o'clock at noon on June 26, near the Jixiang Garden Community, an aunt was sitting under a tree.

From the video, we see that the aunt is wearing the clothes of a sanitation worker and looks to be over sixty years old.

It's a good year to recuperate, but you still have to run for life in the hot weather.

The sanitation worker took refuge in the shade of a tree, and cried on the ground after being angrily scolded? Urban Management Bureau: Don't scold, there is another reason

There was another person next to her, who seemed to be her leader.

The two didn't know what they were talking about, and suddenly the aunt started crying, and then she fell to the ground.

Just listening to the voice in the video makes me feel sad and heartbreaking.

The aunt was still crying loudly after lying on the ground, accompanied by body twitching.

The sanitation worker took refuge in the shade of a tree, and cried on the ground after being angrily scolded? Urban Management Bureau: Don't scold, there is another reason

This scene was seen by passing netizens and posted on the Internet, with the text "The sanitation worker rested under the tree and was angrily scolded by the leader after being discovered".

There are videos, there are witnesses, and for a while it feels like that's what happened.

Subsequently, righteous netizens spoke out for the workers at the bottom and reprimanded the relevant departments.

Netizen comments

"Sanitation workers do the most tiring work every day, get the least salary, and I didn't expect to be squeezed by the company, which is simply inhumane."

The sanitation worker took refuge in the shade of a tree, and cried on the ground after being angrily scolded? Urban Management Bureau: Don't scold, there is another reason

"Everyone is an ordinary person, not to mention empathy, why can't you put yourself in the shoes of sanitation workers?"

"Some time ago, there was news that a certain cadre embezzled more than 5 million yuan in the wages of sanitation workers, and now there is a squeeze of sanitation workers."

The sanitation worker took refuge in the shade of a tree, and cried on the ground after being angrily scolded? Urban Management Bureau: Don't scold, there is another reason

"I get up early and work late every day to do the hardest work, the salary is low, and I have to fulfill the strictest requirements."

"I did the work, I was scolded, but in the end, I may not be able to keep this job of forty yuan a day, which is really sad."

The sanitation worker took refuge in the shade of a tree, and cried on the ground after being angrily scolded? Urban Management Bureau: Don't scold, there is another reason

"Just listening to her voice, you can feel her collapse."

It is the hard work of sanitation workers that makes our clean and tidy city possible.

The sanitation worker took refuge in the shade of a tree, and cried on the ground after being angrily scolded? Urban Management Bureau: Don't scold, there is another reason

They polish the business cards of each city, and they are the ones who make our city new.

It is their norm to start work at four or five o'clock in the morning, and their labor deserves our respect.

They take the lowest wage, do the most tiring work, have the strictest management, and now they are being scolded, no wonder they have an emotional breakdown.

The sanitation worker took refuge in the shade of a tree, and cried on the ground after being angrily scolded? Urban Management Bureau: Don't scold, there is another reason
The sanitation worker took refuge in the shade of a tree, and cried on the ground after being angrily scolded? Urban Management Bureau: Don't scold, there is another reason

However, did the urban management bureau do it wrong this time?

The Urban Management Bureau responded

As soon as the video was released, the matter quickly fermented, and the local urban management bureau responded immediately.

The staff said that the sanitation worker lying on the ground was not criticized by the leader because of heat stroke.

The sanitation worker took refuge in the shade of a tree, and cried on the ground after being angrily scolded? Urban Management Bureau: Don't scold, there is another reason

It's because after assigning the task that day, this aunt felt that the section of the road assigned to her was too dirty, and she felt unfair.

So he reasoned with the captain, and during the communication between the two, the aunt was emotional and lay on the ground.

After the incident, the captain immediately dialed the emergency number, and the old man has been picked up by his family.

According to the family members of the elderly, it is already an old problem for the elderly to fall to the ground due to emotion.

The sanitation worker took refuge in the shade of a tree, and cried on the ground after being angrily scolded? Urban Management Bureau: Don't scold, there is another reason

And the reason why this old man who is over sixty years old was hired was because of low wages and lack of manpower.

So many sanitation workers are relatively old people.


In today's rapid network communication, we can't listen to the wind or rain and be confused by the appearance of things.

Everything should be verified by multiple parties, and the facts should not be distorted and unnecessary misunderstandings caused by a few words.

The sanitation worker took refuge in the shade of a tree, and cried on the ground after being angrily scolded? Urban Management Bureau: Don't scold, there is another reason

Finally, we should abandon the prejudice in our minds about the profession of chengguan and face up to the fruits of their labor.

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The sanitation worker took refuge in the shade of a tree, and cried on the ground after being angrily scolded? Urban Management Bureau: Don't scold, there is another reason
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