
[Rule of Law Hot List] 5 draft laws are open for public comment

author:Gaocheng popularization

Shijiazhuang Law Popularization and Media Publicity Center 2024-06-29 12:33 Hebei Listen to the full text

◇ Important news

1.5 draft laws for public comment: From June 28, 5 draft laws will be open for public comment, and the deadline is July 27, 2024. You can log on to the Chinese website ( and the National Laws and Regulations Database ( to submit comments, or you can send your comments to the Legislative Affairs Commission of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (No. 1, Qianmen West Street, Xicheng District, Beijing, 100805. Please indicate on the envelope ××Solicitation of Comments on the Draft Law). (WeChat public account of the National People's Congress)

2. Ministry of Public Security: A total of 1,087 cases of various maritime smuggling crimes have been detected nationwide In August 2023, the Ministry of Public Security, together with relevant departments, jointly deployed a special operation to crack down on maritime smuggling crimes across the country, launching a fierce offensive against all kinds of maritime smuggling crimes. Up to now, a total of 1,087 cases of various types of maritime smuggling have been cracked across the country, 5,846 criminal suspects have been arrested, 638 vessels involved in the cases have been seized, and 35,000 tons of frozen products, 4,406 tons of refined oil, 170 million cigarettes, 3,366 tons of agricultural and seafood products, 310,000 tons of mineral raw materials, and 54,000 pieces of liquor have been seized. (CNR)

3. Release of the "Overseas Publicity Manual on the Prevention of Telecommunication Network Fraud": Recently, the National Anti-Fraud Center, together with the Consular Protection Center of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Overseas Study Service Center of the Ministry of Education, produced and launched the "Overseas Publicity Manual on the Prevention of Telecommunication Network Fraud", focusing on the types of 8 types of overseas high-incidence fraud cases and related typical cases, introducing new trends and new routines of fraud methods around the prevention of "secondary fraud", sorting out in detail the functional characteristics and use methods of anti-fraud tools such as the App of the National Anti-Fraud Center, and publishing targeted fraud identification methods and anti-fraud tips. Further enhance the awareness and ability of overseas Chinese citizens to recognize and prevent fraud. (Xinhuanet)

4. Argentina returned 14 cultural relics to the mainland: On the 27th local time, the Chinese Embassy in Argentina received 14 cultural relics and artworks returned by Argentina to the mainland. Preliminarily judged, the era of 7 bronze Yong bells should be the late Spring and Autumn Period, and the rest of the 3 terracotta figurines, 2 figurines head, 1 bronze frog and 1 bronze helmet were in the Han Dynasty and the Northern and Southern Dynasties, all of which were illegal cultural relics from the mainland. In 2017, the above-mentioned cultural objects were intercepted by the Argentine Federal Police as part of an international joint operation by Interpol to combat illicit trafficking in cultural objects. On December 12, 2023, the Argentine court issued a final judgment on the return of 14 cultural relics and artworks to the Chinese Embassy. (CCTV News)

[Rule of Law Hot List] 5 draft laws are open for public comment

◇ National Hot List

1. The first-instance trial of Dong Yunhu, former director of the Standing Committee of the Shanghai Municipal People's Congress, took bribes: On the 27th, the Intermediate People's Court of Hefei City, Anhui Province, held a first-instance trial of the bribery case of Dong Yunhu, former secretary of the party group and director of the Standing Committee of the Shanghai Municipal People's Congress. The procuratorate indicted and alleged that from 2002 to 2023, Dong Yunhu took advantage of his position to provide assistance to relevant units and individuals in matters such as financing loans, land transfers, and personnel arrangements, and illegally accepted property totaling more than 148 million yuan. During the trial, Dong Yunhu pleaded guilty and repented in court. The court announced that the sentence would be handed down at a later date. (

[Rule of Law Hot List] 5 draft laws are open for public comment

2. Be vigilant! College Entrance Examination Scam Trick Renovation: Recently, some netizens reported that they received information that the test score of some subjects was "0" after the college entrance examination, and asked candidates or parents to download mobile phone software or call for consultation. According to the police, the fraudsters sent mass text messages with URL links through fake base stations to steal information such as online banking in mobile phones. In addition, in the recruitment stage, terms such as internal indicators, targeted training, and unplanned enrollment of colleges and universities can also be used by fraudsters to satisfy the fantasy of some parents that "you can enroll in school by spending money"; They will also mail fake admission letters and attach tuition remittance accounts to defraud money. The police reminded that whenever money is involved, be vigilant, keep your eyes open, and beware of being deceived. (People's Daily Online)

3. Yunnan Border Inspection Station seized 61.42 grams of seeds of original drug plants: Recently, a case of illegal possession of seeds of original drug plants was seized at the Hekou Border Inspection Station of Yunnan Border Inspection Station. In the luggage of an outbound passenger, 26 poppy fruits were seized, including 61.42 grams of uninactivated poppy seeds. At present, the case has been further handled by the anti-narcotics brigade of the Hekou County Public Security Bureau in Honghe Prefecture, Yunnan Province. (China News Network)

[Rule of Law Hot List] 5 draft laws are open for public comment

4. The old man was defrauded by impersonating the "public procuratorate and law", and the "police bank" linked to stop the loss of more than 40 yuan: Recently, the police in Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province smashed a telecom fraud gang. On the 19th, in a bank in Xuzhou, a man who withdrew a large amount of cash with a non-local card aroused the vigilance of bank staff. After receiving the police, the police immediately rushed to the scene to keep the man. After investigation, 7 suspects were arrested on the same day, and more than 40 yuan of defrauded funds were recovered. The telecommunications fraud gang impersonated the personnel of the "public security and law" agency to commit fraud against the elderly in the name of "checking out assets". At present, the case is under further investigation. (

5. Liao Jiujin and Tu Chunbo have been executed: Recently, the Supreme People's Court approved the death sentences of Liao Jiujin and Tu Chunbo. On the 27th, the Intermediate People's Court of Yueyang City, Hunan Province, executed the two men. Since 1997, Liao Jiujin has gathered many people to form an underworld criminal organization, and has carried out more than 30 illegal and criminal activities such as intentional homicide, illegal detention, picking quarrels and provoking trouble, and extortion in Yueyang City, resulting in 2 deaths, 3 serious injuries, and many minor injuries. Tu Chunbo and others directly obeyed Liao Jiujin's orders, organized members to carry out illegal and criminal activities on many occasions, and were active participants. In November 2020, the Yueyang Intermediate People's Court pronounced a verdict in the first instance, and three people, including Liao Jiujin and Tu Chunbo, were sentenced to death, and 26 defendants were sentenced to life imprisonment to six months in prison. (China News Network)

6. 4 people were punished for the "female student reported the harassment of the college secretary": A few days ago, a female college student posted a video report of "being sexually harassed by Chen Moumou, secretary of the Party branch of the School of Music of Hunan University of Foreign Economics", which attracted widespread attention. The girl said in the video that Chen Moumou invited the girl to KTV on the grounds that she could stay in school as an intern counselor, and there was sexual harassment. On the 28th, there was a new development in the incident, and after the study of the Hunan Institute of Foreign Economics, it was decided to give Chen Moumou the punishment of removing his position in the party; gave Yin a serious warning within the party; Wu was given an intra-party warning; Xiao Moumou was given an intra-party warning. In addition, the administrative positions of Chen and Yin were also removed. (CCTV)

7. Huo Wenchang, a suspect in a major criminal case, was arrested and brought to justice: At about 3 a.m. on June 18, 2024, a major criminal case occurred in Twenty Jia Village, Chasuqi Town, Tumote Zuoqi, Hohhot City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. After the case was discovered, the public security organs at the department, city, and county levels immediately organized police forces to arrest Huo Wenchang, a criminal suspect who had already absconded. At 08:03 on June 28, the suspect Huo Wenchang was arrested in the mountains and forests. After the preliminary trial, the criminal suspect Huo Wenchang confessed to the crime of deliberately killing others. At present, the case is under further investigation. (CCTV)

[Rule of Law Hot List] 5 draft laws are open for public comment

8. The man went on the road without a license, or a second drunk driver: Recently, Huating, Gansu. When the traffic police carried out a night inspection operation, they found that a car did not have a license plate, and when it was inspected, it was found that the driver Sun had not obtained a temporary license plate, and there was an obvious smell of alcohol when he spoke. After breath testing, Sun's breath alcohol content was 55mg/100ml, which was driving a motor vehicle after drinking. It turned out that Sun had just bought a new car and celebrated with friends at dinner and drink that night. When further checking his information, the traffic police found that Sun had been punished for drunk driving last year, and this time it was a "second drunk driving". In the end, the traffic police fined 2,000 yuan, revoked the driver's license, and imposed a penalty of administrative detention of up to 10 days for driving a motor vehicle without a license plate on the road and "second drunk driving" in accordance with the law. (Traffic Management Bureau, Ministry of Public Security)

9. The thief used a blade to scrape off his tattoo in order to escape arrest: Recently, there have been many cases of theft of steel, cables and other materials at a construction site in Yidu, Hubei. After careful investigation, the police successfully locked on the suspect Yang and arrested him. According to Yang's confession, after committing the crime, he quickly shaved his hair and scraped off the tattoos on his arms with a razor blade, changing his physical characteristics to avoid arrest, but he was still found by the police. At present, Yang has been taken criminal compulsory measures in accordance with the law. (China News Network)

[Rule of Law Hot List] 5 draft laws are open for public comment

◇ Rule of law in Shijiazhuang

Cherish life and stay away from drugs The city held publicity activities for the International Anti-Drug Day in various parts of the city June 26 is the International Anti-Drug Day, and various publicity activities are held in various parts of the city to guide citizens to improve their awareness of prevention, cherish life and stay away from drugs. Let's take a look at the video below. (Rule of Law Time)

◇ Saibishokai

In order to implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on tourism work, accelerate the construction of a strong tourism city, and better transform the advantages of cultural and tourism resources into industrial development advantages, Shijiazhuang Radio and Television Station has carefully planned and successively launched a series of video clips of "Beautiful Shijiazhuang" to publicize and promote Shijiazhuang's cultural tourism resources, fully display Shijiazhuang's natural scenery, humanistic customs, and historical heritage, and truly let tourists come to visit, make this trip worthwhile, linger, and want to come again. Today, "Beautiful Shijiazhuang" - Gorgeous Summer Flowers is launched. (Wireless Shijiazhuang)

Source: China Law Popularization and other major media

Editor: Yao Lin

Review: Qi Lei, Zhai Gang


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