
Zhou Xun, who dares to love and hate, although he has talked about 9 boyfriends, he is still the top of the entertainment industry!

author:Apple says entertainment

In 2014, 36-year-old Zhou Xun stood at another turning point in his life. Her eyes twinkled with anticipation and a little unease, because she was about to embark on a new journey - marriage.

Gao Shengyuan, a tall and handsome man, touched Zhou Xun's heart with his passionate pursuit. Zhou Xun, who has been in the entertainment industry for many years, finally feels that he has met someone who can be relied on for a lifetime.

After just two months of love, the two decided to enter the palace of marriage. Zhou Xun's face was filled with happiness, as if he had found a home in life. "I finally have a home that truly belongs to me," Zhou Xun said with emotion at the wedding, tears flashing in his eyes.

This girl, who once dared to love and hate, finally ushered in her first marriage at the age of 36. However, reality is always more cruel than a fairy tale. Life after marriage is not as sweet as imagined.

Zhou Xun, who dares to love and hate, although he has talked about 9 boyfriends, he is still the top of the entertainment industry!

Zhou Xun's career is at its peak, and she is busy with one movie after another. However, Gao Shengyuan's acting career has not improved much. The career gap between the two has gradually become a hidden danger in their marriage.

Zhou Xun hopes to use his connections to pave the way for her husband, but Gao Shengyuan has his own ideas. He began to have the idea of changing careers, hoping to break out of his own world.

"I want to start a company, can you lend me 3 million?" Gao Shengyuan made a request to Zhou Xun. Faced with her husband's request, Zhou Xun was in a dilemma. She is well aware of the complexity of the entertainment industry and is worried that her husband will encounter setbacks if he rashly changes careers.

In the end, she chose to refuse. "You can't do things half-heartedly, if you want to film, you have to film well." Zhou Xun persuaded her husband like this. There was concern in her tone, but Gao Shengyuan heard distrust.

Zhou Xun, who dares to love and hate, although he has talked about 9 boyfriends, he is still the top of the entertainment industry!

This decision became a turning point in the marriage. Gao Shengyuan chose to separate and moved to the United States for development. Zhou Xun didn't stop her, she believed that if she really loved each other, distance was not a problem.

However, time and distance have become the enemy of marriage after all. The trajectories of the two are drifting apart, and there are fewer and fewer common topics. Zhou Xun was busy with his career, and Gao Shengyuan also started a new life in the United States.

One day seven years later, Zhou Xun received a divorce agreement. She stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, gazing at the night view of Beijing, the agreement in her hand. There was both tiredness and relief in her eyes.

Looking back on this marriage, a trace of bitterness flashed in Zhou Xun's eyes. She once thought that marriage would be the end of love, but she didn't expect it to become another starting point. Even after experiencing this failed marriage, Zhou Xun still maintained his enthusiasm and courage for love.

Zhou Xun, who dares to love and hate, although he has talked about 9 boyfriends, he is still the top of the entertainment industry!

"I don't regret it," Zhou Xun said in an interview, "Every relationship has made me grow, and this marriage is no exception." Her tone was firm, and her eyes revealed the indifference after the storm.

Even if the marriage ended in failure, Zhou Xun is still the top performer in the entertainment industry. She used her own experience to tell us that the setbacks of love will not become a stumbling block to a career, but can become a valuable asset on the road of life.

In 1997, 18-year-old Zhou Xun stood at the crossroads of his life, his eyes flashing with longing and confusion for the future. This girl from Wenzhou has a dream of acting career, but she is not sure about the direction of her life.

On an ordinary night, Zhou Xun encountered thunder in the song hall. That handsome and sunny boy instantly lit up her world. The appearance of thunder made Zhou Xun feel the taste of heartbeat for the first time.

Zhou Xun, who dares to love and hate, although he has talked about 9 boyfriends, he is still the top of the entertainment industry!

"Lei Ming at that time was really an out-and-out handsome guy," Zhou Xun later recalled, a gentle light flashed in his eyes, "and I was also the most youthful and beautiful time."

The sweetness of first love wrapped Zhou Xun like honey. She would ride her bicycle through half the city to see the thunderous side. Two people can listen to a favorite song over and over again for an entire day, as if the whole world is left with each other.

Zhou Xun devoted himself to this relationship and experienced the beauty of first love. "I think girls should have their own careers, so that they can be more active in life and provide an economic foundation for their later lives.

Zhou Xun said. Her eyes were firm, and her tone revealed a plan for the future. This thought made Lei Ming feel lost. He felt that Zhou Xun was too focused on his career and didn't care about himself at all.

Zhou Xun, who dares to love and hate, although he has talked about 9 boyfriends, he is still the top of the entertainment industry!

"Your dedication is too heavy," Lei Ming once said to Zhou Xun, his tone full of helplessness and disappointment. The rift between the two grows. Lei Ming hopes that Zhou Xun can always be by his side, but Zhou Xun wants to develop his career well.

This conflict eventually led to the breakup of the two. "The Tao is not the same," Zhou Xun later said when recalling this relationship, "Since the heart is not in the same direction, no matter how hard you try to keep it, it will be in vain."

After the breakup, Zhou Xun did not fall into sadness. Instead, she threw all her energy into her career. She has participated in many movies and TV series, and gradually gained a firm foothold in the entertainment industry.

Looking back, Zhou Xun did not regret his choice. That decision not only established her future status in the entertainment industry, but also shaped her independent character. The end of her first love was the first lesson in her life and taught her how to choose between love and career.

Zhou Xun, who dares to love and hate, although he has talked about 9 boyfriends, he is still the top of the entertainment industry!

"Although first love is beautiful, it should not be a shackle to bind me," Zhou Xun said in an interview, "I am grateful for that experience, which made me more clear about my purpose in life."

This first love experience became the starting point for the formation of Zhou Xun's concept of love. It taught her that love is important, but it shouldn't be the whole of life. A girl should have her own pursuits and careers.

Since then, Zhou Xun has established his own life creed: dare to love and hate, but know how to live for himself. This attitude not only influenced her later emotional experience, but also became the driving force for her to continue to move forward in her acting career.

Even after many years, when Zhou Xun has become the top of the entertainment industry, she still recalls this first love with gratitude. It is like a seed that takes root in Zhou Xun's heart, and eventually grows into her unique outlook on life and values.

Zhou Xun, who dares to love and hate, although he has talked about 9 boyfriends, he is still the top of the entertainment industry!

In 2000, 22-year-old Zhou Xun resolutely left Hangzhou with the dual dreams of music and love, and came to Beijing alone. This strange city is cold and noisy, but Zhou Xun's heart is hot.

She gave up her already promising career in Hangzhou to follow her love and music dreams. Dou Peng, this talented musician, is like a potion that fascinates Zhou Xun.

She likes Dou Peng's focused eyes when he sings, and the rhythm of his fingers when he plays the guitar. In Zhou Xun's eyes, Dou Peng is a talented person, and his music seems to touch the softest part of her heart.

"Dou Peng's singing is really good," Zhou Xun later recalled, his eyes flashing with admiration, "His talent makes me feel that it is worth giving up everything for love."

Zhou Xun, who dares to love and hate, although he has talked about 9 boyfriends, he is still the top of the entertainment industry!

"When I first arrived in Beijing, life was not easy. To save money, the two shared a cabin. During the day, Zhou Xun traveled to various studios, trying to gain a firm foothold in the entertainment industry; In the evening, she practiced singing with Dou Peng, looking forward to her future music dream.

Dou Peng is busy with creation and performance, and although the two live in poverty, they enjoy it. Dou Peng was frugal and finally saved enough money to buy a second-hand car. Since then, he has started to pick up Zhou Xun to and from work every day to shelter her from the wind and rain.

"I will always remember that beat-up car," Mr. Zhou said later in an interview, with a gentle glint in his eyes, "that is a testimony of our love and a testament to Dou Peng's good intentions for me."

With the passage of time, Zhou Xun's development in the entertainment industry has become better and better, and he has taken over many movies and TV series. And Dou Peng's music career is also gradually improving. Five years have passed, and the two finally have their own small home.

Zhou Xun, who dares to love and hate, although he has talked about 9 boyfriends, he is still the top of the entertainment industry!

Zhou Xun thought that the next step was to form a complete family. She is looking forward to spending the rest of her life hand in hand with Dou Peng, looking forward to having a warm home, and even has begun to fantasize about what her future children will look like.

However, fate always likes to joke. "I want to live by myself." Dou Peng's sudden words were like a thunderbolt from the sky, shattering Zhou Xun's dream. Zhou Xun didn't want to believe it and didn't want to accept this cruel reality.

She began to learn to cook, hoping to use food to win back Dou Peng's heart. She used to be busy in the kitchen, just to let Dou Peng look at her more and eat more of the food she cooked.

However, all efforts were in vain. Dou Peng's mind has been decided, no matter how Zhou Xun tries to keep him, he can't change the ending. "I spoil you too much to work in peace.

Zhou Xun, who dares to love and hate, although he has talked about 9 boyfriends, he is still the top of the entertainment industry!

Dou Peng finally explained. This sentence made Zhou Xun fall into deep self-blame and confusion. She didn't understand why two people who loved each other ended up separating because they loved each other too much.

After the breakup, Zhou Xun once fell into a trough. But she quickly picked herself up and threw all her energy into her work. In an interview, she said calmly: "I don't regret being with Dou Peng, he really loves me."

If we hadn't broken up, we might have already had children. Her tone was calm, but there was a subtle hint of regret in her eyes. This relationship taught Zhou Xun that love needs to be managed, but it is also necessary to learn to stop in moderation.

No matter how deep the feelings are, they can't withstand the differences in the aspirations of two people. She understands that true love is not only about passion and sweetness, but also needs mutual understanding and support.

Zhou Xun, who dares to love and hate, although he has talked about 9 boyfriends, he is still the top of the entertainment industry!

Since then, Zhou Xun has become more mature in his relationship. She learned how to find a balance between love and career, and she also learned to keep herself to herself while giving.

This experience has become a valuable asset in her life, allowing her to go more stable and further in her future relationship and career. Even looking back many years later, Zhou Xun is still grateful for everything this relationship has brought her.

It not only witnessed her years of struggle in Beijing, but also shaped her tenacious character. This experience has become an indispensable part of Zhou Xun's acting career, making her performance more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and also making her the strong and soft Zhou Xun in the eyes of the audience.

In 2003, 28-year-old Zhou Xun was on the rise in his career. With a number of outstanding film and television works, she has gained a firm foothold in the entertainment industry. However, fate prepared an unexpected surprise for her at this time, and it was also a huge test.

Zhou Xun, who dares to love and hate, although he has talked about 9 boyfriends, he is still the top of the entertainment industry!

On the set of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", Zhou Xun met 31-year-old Li Yapeng. The two played a couple Huang Rong and Guo Jing in the play, and the tacit understanding in and out of the play made them quickly fall in love.

Zhou Xun was attracted by Li Yapeng's talent and temperament, and her eyes flashed with admiration and admiration. "Li Yapeng fulfilled all my fantasies about men." Many years later, Zhou Xun's eyes still twinkled when he talked about this relationship.

This sentence revealed her deep love for Li Yapeng at that time. However, reality is not as simple and beautiful as drama. At that time, Li Yapeng already had a girlfriend, which put Zhou Xun in a moral dilemma.

But Zhou Xun's character of daring to love and hate made her make a bold decision. "As long as you are not married, you have the right to pursue your own happiness." Zhou Xun thought so firmly.

Zhou Xun, who dares to love and hate, although he has talked about 9 boyfriends, he is still the top of the entertainment industry!

She believes that since Li Yapeng is not married, she has the right to pursue him. This thought drove her to bravely express her feelings to Li Yapeng. Zhou Xun's behavior caused a storm of public opinion.

The hats of "Little Three" and "Knowing Three When Three" were heavily buckled on her head. Public opinion almost overwhelmingly blamed Zhou Xun, believing that she had ruined other people's feelings. In the face of overwhelming criticism, Zhou Xun chose to remain silent.

Her eyes were firm, as if to say, "I don't regret it." This attitude angered the public even more, and the pressure of public opinion reached its peak. However, Zhou Xun did not back down.

She continued to devote herself to this relationship and spent two sweet years with Li Yapeng. In the past two years, Zhou Xun seems to have found true happiness, and her eyes are always filled with happiness.

Zhou Xun, who dares to love and hate, although he has talked about 9 boyfriends, he is still the top of the entertainment industry!

However, fate seems to have played a cruel joke on Zhou Xun. Just when she thought she had found true love, Li Yapeng fell in love with Faye Wong. Zhou Xun changed from a "little three" to an abandoned person, and the whirlpool of public opinion swallowed her again.

This sudden blow made Zhou Xun fall into a trough for a while. She didn't understand why she had paid so much and ended up like this. From being accused of being a "little three" to being abandoned as a "little three", this double blow almost made Zhou Xun collapse.

However, Zhou Xun was not defeated. She chose a stronger way to face this difficult situation. In an interview, she calmly said, "You can never wake up someone who is pretending to be asleep, just as you can never keep someone who wants to leave."

Her tone was calm, but her eyes revealed the wisdom of the precipitation of the years. This passage not only shows Zhou Xun's attitude towards this relationship, but also reflects her deep understanding of the nature of love.

Zhou Xun, who dares to love and hate, although he has talked about 9 boyfriends, he is still the top of the entertainment industry!

She understands that no matter how much it takes, if the other party has decided to leave, then it is futile to stay. This relationship brought a huge blow to Zhou Xun, but it also made her stronger.

She began to reflect on her own view of love and think about what is really suitable for her feelings. Zhou Xun understands that love should not be built on the basis of hurting others, nor should it lose oneself for the sake of love.

Although the outside world has mixed evaluations of her, Zhou Xun has always maintained his attitude: "Feelings are a matter of two people, as long as we are in love, other people's opinions are not important."

This sentence not only expresses her insistence on love, but also shows her courage to not be afraid of the eyes of the outside world. This experience made Zhou Xun understand that love is not a fairy tale, and feelings in reality are always complicated.

Zhou Xun, who dares to love and hate, although he has talked about 9 boyfriends, he is still the top of the entertainment industry!

But she still believes that as long as you truly love each other, it is worth working for. At the same time, she has also learned to be more cautious about her feelings and no longer blindly sacrifice everything for love.

Since then, Zhou Xun has become more mature in his relationship. She has learned to respect others and protect herself while pursuing love. This controversial relationship has become an important turning point in Zhou Xun's life, allowing her to be more rational and calm in her future relationship.

Although this relationship is full of controversy, it has undoubtedly added a lot of topicality to Zhou Xun's acting career. People began to pay more attention to Zhou Xun's every move, and each of her works sparked more discussion.

To a certain extent, this experience has pushed Zhou Xun's status in the entertainment industry to a higher level, making her a real top star. From an 18-year-old ignorant girl to today's top performer, Zhou Xun's concept of love is also constantly evolving.

Zhou Xun, who dares to love and hate, although he has talked about 9 boyfriends, he is still the top of the entertainment industry!

Each of her relationships is like a compulsory lesson in life, shaping her understanding and attitude towards love. The original Zhou Xun was full of longing and enthusiasm for love. Her first love with Lei Ming at the age of 18 allowed her to experience the sweetness of love.

In order to see the thunderous side, she can ride a bicycle through half the city. However, when love and career conflicted, Zhou Xun chose the latter. "I think girls should have their own careers so that they can be more active in life," she said.

This decision laid the foundation for her independent character. The subsequent five-year relationship with Dou Peng enriched Zhou Xun's concept of love. She gave up her career in Hangzhou for love and came to Beijing alone to become a singer in Beipiao.

Zhou Xun devoted himself to this relationship, and even learned to cook to keep the other party. However, the end of this relationship made her understand that love needs to be managed, but it is also necessary to learn to stop in moderation.

Zhou Xun, who dares to love and hate, although he has talked about 9 boyfriends, he is still the top of the entertainment industry!

"I'm all in every relationship." Zhou Xun once said this, and his eyes revealed firmness and sincerity. Even in the face of setbacks, she remains passionate about love.

The controversial relationship with Li Yapeng is an important turning point in Zhou Xun's view of love. She dares to love and hate, and she does not hesitate to be labeled as a "little three" for love. However, the failure of this relationship made Zhou Xun reflect deeply.

"You can never wake up someone who is pretending to be asleep, just like you can never keep someone who wants to leave," she said. This experience allowed Zhou Xun to learn to protect himself in his relationship and better understand the importance of respecting others.

After experiencing many relationships, Zhou Xun's view of love has become more mature. She learned to find a balance between love and career, and understood that relationships require the joint efforts of both parties.

Zhou Xun, who dares to love and hate, although he has talked about 9 boyfriends, he is still the top of the entertainment industry!

At the same time, Zhou Xun also became more rational. She began to learn to let go decisively when she found something inappropriate, and stopped dwelling on it too much. In the end, his marriage to Gao Shengyuan ended in failure, but it also gave Zhou Xun a new understanding of marriage and love.

She learned the importance of communication and understanding in long-term relationships, as well as the need to maintain personal independence. Years of emotional experience have allowed Zhou Xun to form his own unique concept of love: brave to love, but independent; Wholeheartedly, but know how to do it in moderation; Cherish the present, but don't force eternity.

As she said, "I don't regret it, every relationship has made me grow." This view of love allows Zhou Xun to always maintain herself in the relationship, and it also allows her to maintain a positive and optimistic attitude even after experiencing multiple relationships.

Her story tells us that the setbacks of love will not become a stumbling block in a career, but can become a valuable asset on the road of life. Zhou Xun's love experience not only shaped her unique personality charm, but also added a lot of color to her acting career.

Zhou Xun, who dares to love and hate, although he has talked about 9 boyfriends, he is still the top of the entertainment industry!

Every role she portrays on the screen seems to be infused with her rich emotional experience, making the audience feel more real and moving emotions. This may be one of the reasons why Zhou Xun can become the top of the entertainment industry.

Standing at a new starting point in life, 46-year-old Zhou Xun still has expectations for love. Despite nine relationships, including one, she has not lost faith in love.

"I believe that true love is still waiting for me." Zhou Xun said in an interview, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth. This sentence reveals her longing and hope for her future love life.

For the future relationship, Zhou Xun has new expectations. She hopes to find a partner who understands her career and gives her plenty of space. After going through many relationships, Zhou Xun understands the importance of equality and mutual respect in a relationship.

Zhou Xun, who dares to love and hate, although he has talked about 9 boyfriends, he is still the top of the entertainment industry!

Even in the spotlight of the entertainment industry, Zhou Xun still maintains his pure yearning for love. Her story tells us that no matter how many setbacks we experience, as long as we remain sincere and courageous, we will definitely meet our own sincere love.

Zhou Xun's love story continues, and we look forward to her finding the person who really understands her and loves her. Just like her achievements in her acting career, we believe that Zhou Xun will eventually reap her own happiness in love.

Her experience reminds us that the road to love may be bumpy, but as long as we maintain our faith in love, we will eventually usher in our own sincere feelings. Zhou Xun's love story will continue to inspire countless people to bravely pursue their own happiness.

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