
The Magnolia Award has become a "demon mirror", and after Hu Ge and Zhou Xun won the award, the defense-breaking people understood it

author:Happy white clouds


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The Magnolia Award ceremony in the hot summer is really star-studded and eye-catching.

The Magnolia Award has become a "demon mirror", and after Hu Ge and Zhou Xun won the award, the defense-breaking people understood it

After half a year of hype and careful preparation, this day finally ushered in this star-studded festival.

The Magnolia Award has become a "demon mirror", and after Hu Ge and Zhou Xun won the award, the defense-breaking people understood it

Speaking of this grand ceremony, it is really exciting, and the major stars have appeared one after another, showing their style, like a gorgeous fashion show.

The Magnolia Award has become a "demon mirror", and after Hu Ge and Zhou Xun won the award, the defense-breaking people understood it

Look at Liu Yifei, wearing a pink hollow dress, stepping on the red carpet gracefully, like a blooming pink rose, just right, neither fat nor thin, it is simply an existence that people can't take their eyes off.

The Magnolia Award has become a "demon mirror", and after Hu Ge and Zhou Xun won the award, the defense-breaking people understood it

And Zhou Yutong and Wu Yue's appearance in the same frame has become a highlight on the red carpet.

Zhou Yutong's playful smile, coupled with Wu Yue's picturesque eyebrows, is simply beautiful, and people can't help but take a few more looks.

The Magnolia Award has become a "demon mirror", and after Hu Ge and Zhou Xun won the award, the defense-breaking people understood it

Let's talk about Song Jia again, she appeared in a black outfit, simple but not simple, revealing a flexible texture and low-key beauty, which is really breathtaking.

The Magnolia Award has become a "demon mirror", and after Hu Ge and Zhou Xun won the award, the defense-breaking people understood it

And Yan Ni, with her delicate makeup and smart eyes, successfully created an image full of mature charm, which makes people have to fall for it.

The Magnolia Award has become a "demon mirror", and after Hu Ge and Zhou Xun won the award, the defense-breaking people understood it

In terms of male stars, Chen Xiao's bald head style can be described as unique, fully demonstrating his unique artistic temperament.

The Magnolia Award has become a "demon mirror", and after Hu Ge and Zhou Xun won the award, the defense-breaking people understood it

And Yu Shi is free to change, from the wild image on the screen to the exquisite dress on stage, all show his multi-faceted talent and charm.

The Magnolia Award has become a "demon mirror", and after Hu Ge and Zhou Xun won the award, the defense-breaking people understood it

However, the most high-profile thing of the night was the battle between the Emperor and the Queen.

This selection can be described as fair and transparent, which eliminates all doubts and doubts about the selection, and makes the award process full of credibility.

The Magnolia Award has become a "demon mirror", and after Hu Ge and Zhou Xun won the award, the defense-breaking people understood it

In the end, Ning Li and Jiang Yan won the Best Supporting Actor and Actress awards respectively for their outstanding performances.

Ning Li's acting skills are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and have won the respect and love of the audience; And Jiang Yan's wonderful performance in "South to North" is even more amazing, especially her sincere speech on the podium, which won bursts of applause from the audience.

The Magnolia Award has become a "demon mirror", and after Hu Ge and Zhou Xun won the award, the defense-breaking people understood it

The competition for the emperor was extremely fierce, and in the end, Hu Ge successfully won the award with his superb performance in "Flowers".

The Magnolia Award has become a "demon mirror", and after Hu Ge and Zhou Xun won the award, the defense-breaking people understood it

This is the second time he has won this award, which is enough to witness his important position in the film and television industry.

His gentlemanly temperament made him stand out among many candidates and became a well-deserved candidate for the emperor.

The Magnolia Award has become a "demon mirror", and after Hu Ge and Zhou Xun won the award, the defense-breaking people understood it

However, although the stars were bright and dazzling at this award ceremony, there was also some sarcasm and criticism.

The Magnolia Award has become a "demon mirror", and after Hu Ge and Zhou Xun won the award, the defense-breaking people understood it

Especially in the selection of the emperor, there will always be people who are happy and some who are worried.

No, in the enthusiastic expectations of the audience, Hu Ge won the award again with his wonderful performance in "The Long Season", which can be described as the limelight.

The Magnolia Award has become a "demon mirror", and after Hu Ge and Zhou Xun won the award, the defense-breaking people understood it

However, some people are happy and some people are worried, here Hu Ge won the award softly, but over there Fan Wei missed the award because of his absence, which is really emotional.

The Magnolia Award has become a "demon mirror", and after Hu Ge and Zhou Xun won the award, the defense-breaking people understood it

Speaking of Fan Wei, his acting skills are deeply recognized by the audience, and he doesn't need any awards to bless him at all.

The Magnolia Award has become a "demon mirror", and after Hu Ge and Zhou Xun won the award, the defense-breaking people understood it

And Hu Ge, although he has a geographical advantage in winning this award, his efforts and superb acting skills cannot be ignored.

The Magnolia Award has become a "demon mirror", and after Hu Ge and Zhou Xun won the award, the defense-breaking people understood it

His delicate and complex emotional expression and in-depth role grasp in "Flowers", especially the handling of emotional transformation, are really amazing.

The Magnolia Award has become a "demon mirror", and after Hu Ge and Zhou Xun won the award, the defense-breaking people understood it

At the same time, Zhou Xun's re-winning the post-visual award has also attracted widespread attention.

Although she traveled from as far away as France for the awards ceremony, her presence did not avoid controversy.

The Magnolia Award has become a "demon mirror", and after Hu Ge and Zhou Xun won the award, the defense-breaking people understood it

Some viewers complained about her previous performance in "The Legend of Ruyi", and felt that her image and role were a little different.

The Magnolia Award has become a "demon mirror", and after Hu Ge and Zhou Xun won the award, the defense-breaking people understood it

However, despite facing controversy, Zhou Xun's outstanding performance in "Imperfect Victim" has been highly praised by the industry, and her expression of respect for realistic emotions really makes people feel the charm of deep and restrained acting.

The Magnolia Award has become a "demon mirror", and after Hu Ge and Zhou Xun won the award, the defense-breaking people understood it

Of course, this award ceremony was not all smooth sailing, and the awards of Zhou Xun and Hu Ge also caused dissatisfaction among some audiences.

The Magnolia Award has become a "demon mirror", and after Hu Ge and Zhou Xun won the award, the defense-breaking people understood it

However, there are also many people who support and understand their awards, after all, the matter of artistic evaluation itself is full of subjectivity, and everyone has their own favorite actors in their minds.

The Magnolia Award has become a "demon mirror", and after Hu Ge and Zhou Xun won the award, the defense-breaking people understood it

In such a competitive industry, every actor's hard work and dedication should be respected and recognized.

The Magnolia Award has become a "demon mirror", and after Hu Ge and Zhou Xun won the award, the defense-breaking people understood it

The Magnolia Award is not only an affirmation of the actors' hard work in the past year, but also a great release of the audience's emotions.

The Magnolia Award has become a "demon mirror", and after Hu Ge and Zhou Xun won the award, the defense-breaking people understood it

Although each award ceremony is inevitably accompanied by controversy and discussion, it is also a reflection of everyone's enthusiasm and expectation for literary and artistic works.

The Magnolia Award has become a "demon mirror", and after Hu Ge and Zhou Xun won the award, the defense-breaking people understood it

This grand ceremony fully demonstrated the actors' persistent pursuit of art and their brilliant demeanor on the stage.

The Magnolia Award has become a "demon mirror", and after Hu Ge and Zhou Xun won the award, the defense-breaking people understood it

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