
"Bitter Professional" Chen Jin: She and her brother are both unmarried, and the brother and sister have a sad agreement

author:Sprite speaks

The autumn afternoon sun shines on the promenade of the hospital, soft and warm, making people feel comfortable. Chen Jin, 59, and her 61-year-old brother, Chen Zhun, sat next to their parents and listened to their father whisper stories from their childhood.

The mother had just experienced a serious illness, and although her body was weak, she was still thinking about the future of her children.

"Bitter Professional" Chen Jin: She and her brother are both unmarried, and the brother and sister have a sad agreement

Chen's mother's eyes flashed with tears, and her voice was full of deep worry: "You are old, who will take care of you?" This question fell like a stone on the hearts of the brother and sister.

Chen Zhun held his mother's hand tightly, and said in a firm and gentle tone: "Mom, don't worry about it. I'll take care of my sister. His gaze was resolute, as if he were making a sincere promise to his mother.

Chen Jin took over the topic, with a warm glint in his eyes: "Yes, Mom." Our brothers and sisters take care of each other, and we will never be alone in life. Her voice is firm and soft, as if painting a warm picture of the future.

In this way, the unmarried brother and sister made a seemingly simple but poignant agreement in front of their parents' sickbed. They choose to support each other in their upcoming later life and face the ups and downs of life together.

"Bitter Professional" Chen Jin: She and her brother are both unmarried, and the brother and sister have a sad agreement

What is the story behind this decision? Chen Jin, an actor known as a "bitter professional", what ups and downs has she experienced in her life? In the world between her and Chen Zhun, what is this seemingly sad but warm agreement? Let's step into their world together and unveil this story.

Chen Jin has stepped into the film and television industry since 1988, and starred in the movie "The Devoured Woman" for the first time as the rural girl "Yinzhen". After the release of this movie, the response was mediocre, and the young Chen Jin was hit hard.

Just when Chen Jin was about to give up his dream of acting and switch to fashion design, the opportunity quietly came. In 1990, director Shi Xuehai fell in love with Chen Jin at a glance and invited her to play the heroine in the TV series "The Mountain Doesn't Turn and the Water Turns".

"Bitter Professional" Chen Jin: She and her brother are both unmarried, and the brother and sister have a sad agreement

This work, which only has 6 episodes, has become a turning point in Chen Jin's career, and she portrays the image of a female teacher in the mountain township "changing" vividly, touching countless audiences and making people remember this newcomer with outstanding acting skills.

Since then, Chen Jin's position in the entertainment industry has gradually stabilized, and she has successively produced works such as "In Fact, Men Are the Hardest" and "Shanghai Bride", and gradually accumulated a certain reputation. In 1998, Chen Jin played the role of Wang Ruhui, the wife of a scientist, in the movie "Born Out of Thin Air", and she vividly interpreted the fortitude and gentleness of this intellectual woman, winning unanimous praise from the audience.

As she grew older, Chen Jin's understanding of human nature became more and more profound, which made her more comfortable in shaping her characters. For example, the tragic adoptive mother Dong Guilan she played in "Tangshan Earthquake",

The ill-fated Jiang Shi played in "The City is Full of Golden Armor", and the patriarchal mother Zhao Meilan played in "It's All Good" and other characters have left a deep impression on the audience and made people cry.

"Bitter Professional" Chen Jin: She and her brother are both unmarried, and the brother and sister have a sad agreement

It is these roles that have won Chen Jin the title of "Bitter Professional".

However, Chen Jin is not satisfied with one label, but constantly challenges herself and tries a variety of roles. In recent years, her superb performances in hit dramas such as "The Road to the Sky", "Breakthrough", "Antiques in the Middle Bureau: Ink and Porcelain", "Calm Waves", "Fireworks in My World", "Three-Body Problem" and other hit dramas have fully demonstrated her versatility and profound acting skills as a mature actor.

Chen Jin's professionalism and efforts have been highly recognized by the industry, and she has won many achievements, including: Best Actress at the 34th Popular Film "Hundred Flowers Award", Outstanding Actress at the 17th Chinese Film "Huabiao Award",

The 28th Chinese TV Drama "Feitian Award" Outstanding Actress Award and the 20th China TV "Golden Eagle Award" Audience's Favorite Actress Award are known as the "Grand Slam" winners in the entertainment industry.

"Bitter Professional" Chen Jin: She and her brother are both unmarried, and the brother and sister have a sad agreement

Chen Jin has written his own legend in the entertainment industry, from a young newcomer to a powerful actor in the acting school, with persistence and hard work. Her story teaches us that as long as we are steadfast in our beliefs and pursue our dreams, it is possible to shine brightly.

To deeply understand Chen Jin's acting talent, we need to go back to her childhood. In 1964, Chen Jin was born in a military family in Jinan, Shandong. Her father, Chen Kemin, is a professor at the National Defense University, and her mother is a drama actress.

Due to the nature of his father's work, Chen Jin has lived in a military compound with strict rules since he was a child.

"Bitter Professional" Chen Jin: She and her brother are both unmarried, and the brother and sister have a sad agreement

In this seemingly solemn environment, Zhang Jin and Zhang Zhun, who are two years older than her, have their own independent world. Whenever other children play in the yard, the siblings prefer to stay at home and build their own little world.

Chen Zhun holds the album and constantly imagines each element of the painting to make it come to life. As for Chen Jin, she always has infinite curiosity and likes to pester Chen Zhun brother to tell stories.

Chen Zhun's unbridled imagination turns every picture into a vivid and interesting story, and Chen Jin will listen attentively, and from time to time he will use exaggerated body movements to interpret the story.

"Bitter Professional" Chen Jin: She and her brother are both unmarried, and the brother and sister have a sad agreement

This childhood experience planted the seeds for Chen Jin's future acting career, and in the cottage of this military compound, she quietly sprouted along with her brother's creativity and desire to perform, but she did not show any special talent for learning at that time.

Her grades in school were mediocre, and her teachers commented on her "loosely", which worried her parents.

Chen Jin always recalls that good time, with a warm light in her eyes: "At that time, my brother and I were like living in our own little world," she said softly, "and we filled every afternoon with our imagination."

"Bitter Professional" Chen Jin: She and her brother are both unmarried, and the brother and sister have a sad agreement

Now that I think about it, that was probably the starting point of my acting career."

This childhood experience not only cultivated Chen Jin's artistic talent, but also laid the foundation for her deep relationship with her brother. It is this brotherhood that allows them to make that seemingly sad, but full of warm promise after many years.

Although her performance in school was not very outstanding, Chen Jin's artistic talent was fully cultivated and nourished in the family environment. Her mother, a drama actress, unconsciously provided Chen Jin with the experience of getting in touch with and loving the performing arts.

"Bitter Professional" Chen Jin: She and her brother are both unmarried, and the brother and sister have a sad agreement

Although his father was a serious military professor, he also respected the children's interests and created space for them to use their imagination freely.

In this special environment, Chen Jin's acting talent grew up quietly under the subtle influence of her parents and the company of her brother. This childhood experience laid a solid foundation for her future success in the entertainment industry.

Time flies, and Chen Jin has entered the age of no confusion. However, in stark contrast to her thriving acting career, her love life is still a blank slate. This confused Chen Jin herself, and also plunged her parents into deep anxiety.

"Bitter Professional" Chen Jin: She and her brother are both unmarried, and the brother and sister have a sad agreement

At every family gathering, the conversation inevitably turns to the sensitive topic of marriage. Chen Kemin will always sigh and say: "If you don't get married for a day, your mother and I feel that there is still a big event in our lives that has not been completed."

We always toss and turn at night, and it is difficult to sleep" The worry and expectation contained in these words made Chen Jin feel distressed and helpless.

In the face of her parents' concern, Chen Jin always comforted them in a gentle tone: "Parents, you have completed a major task in your life by raising me and my brother to adulthood. Our marriage should be up to us.

"Bitter Professional" Chen Jin: She and her brother are both unmarried, and the brother and sister have a sad agreement

If you are reluctant to be with the wrong person, it can cause more harm."

However, under the influence of traditional Chinese culture, marriage is regarded as not only a personal event, but also a family event. Seeing the friends around them start a family one after another, the anxiety in the hearts of the Chen family's parents is increasing day by day.

They began to decline invitations from old friends for fear of being asked about their children's marital status.

"Bitter Professional" Chen Jin: She and her brother are both unmarried, and the brother and sister have a sad agreement

Both Chen Jin and her older brother Chen Zhun have been single, which is not only a bother for their parents, but also a huge challenge for the older generation, as both children have chosen unusual lifestyles.

Chen Zhun is in line with his sister's view on this issue. He always said, "Life is very short, and the most important thing is to live a life that satisfies you and choose the way you want."

This view was undoubtedly very avant-garde in the social environment of the time, and it can even be said to be iconoclastic.

"Bitter Professional" Chen Jin: She and her brother are both unmarried, and the brother and sister have a sad agreement

Although Chen Jin and Chen Zhun have differences with their parents on the concept of marriage, they both reflect their filial piety with practical actions. Chen Jin often buys various food and fashion clothes for her parents, and accompanies them on trips in her spare time.

Chen Zheng took on the daily responsibility of taking care of his parents, and when their parents were unwell, he always rushed to the bedside to take care of them as soon as possible.

As time passed, various speculations and rumors about Chen Jin's love life began to spread on the Internet, some people said that she divorced a certain Taiwanese actor, and some people rumored that she had a secret relationship with her friends in the circle.

"Bitter Professional" Chen Jin: She and her brother are both unmarried, and the brother and sister have a sad agreement

In the face of these rumors, Chen Jin has always remained silent, and only speaks when she needs to clarify the facts, and her attitude seems to be wordless: I am in charge of my own life.

In this protracted battle of marriage, Chen Jin and Chen Zhun expounded the true meaning of happiness in their own unique way, and unwittingly changed the old concept of their parents. Their choices may be opening up a whole new way of life for more people.

Outside the spotlight, Chen Jin's life is far richer than people think. She is a successful actress and a creative art lover. These little-known talents and interests have injected infinite color into her life.

"Bitter Professional" Chen Jin: She and her brother are both unmarried, and the brother and sister have a sad agreement

Chen Jin studied fashion design at the Central Academy of Arts and Crafts in the early 90s, an experience that not only broadened her artistic horizons, but also laid the foundation for her future interests in many ways.

In her busy shooting days, Chen Jin is always immersed in the world of jewelry design, and she has a stunning large cabinet in her home that houses all kinds of jewelry that she has collected and designed over the years, and interestingly, some of the jewelry she bought many years ago has now increased in value more than ten times, making it a considerable investment.

Chen Jin not only has a passion for jewelry design, but also has a passion for clothing design. In 2021, she bought a batch of traditional handmade fabrics from the countryside, which inspired her creations.

"Bitter Professional" Chen Jin: She and her brother are both unmarried, and the brother and sister have a sad agreement

In her free time, she began to design the neckline and cuffs of her clothes independently, cut them herself, and turned simple fabrics into unique clothes.

Chen Jin's hobbies not only enrich her life, but also provide fresh inspiration for her acting career. Her quest for beauty and attention to detail are constantly reflected in her performances.

It is precisely because of her love of life and dedication to art that she can still maintain her strong creativity in the entertainment industry after entering half a century.

"Bitter Professional" Chen Jin: She and her brother are both unmarried, and the brother and sister have a sad agreement

Chen Jin's story teaches us that life should not be defined by a single label. Even in the environment where so many people are watching, she has not forgotten to explore other possibilities in life.

Her story teaches us that being curious and creative can make life shine at any age.

In Chen Jin's view, her hobby is not only a way for her to relax and unwind, but also a way for her to understand the world and experience life. Designing jewelry and clothing allows her to see the world from different perspectives, an experience that influences her performance.

"Bitter Professional" Chen Jin: She and her brother are both unmarried, and the brother and sister have a sad agreement

Perhaps it is this diverse attitude to life that allows her to create such a colorful role on the screen.

Today, 59-year-old Chen Jin and 61-year-old brother Chen Zhun are still single. The "sad pact" they made at their parents' bedside seems to be gradually being realized. But is the meaning behind this choice consistent with people's imagination?

Chen Jin once said: "Not only do I have the ability to take care of myself, but I will never let my brother be lonely in his old age." When we get older, the siblings take care of each other, and life will not feel lonely.

"Bitter Professional" Chen Jin: She and her brother are both unmarried, and the brother and sister have a sad agreement

This passage not only expresses the plan for the future, but also reveals the satisfaction of the present.

Chen Jin's story is a fable about the actor's legend and life choices and perseverance. In a world full of uncertainties, she interprets the true meaning of happiness in her own way. Her choices tell us that there is no fixed pattern to happiness and that everyone has the right to pursue and define happiness in their own way.

We can't help but ask: what is the essence of happiness? Do you have to follow a traditional life trajectory to be happy? The story of Chen Jin and Chen Zhun may be providing a unique answer to these questions.

"Bitter Professional" Chen Jin: She and her brother are both unmarried, and the brother and sister have a sad agreement

No matter what the future holds, we hope that they can continue to interpret happiness in their own way and write their own wonderful chapter on the stage of life.

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