
Actor Chen Jin: In order to be thin, he didn't eat rice, and he agreed with his brother that he would not marry or have children for the rest of his life

author:Haha Academy
Actor Chen Jin: In order to be thin, he didn't eat rice, and he agreed with his brother that he would not marry or have children for the rest of his life
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Actor Chen Jin: In order to be thin, he didn't eat rice, and he agreed with his brother that he would not marry or have children for the rest of his life

In the star-studded entertainment industry, Chen Jin is an eye-catching but elusive existence. , a powerful actor known as the "female version of Chen Daoming", has conquered countless audiences with his superb acting skills.

From the strict mother in "Do You Know If You Should Be Green, Fat, Red and Thin", to Su's mother in "It's All Good", and then to Ye Wenjie in "The Three-Body Problem", Chen Jin has created one role after another that is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

However, under this glamorous appearance, Chen Jin's private life is extraordinary. Not eating rice for 20 years, and agreeing with her brother not to marry or have children for life, these seemingly deviant choices made her an "outlier" in the entertainment industry.

What kind of experience shaped such a unique soul? Let's step into Chen Jin's world and uncover the secrets behind her life choices.

Actor Chen Jin: In order to be thin, he didn't eat rice, and he agreed with his brother that he would not marry or have children for the rest of his life

In 1964, Chen Jin fell to the ground in a family of intellectuals in Jinan, the spring city. On the surface, the family seemed to represent the elite class of the time, but in reality, it could not provide enough warmth and love for the young Chen Jin.

In that special era, my father, as the absolute authority in the family, was stationed in the distant frontier all the year round, and it was rare to return home. The mother is the pillar of the repertory troupe, busy with rehearsals and performances all day, and has little time to take care of the children.

Xiao Chen Jin and her brother's daily life is mostly taken care of by neighbors, and the only parent-child time they have is often occupied by strict military posture training.

In such an environment, Chen Jin learned to be independent very early. She and her brother have formed a special relationship of dependence, supporting each other and facing life's challenges together.

Actor Chen Jin: In order to be thin, he didn't eat rice, and he agreed with his brother that he would not marry or have children for the rest of his life

Even if they fall and get injured, they don't cry like other children because they know that there are no parents around to comfort them.

This special childhood experience planted the seeds of loneliness in Chen Jin's heart. She gradually became unsociable and had difficulty fitting in. In that courtyard full of laughter, Chen Jin looked out of place, like a silent bystander.

However, it is in this loneliness that the relationship between Chen Jin and her brother grows deeper. For Chen Jin, her brother is not only a playmate, but also a substitute for her parents.

She once said fondly: "Looking back on my childhood, my brother was far more important to me than my dear parents, in fact, he was more like my 'second parent'.

Actor Chen Jin: In order to be thin, he didn't eat rice, and he agreed with his brother that he would not marry or have children for the rest of his life

This special brother-sister relationship has become the most important emotional bond in Chen Jin's life. It not only sustained her through a difficult childhood, but also profoundly influenced her life choices later in life.

In Chen Jin's inner world, her brother's existence seems to be a light that will never be extinguished, as long as she is there, she can feel at ease.

As I grew older, this brother-sister relationship not only did not fade, but became stronger. When they entered adulthood, the two chose a similar life path as if they had a clear understanding - Chen Jin studied acting, and his brother chose photography.

What's even more surprising is that they made a surprising decision together: they agreed not to marry for life.

Actor Chen Jin: In order to be thin, he didn't eat rice, and he agreed with his brother that he would not marry or have children for the rest of his life

This decision may be incomprehensible to others, but for Chen Jin and his brother, it is the most profound commitment to each other. It not only reflects their cherishing of this sibling relationship, but also reflects their unique understanding of life.

With a love for performance, Chen Jin embarked on the road of art without hesitation. In 1987, she graduated from college with honors and was assigned to the Air Force Repertory Theatre with her outstanding performance.

This stage became her first important platform to show her talent.

Chen Jin's debut performance showed amazing talent. In the work "Snow Peak Love", she plays five corners by herself, and each character is lifelike and breathtaking.

Actor Chen Jin: In order to be thin, he didn't eat rice, and he agreed with his brother that he would not marry or have children for the rest of his life

Her eyes, expressions, and body language all convey the emotions of different characters just right. The audience was deeply moved by her performance, and applause poured in like a tide, opening a bright door for her acting career.

This successful performance has attracted the attention of industry insiders. The famous director Fan Mingren has a discerning eye and invited Chen Jin to star in the movie "The Devoured Woman". Although this is her screen debut, Chen Jin has performed with ease, showing mature acting skills that do not match her age.

Immediately afterwards, she participated in the movie "Born Out of the Sky", and played on the same stage with well-known actors such as Li Xuejian and Li Youbin, without falling behind.

During this period, Chen Jin's star journey was bright. She has won many awards for her outstanding performance and is known as a representative of the new generation of powerful actors. Industry insiders have predicted that she will become a new star in the Chinese film industry.

Actor Chen Jin: In order to be thin, he didn't eat rice, and he agreed with his brother that he would not marry or have children for the rest of his life

However, just when everyone thought that Chen Jin would soar into the sky, fate gave her a heavy blow. In order to better figure out the role, Chen Jin often forgot to sleep and eat, immersed in the role and couldn't extricate himself.

She would study the script several nights on end and even forgot to eat. This state of extreme devotion, although it makes her performance even better, has also had a huge negative impact on her body and appearance.

The long-term irregular work and rest and diet made Chen Jin's face look tired and old, and his figure gradually lost shape. When she stood in front of the director again to audition, she had to hear this evaluation: "It's not that you lack acting skills, but you are a little plump in appearance and have a bad complexion, and hiring a nanny will not choose someone like you."

Such words were like a sharp knife, deeply stabbing Chen Jin's heart.

Actor Chen Jin: In order to be thin, he didn't eat rice, and he agreed with his brother that he would not marry or have children for the rest of his life

The once radiant new star seems to have fallen into the abyss at this time. Chen Jin once fell into deep self-doubt, and even had the idea of changing careers. She tried to sign up to study fashion design, hoping to find a new direction in life.

However, when she actually sat in the design class, she found that she could never take her mind away from the performance.

Standing at the crossroads of life, Chen Jin fell into deep confusion. She clearly knows that she loves acting, but the cruelty of reality makes her feel extremely depressed.

At this difficult time, she had to re-examine her life choices and think about how she could return to the stage of her beloved.

Actor Chen Jin: In order to be thin, he didn't eat rice, and he agreed with his brother that he would not marry or have children for the rest of his life

At this moment, a bold idea came to Chen Jin's mind. She decided to meet this challenge in her own way, reinvent herself, and return to the pinnacle of her acting career.

This decision will completely change the trajectory of her life from then on.

Faced with the low point of his career, Chen Jin did not choose to retreat, but made a shocking decision - to stop eating rice from now on. This seemingly simple decision was actually the first step in her reinvention.

Chen Jin knows that rice is a staple food for Chinese, and it is also one of the main reasons for her body shape. She decided to radically change her eating habits and challenge herself in the most extreme ways.

Actor Chen Jin: In order to be thin, he didn't eat rice, and he agreed with his brother that he would not marry or have children for the rest of his life

From that day on, there was no longer a grain of rice on her table, replaced by plenty of vegetables, fruits, and a moderate amount of high-quality protein.

However, weaning from rice is just the beginning. At the same time, Chen Jin has developed a strict exercise plan and insists on three hours of yoga training every day. This kind of almost harsh self-requirement may only be a three-minute heat for many people, but Chen Jin persevered, and he insisted on it for 20 years.

In these long years, Chen Jin has experienced countless temptations and vacillations. Her stomach squirms unconsciously whenever she smells the aroma of rice, but she always grits her teeth and gets through.

Sometimes, to fight hunger, she chooses to eat only one peach to get through the day.

Actor Chen Jin: In order to be thin, he didn't eat rice, and he agreed with his brother that he would not marry or have children for the rest of his life

My friend Chu Zhibo once asked her in surprise: "How can you eat only one peach every day?" Chen Jin replied with a smile: "You can imagine me as a monkey."

Behind this humorous answer is her insistence on the knack of simplifying the goal and making the process concrete.

Chen Jin's extreme approach has aroused many people's doubts and concerns. Some people think she's overdrawing her health, while others think it's unsustainable. But Chen Jin proved with his actions that as long as there is enough determination, nothing is impossible.

As time passed, Chen Jin's figure gradually returned to its best condition. Not only did she lose weight successfully, but her skin condition also improved significantly, and her whole person glowed with a new glow.

Actor Chen Jin: In order to be thin, he didn't eat rice, and he agreed with his brother that he would not marry or have children for the rest of his life

What's more, this process not only reshaped her figure, but also reshaped her willpower.

When Chen Jin stood in front of the camera again, she had transformed into a new self. She has a slender figure and an elegant temperament, and her eyes shine with determination and confidence.

This change from the inside out gave her a new chance in her acting career.

The directors were surprised to find that the new Chen Jin not only had a new appearance, but also her acting skills became more and more proficient and moving. Those characters who once rejected her are now throwing olive branches to her.

Actor Chen Jin: In order to be thin, he didn't eat rice, and he agreed with his brother that he would not marry or have children for the rest of his life

Chen Jin's career took off again, and the roles she created impressed the audience and won widespread praise.

20 years of persistence not only allowed Chen Jin to return to the peak of acting, but also made her understand a truth: as long as you stick to yourself, there is no hurdle that cannot be overcome. This experience has become the most valuable asset in her life and a source of inspiration for her.

With the re-take-off of his career, Chen Jin's private life has also begun to attract public attention. Among them, her relationship with actor Wu Gang has become the focus of everyone's discussion, triggering an emotional puzzle that has lasted for many years.

The intersection of the two began with many on-screen collaborations. In the long-term work together, Chen Jin and Wu Gang have gradually developed into close friends who have nothing to say. However, their frequent interactions and intimate manners cast a layer of ambiguity over this pure friendship.

Actor Chen Jin: In order to be thin, he didn't eat rice, and he agreed with his brother that he would not marry or have children for the rest of his life

Since 2003, the scandal about the two has begun to be very loud. Someone had seen them go to the office together, and Wu Gang also put his wallet in Chen Jin's handbag.

What's more, seeing Wu Gang personally open the car door for Chen Jin, the interaction between the two was like a couple in love. These details undoubtedly add to the suspiciousness of their relationship in the eyes of others.

To complicate matters further, in the second year of their acquaintance, Wu Gang ended his marriage. The move added to speculation, with many believing that Chen Jin was the third party responsible for the breakdown of Wu's marriage.

In the face of overwhelming speculation and doubts, Chen Jin has always remained silent. She neither denies nor admits it, but confronts it all with a detached attitude.

Actor Chen Jin: In order to be thin, he didn't eat rice, and he agreed with his brother that he would not marry or have children for the rest of his life

When asked why she is still unmarried, she always replied firmly: "I think the value of modern women should not be limited to marriage, and a person can also live a wonderful life."

This attitude makes people even more confused. Some people think that she is covering up her relationship with Wu Gang, and others think that she is sticking to her principles. However, only Chen Jin herself knows that deep down in her heart, she has always adhered to the agreement with her brother.

In this emotional puzzle, Chen Jin showed extraordinary determination. Not only was she not swayed by the voices of the outside world, but she was more focused on her career. She stayed away from variety shows, concentrated on film and television creation, and responded to the doubts of the outside world with outstanding roles.

This experience not only tested Chen Jin's will, but also made her more determined in her life choice. In her view, true freedom is not about being attached to others, but about finding inner peace in independence.

Actor Chen Jin: In order to be thin, he didn't eat rice, and he agreed with his brother that he would not marry or have children for the rest of his life

Chen Jin, who has entered the year of knowing the destiny of heaven, seems to have entered a calm and philosophical stage in his life. To outsiders, her daily routine is simple and regular: either focusing on filming on the set, or quietly collecting jewelry at home.

This way of life seems to be incompatible with the hustle and bustle of the entertainment industry.

"I firmly believe that everyone is lonely and can only face life alone in the end." Chen Jin once explained her outlook on life like this. This sentence not only explains her choice not to get married, but also a true portrayal of her attitude towards life.

In her view, true freedom is not to be attached to others, but to find inner peace in solitude.

Actor Chen Jin: In order to be thin, he didn't eat rice, and he agreed with his brother that he would not marry or have children for the rest of his life

This unique philosophy of life is reflected in every choice she makes. She stays away from the hustle and bustle of variety shows and focuses on the film and television creation she loves. Every time she takes on a new role, she puts her heart and soul into it, as if that's what her life is all about.

In the face of doubts and criticism from the outside world, Chen Jin always smiled indifferently. "A hundred years of life will eventually return to dust, who can really remember whom?" That's how she often responds.

This sentence contains a deep insight into the nature of life, and also shows her transcendent attitude towards life.

In this fast-paced era, Chen Jin's choice may seem out of place. But it is this "other" attitude that makes her life exude a unique charm.

She used her insistence on not eating rice for many years to interpret the strict requirements for herself; used a lifelong covenant with his brother to show a unique understanding of family affection; The choice of not marrying or having children demonstrates the persistent pursuit of freedom.

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