
4 pairs of superb couplets mocking male thieves and female prostitutes, neat battles, laughing and scolding, making people stunning

author:Happy corn

Today, I'd like to share with you four humorous and ironic couplets. These four couplets show clever confrontation and fun, with a bit of humor and banter, so that people can feel the beauty of it in laughter. If you like couplets, don't miss it, and collect it! The first pair I bring to you, with light language and deep allegorical meanings, exposes some of the discordant winds in society; The next three pairs are even more interesting, with profound meanings, and express people's hearts in laughter and scolding. Every word and sentence of these four couplets is breathtaking, and it is truly a masterpiece. If you are interested in this, you may wish to bookmark this article and savor the charm of it.

New couplet: Yu Sansheng revives the old regiment and starts the New Year again; Wu Da prostitute stayed in the Nine Heavens Realm and often visited the immortal palace.

The duty of modern civil servants is to serve the people, and the vast majority of them are good officials who are conscientious and responsible. However, there are also a very small number of corrupt officials who are considered bad. Nevertheless, we should have full confidence and respect for those good officials.

In the ancient context of governance, the situation was very different. Among the very few conscientious officials, there are many clean officials who are honest, self-disciplined, and diligent in serving the people. But looking at the whole, it is more about the officials who covet power and wealth, and the corrupt people who are on the wrong side, both men and women, and who do the most evil things. In other words, in the ancient social environment, the quality of officials varied greatly, with few good and many bad.

The ancients once said, "All crows are black." That's true. Ancient people used to say that crows are all the same color, all black. This statement is indeed very accurate.

During the Qing Dynasty, Wu Keyu was a well-known imperial historian who was known to the imperial court for his courage to speak out.

In fact, although Wu Keyu is upright on the outside, he is a morally corrupt person in private, he often goes to the Qinglou secretly to have fun, and he is a ridiculous guy.

4 pairs of superb couplets mocking male thieves and female prostitutes, neat battles, laughing and scolding, making people stunning

In retrospect, Wu Keyu traveled to the capital to take the imperial examinations, and spent months with a prostitute in the bustling streets of Beijing until he had almost exhausted all his money.

Mr. Wu was advised by a mentor who suggested that Mr. Wu consider moving to a place called Jiutian Temple outside Beijing. The temple is tranquil, sparsely populated, and the tranquil environment is ideal for concentrating on the study of books, helping to escape from the hustle and bustle of the city and the distractions of the world. Simplified version: Wu Keyu's teacher suggested that he move to the Nine Heavens Temple outside the city, where the temple environment is quiet and less crowded, which is more suitable for concentrating on his studies, so that he will not be disturbed by the hustle and bustle of the city. In this way, you can avoid the distractions of the world and focus on your studies.

But Wu Keyu, after three nights in the temple, felt unbearable, so he went to the kiln again and settled down on the prostitute's bed.

Modern people ridiculed Wu Keyu and gave him the nickname "Wu Da Gambling", which made him famous for gambling in the capital.

4 pairs of superb couplets mocking male thieves and female prostitutes, neat battles, laughing and scolding, making people stunning

After a while, Wu Keyu's finances were depleted, and the prostitutes' attitude towards him became disrespectful.

Wu Keyu was expelled from the kiln factory for some reason, and had no choice but to go to the Nine Heavens Temple to take shelter temporarily.

Yu Sansheng is an outstanding opera actor in the Peking Opera Liyuan, and successfully revives the decaying "Four Happiness Class". This deed is deeply inspiring, and the first upper link "Yu Sansheng revivs the old class name" came into being, but the matching lower link has not been released for a long time. It's both an artistic legacy and a tribute to the glory of the past. Still, no perfect downlink has yet been found to echo it.

There was a widely circulated news in the capital, that is, after Wu Keyu's whereabouts were exposed in an entertainment venue, it caused heated discussions in the society. Then someone wrote the following neat and humorous couplet for this purpose, that is, "Wu Da prostitute lives in the Nine Heavens Temple again" as the next couplet, which was loved and praised by many people in the capital for a while. This couplet became a well-known story on the streets. This newly created couplet was unanimously loved by everyone, and it was widely spread throughout the capital, and everyone who heard about it remembered this unique couplet, which made people laugh and praise. And Wu Keyan's name was also widely known in the capital because of this incident.

In ancient times, there was an official named Wu Da Yan, who was recorded in history because of his involvement in Fengyue, which shows that he was good at entertaining himself and was known to others, and could also be regarded as his unique talent. In the long course of history, he is not an insignificant person who has completely disappeared, but has become a joke in some people in a certain circle. It can be seen from this that for some officials in ancient times, it was also a special skill to leave a reputation in the world in this special way. This particular skill, or way of life, may seem outrageous today, but in the context of ancient societies and cultures, it existed and was accepted. Suffice it to say that history can sometimes be very wonderful and deep, even if some of the names seem controversial or difficult to understand today. However, in any case, this is a part of the life of the ancients, and it is worthy of our objective and open attitude to study and explore.

It is true that there are a very small number of officials who have some distressing problems. For example, in the case of Director Guo, which appeared before, it was not about soliciting prostitution, but about having an inappropriate relationship with someone else's spouse, and unreasonably not allowing someone else's husband to have a relationship with his wife, which is really overbearing. "You don't need to have sex with your husband, your body belongs only to me," he declared. "We deeply regret that such actions have political and moral implications.

4 pairs of superb couplets mocking male thieves and female prostitutes, neat battles, laughing and scolding, making people stunning

It's like an admirer saying to the girl he likes, "You can only be close to me alone, not to anyone else." This sweet love atmosphere makes people feel both envious and intoxicated.

The artistic conception of the second couplet is: regret that the spring medicine is not used, and the poor emperor suffers from smallpox.

There is a saying among the people that the Tongzhi Emperor of the Qing Dynasty had a hobby of visiting Fengyue places, and later died of syphilis. This theory is widely spread among the people, and there are many speculations and rumors about the life and cause of death of Emperor Tongzhi. It is said that he often hung out in some entertainment venues in the capital, and finally died of syphilis. Although it is just a rumor, it is widely circulated among the people, and many people talk about it. However, more evidence is needed to confirm the truth of history.

Of course, according to the ancient noble tradition, the official historical records will definitely not directly say that the Tongzhi Emperor died of syphilis. It simply says that the emperor died of smallpox. This "smallpox" is the disease mentioned in the next couplet.

This couplet is a satire on the moral issues of the Tongzhi Emperor, and although the text is more subtle, its irony is very sharp and can be said to be very aggressive.

4 pairs of superb couplets mocking male thieves and female prostitutes, neat battles, laughing and scolding, making people stunning

Wang Qingqi, his duty is to walk in the Hongde Hall in Zuochunfang. It is said that he presented an item called "aphrodisiac" to Emperor Tongzhi as a courtesy, which is called "Chunfang Jin Aphrodisiac". This is the understanding of this statement. In fact, it was he who specially prepared this heart-warming gift for the emperor to please the emperor.

The essence of this couplet lies in the clever use of the two words "spring" and "day", which are repetitive but not verbose, concise but have the charm of infinite loop.

Shanglian describes the spring palace room, which has two meanings, which is not only a reference to Wang Qingqi, but also a metaphor for the place of wind and snow. This emotional connotation of "hatred" is profound and wide-ranging, which not only symbolizes the Tongzhi Emperor's repentance for taking aphrodisiacs, but also expresses the people's resentment at Wang Qingqi and others for misleading the emperor. The simplified expression is: Shanglian is talking about the affairs of Chunfang, which has a double meaning, which is not only related to Wang Qingqi, but also alludes to the place of Fengyue. Behind the word "hate", on the one hand, Emperor Tongzhi regretted taking aphrodisiacs and soliciting prostitution, and on the other hand, the people's resentment against villains like Wang Qingqi for bringing the emperor badly. To put it simply, it is a complex court event that triggers many complex emotional reactions.

The following describes both situations, both full of helplessness. One is that the fate of Emperor Tongzhi is regrettable, and the other layer contains the ridicule of the insider: "It's really a false deception, obviously Emperor Tongzhi died of flower willow disease, but he lied that he died of smallpox and fooled the people, it's ridiculous!" This expression is easy to understand, retains the original meaning, and has little similarity to the original text.

The third couplet depicts the bond between the children and the elderly: the children love to play jade games, while the old man prefers to play with pottery; The elder brother used to like to snuggle up to the green trees, while the younger brother preferred to be close to the safflowers. To rephrase it in straightforward language, children like to play with jade Ruzhang, and the elderly like to play with terracotta. The older brother and younger brother also have different hobbies, but both embody a love for the beauty of nature. Such couplets are full of the breath of life and the warmth of family.

The promotion of officials in the Qing Dynasty was carried out by various means. This is part of the description of the secrets of late Qing officialdom. The competition in officialdom is fierce, and the promotion path is unusual. This is a historical fact of the powerful world of the Qing Dynasty. During the Qing Dynasty, officials worked hard to get to the top. Such a link revealed an unspeakable rumor in the officialdom at that time. Qing officials had many means of promotion. The words of the first couplet tell the scenes of the officialdom of the late Qing Dynasty. The officialdom of the late Qing Dynasty did everything for promotion. The first sentence already reveals a little-known secret.

Chen Kuilong once served as the governor of Zhili, and in order to be appreciated and promoted by his superiors, he skillfully arranged for his wife to marry the fourth side chamber of Prince Qing Yixuan as a stepmother. This is actually to curry favor and get closer to the center of power. What we often say about side Fujin actually refers to the identity of the little wife.

Zhu Jiabao, who served as the governor of Jilin, asked his son Zhu Lun to recognize Prince Qing Zaizhen as his father-in-law. It is worth mentioning that Prince Qing Zaizhen is the son of Prince Qing Yixuan. Such a relationship shows the deep kinship bond between them.

You may be a little confused, let me explain it briefly. The meaning of Shanglian's "Er Jie Zhang Weng Langwa" is: the Yixuan family has another daughter, and the Zaizhen family has an additional son. This should be a clearer explanation.

In a conventional context, this phrase is often used to describe a prosperous family and a prosperous family. However, in this particular context, since the mentioned daughters and sons are both running for high-status strangers, this sentence transforms into a kind of spicy satire on late Qing officialdom. In order to cling to the powerful, people in the officialdom falsely seek relationships and show loyalty, which is vividly compared to "going the way", "offering filial piety" and "patting on the back".

In today's society, although most officials can uphold the moral bottom line, there are still a very small number of people who abandon their conscience in order to be promoted quickly. Many of these people have misbehaved and done things that are contrary to morality and ethics, such as pursuing power and status by any means, even at the expense of the public interest. This phenomenon, while rare, is still distressing. In the modern political ecology, there are still individual officials who are desperate for promotion, and their behavior seriously undermines public credibility, and even involves violations of law and discipline. The actions of these people not only make people question their moral bottom line, but also affect the atmosphere of the whole society. In short, despite the growing sense of morality in modern society, there are still individual officials who have lost their integrity for personal gain, and their behavior is despicable. We should be vigilant against this phenomenon and work together to maintain a clean and honest political environment.

Regarding Director Dai Lu, who has attracted much attention before, she has made some eye-catching moves for her promotion. She has a close relationship with a mayor and has attracted wide attention from the outside world. While her actions had an impact on her marriage, rumors about their relationship were not confirmed. We should refrain from over-speculating and judging the private affairs of others. For example, Director Dai Lu, who used to be very famous, seemed to have done some inappropriate behaviors in order to be promoted quickly. She seems to have a close relationship with a certain mayor, but these are just rumors and have not been confirmed. This behavior not only affected her marriage, but also attracted public attention and discussion. We shouldn't speculate or judge other people's private affairs too much.

4 pairs of superb couplets mocking male thieves and female prostitutes, neat battles, laughing and scolding, making people stunning

To give another example, there is a female cadre Duan Ying, who is known as "the youngest post-80s department level in the country", and her behavior is controversial. It is said that in order to obtain a higher position, she did not hesitate to have improper relationships with many people, and completely lost her sense of integrity. Although she was severely dealt with and dismissed from public office, she was briefly prosperous and reaped a lot of benefits. For her personally, perhaps she would feel that such an outcome did not cause much damage.

4 pairs of superb couplets mocking male thieves and female prostitutes, neat battles, laughing and scolding, making people stunning

"The 'brother used to depend on each other' mentioned in the following link is related to ancient immorality. In ancient times, some men would engage in dishonorable deeds, and similarly, women would engage in unscrupulous deeds, both of which were described as filthy deeds. ”

Lord Zaizhen likes a female actor named Yang Cuixi very much. Duan Zhigui, the general office of the Northern Section Patrol Police Bureau at that time, bought Yang Cuixi with a lot of money in order to seek promotion opportunities, and then dedicated her to Prince Zaizhen as a concubine. Duan Zhigui's behavior can be regarded as his favor, hoping to take this opportunity to improve his status. Although such a practice was uncommon, it was not uncommon in officialdom at the time. For the sake of his future, Duan Zhigui did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to buy female actors as gifts, which also showed some of the customs and values of the society at that time. Although this approach was not advocated, it was possible in the social context of the time.

4 pairs of superb couplets mocking male thieves and female prostitutes, neat battles, laughing and scolding, making people stunning

Li Shutong had a deep affection for Yang Cuixi when he was young, but later gradually distanced himself from her because of Duan Zhigui's flattery. Duan Zhigui's actions had an impact on Li Shutong's emotions and made his emotions change. In those days, people's feelings were easily disturbed by their surroundings and interpersonal relationships. Master Li Shutong, Master Hongyi, and Yang Cuixi's emotional story when he was young has also become complicated because of this. At that time, Li Shutong was still a young man and had feelings for Yang Cuixi, but because of Duan Zhigui's flattery, his feelings for Yang Cuixi were shaken. In the end, this emotion was slowly broken.

Duan Gongzhigui was deeply appreciated, and Zai Zhen also reciprocated his kindness, so he recommended Duan Zhigui to be the governor of Heilongjiang. To put it simply, Duan Zhigui was very powerful, so Zai Zhen repaid him and recommended him to become the governor of Heilongjiang.

The relationship between Jae-jin and the opera actors is complex and difficult to solve. And his younger brother Zaifu, his behavior is even more debauched, often lingering in Fengyue places, and even taking a prostitute "Red Baby" as his concubine. Both have an unusual lifestyle of entertainment.

Therefore, someone created a couplet with the names of Yang Cuixi and Hongbaobao, the upper couplet is "Brother Zeng Yicui", and the lower couplet is "Brother Xi with Red". This couplet is a clever satire on the misconduct and moral decay of men and women among the ancient aristocratic officials.

The fourth pair of Spring Festival couplets are: the sound of rain hitting and falling flowers, dreaming of the old and seeking An Phoenix Xiaozhu; The world is harmonious, and the pride is exhausted.

This couplet was created by Liang Dingfen in the late Qing Dynasty. Liang Dingfen had a very good relationship with Wen Tingshi, who was the leader of the late Qing Dynasty. Because Liang Dingfen's wife, Gong Shi, loved literature, she asked Wen Tingshi for advice on the art of writing words. In the process of studying, Gong was attracted by Wenting's talent and gradually fell in love with him. It's a story of friendship, learning, and love.

Later, Liang Dingfen ran into trouble over the impeachment of Li Hongzhang, so he decided to leave the capital. He couldn't rest assured of his wife, so he entrusted her to his trusted friend, that is, Wen Tingshi.

The relationship between Wen Tingshi and Liang Dingfen's wife, Gong, unexpectedly developed to the point of cohabitation. What people didn't expect was that he was just helping his sister-in-law, but he came to this point and lived together directly in the bedroom. This incident shocked the outside world.

4 pairs of superb couplets mocking male thieves and female prostitutes, neat battles, laughing and scolding, making people stunning

After hearing some news, Liang Dingfen also remained silent after hearing it. Although he acquiesced to his wife's cheating with Wen Ting, he did not formally go through the divorce procedures with his wife, so this improper relationship was not resolved.

However, Wen Ting's life was relatively short, and he did not spend his old age with Gong. It is rumored that Gong and Wen Tingshi had three children. Among them, Wen Gongzhi, as one of the three children, became a well-known writer of martial arts novels and created "The Legend of the Blue Blood Danxin Hero". The family experienceDespite the limited family history, the writer's talent is admirable.

Later, Liang Dingfen established a relationship with Zhang Zhidong and was very powerful in Wuchang's social circle. Once, Gong sought help from Liang Dingfen due to family difficulties, and Liang Dingfen was very generous and gave Gong a lot of silver and two subsidies. This move brought them closer together.

Although Liang Dingfen is very generous on the surface, deep down he has always been unable to let go of the infidelity between his wife and his good friend.

He lived in the "Fish Eating Zhai" in Wuchang and wrote a couplet. Shanglian is "flowers fall in the rain, and the old dream is still being found in the phoenix house"; The next link is "the world is complicated, the ambition has passed, only the fish is left". This couplet expresses his deep feelings about the past and present.

Shanglian expresses that the marriage between Liang Dingfen and Gong is like a flower, which makes people sigh. The lower couplet depicts an illicit relationship between Gong and Wen Tingshi, which humiliates Liang Dingfen's husband and causes his ambition to fade. What the two couplets express, in short, is a complex and sad emotional story. The decline of marriage is depicted in the first couplet, while the second further depicts betrayal and loss. Overall, it's a story full of pathos.

Although the words of this couplet are deep and subtle, its beauty lies in the subtle emotion revealed between the lines. In fact, this reflects the husband's inner dissatisfaction with his wife's infidelity, which he has always harbored against him.

Do you know what are the classic couplets? Please share it in the comment section!

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