
Does your child have a dry throat and heavy breath? 2 dietary prescriptions, the fire is extinguished, the appetite is also better, 5cm longer

author:Director Meng said children

Recently, a lot of children have been on fire! Some have dry, itchy, painful throats, and heart-rending coughs;

Some mouth ulcers hurt when eating;

Some eyes are red, dry and swollen......

All in all, just four words: fire all over the place!

Does your child have a dry throat and heavy breath? 2 dietary prescriptions, the fire is extinguished, the appetite is also better, 5cm longer

In fact, not only children, but also adults are no better, with a lot of eye feces, yellow urine, and even a big temper!

When the child is on fire, many parents have checked some methods on the Internet to clear the heat and reduce the fire, but they dare not use it!

Many symptoms are correct, but at the same time, there are many symptoms that are not correct, and I am afraid that the wrong use will hurt the child's spleen and stomach.

If all parents could think that way, then I would be really happy! After all, the child's spleen and stomach are delicate, and if he uses the wrong medicine, the problem is indeed quite serious.

So today, I will share with you 2 milder dietary remedies, the effect is very good, and the mothers and fathers who have "fire babies" can use it.

Does your child have a dry throat and heavy breath? 2 dietary prescriptions, the fire is extinguished, the appetite is also better, 5cm longer

When the child is on fire, it is mostly because the internal heat is too severe

Most of the children who have recently become angry are caused by internal heat, which goes upwards and will fumigate to the throat and mouth, showing symptoms such as sore throat and mouth ulcers.

There are two common causes of internal heat in children - food accumulation and yin deficiency

Due to the different causes of internal heat, the dietary prescriptions used are also different. I have summarized the difference between the two types of internal heat, which are written below, and parents should pay attention to distinguish:

Accumulate internal heat

Increased body temperature, redness of the cheeks, and fever of the hands and feet: The internal heat of the accumulated food is formed by the accumulation of food heat, which is real heat and needs to be diverged outward, so it will affect the child's body temperature.

Poor appetite, bloating, abdominal pain, constipation, or feces and stool: Food accumulates in the stomach and affects intestinal peristalsis, so the child is not hungry and cannot poop.

Bad breath: Food stagnant for a long time causes acid reflux, belching and other conditions, resulting in bad breath, which is most obvious when children get up in the morning

Poor sleep, sleeping on your stomach: Accumulated food can cause bloating and abdominal pain, which affects sleep, while sleeping on your stomach will be more comfortable.

Does your child have a dry throat and heavy breath? 2 dietary prescriptions, the fire is extinguished, the appetite is also better, 5cm longer

Yin deficiency and internal heat

Dry mouth, dry nose, dry throat, dry skin, dry stool: Children with yin deficiency have insufficient yin fluid in their bodies, so they cannot nourish their skin and viscera, and show various symptoms of dryness.

Night sweats: Children with yin deficiency love to sweat very much, and they are mostly at night when they sleep.

Upset, irritability, insomnia and dreams: It is still because of the lack of yin fluid in the main meditation, the child can not be quiet, feels irritable, and affects sleep.

2 dietary remedies, say goodbye to internal heat

If the child is accumulating internal heat, parents should give him a spleen to eliminate accumulation, clear away heat and dispel fire.

Does your child have a dry throat and heavy breath? 2 dietary prescriptions, the fire is extinguished, the appetite is also better, 5cm longer

Hawthorn tea

Ingredients: hawthorn, atractylodes, divine comedy, flower tea (honeysuckle or chrysanthemum).

Usage: Brew with boiling water and drink as tea.

In this recipe, hawthorn and the Divine Comedy are old friends who eliminate accumulated food, and I often use it, one to eliminate meat, one to eliminate pasta, and hawthorn also has the effect of strengthening the spleen;

This atractylodes can not only strengthen the spleen and invigorate qi, but also have the effect of drying water and dampness.

Does your child have a dry throat and heavy breath? 2 dietary prescriptions, the fire is extinguished, the appetite is also better, 5cm longer

This "flower tea" is mainly to clear heat and dispel fire, parents can choose the symptoms, if the child is upset, thirsty, dry throat, can use honeysuckle;

If the child is irritable and has red and swollen eyes, chrysanthemums can be used. (For specific medications, parents are best to consult a doctor)

If the child is yin deficiency and internal heat, resulting in fire, parents should nourish the child yin and nourish the liver and kidneys.

Apple lean broth

Ingredients: apples, dried figs, lean pork, ophion.

Method: Cut the apples into cubes, do not peel them; Wash the pork and cut it into large pieces, blanch it and set aside;

Pour all the ingredients into a casserole, bring to a boil over high heat, turn to low heat and simmer for an hour, and season appropriately.

Does your child have a dry throat and heavy breath? 2 dietary prescriptions, the fire is extinguished, the appetite is also better, 5cm longer

In this recipe, apples can dispel children's irritability and invigorate the stomach;

Dried figs strengthen the spleen and clear away heat with both hands;

Both wheat and pork have the effect of nourishing yin, which can moisten the lungs, nourish the kidneys, and nourish the blood.

The child is hot inside, and the roots are in the spleen and stomach

If the spleen and stomach are insufficient, the child is prone to food accumulation; If the spleen and stomach are deficient, the child sleeps poorly, and the qi is not solid and sweaty, so it is easy to be deficient in yin; Therefore, no matter whether the child has internal heat accumulation or yin deficiency and internal heat, the root cause is still in the spleen and stomach.

Does your child have a dry throat and heavy breath? 2 dietary prescriptions, the fire is extinguished, the appetite is also better, 5cm longer

My outpatient case

Before the outpatient clinic received a 7-year-old "fire baby", the parents said that he was on fire every three or five days, pharyngitis, bronchitis constantly, and allergic rhinitis.

I see that this child not only accumulates food, but also has a bit of yin deficiency, and the internal fire is very serious. So in the prescription I prescribed at that time, I used Jiao Sanxian to strengthen the spleen and eliminate accumulation, and used the medicines such as Rehmannia and Mai Dong to nourish yin and rejuvenate Jin, and finally added some Chinese medicines such as astragalus and atractylodes to strengthen the spleen and invigorate qi.

The dialectic is accurate, the medication is accurate, and the child is really getting better quickly. After a week of medication, the child's food accumulation disappeared, his sleep began to improve, and the situation of fire was relieved. Considering that the child's spleen and stomach were seriously damaged, I prescribed some medicine to strengthen the spleen and stomach, and after recuperating for a period of time, the child's rhinitis also healed, and he grew a lot taller.

Most of the problems with the spleen and stomach of children are fed, so parents should pay attention to the ways and means of feeding their children:

Does your child have a dry throat and heavy breath? 2 dietary prescriptions, the fire is extinguished, the appetite is also better, 5cm longer


Children eat regularly, and it is not easy to eat too much and too fast, so as to avoid causing too much burden on the spleen and stomach.

Don't let your child be picky eaters, picky eaters, and eat too single foods.

Cold drinks, watermelon and other cold things, children should still eat less.

Drain the liver in time

Parents should pay attention to the changes in their children's emotions, do not put too much pressure on him, and relieve the liver in time.

Does your child have a dry throat and heavy breath? 2 dietary prescriptions, the fire is extinguished, the appetite is also better, 5cm longer

Exercise appropriately

Exercise helps the spleen and stomach to digest, can raise temper tantrums, and enhance children's resistance, but also pay attention to exerciseAppropriate exercise, and do not have too much strenuous exercise, relax and soothe.