
You, who are guarding the youth! Create a non-toxic and smoke-free environment Hongxin Garden: School Protection

author:Rule of law in Shanghai
You, who are guarding the youth! Create a non-toxic and smoke-free environment Hongxin Garden: School Protection

June 2024 is the 14th National Anti-drug Awareness Month in mainland China, and this year's theme is "Preventing Drug Abuse among Youth". In order to strengthen anti-drug education and publicity more deeply and effectively, and protect the physical and mental health of minors, recently, the Hongkou District Procuratorate, together with the district anti-drug social worker, the district court, the district tobacco bureau and other departments, went to the campus to carry out lectures on the rule of law, so as to build a solid line of defense for the healthy growth of minors.

You, who are guarding the youth! Create a non-toxic and smoke-free environment Hongxin Garden: School Protection


Guarding the anti-drug line

"On the occasion of the summer vacation and the International Anti-Drug Day, I would like to talk to my classmates about anti-drug and anti-drug prevention today!"

"Do you know what the International Day Against Drugs is? The International Day Against Drugs is celebrated annually on 26 June, the full name of which is the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking. ”

On June 21, the prosecutor of the First Procuratorate Department of the Hongkou District Procuratorate came to the No. 1 Primary School of Foreign Chinese Language in Hongkou District on Sunday Kai and brought a wonderful and vivid anti-drug education lecture to the students, enhancing the concept of the rule of law among minors.

You, who are guarding the youth! Create a non-toxic and smoke-free environment Hongxin Garden: School Protection

Hongkou District Foreign Chinese No. 1 Primary School

You, who are guarding the youth! Create a non-toxic and smoke-free environment Hongxin Garden: School Protection

In class, Sunday Prosecutor Kay started with "What are drugs?" "The harm of drugs", "drug-related violations" and "how to stay away from drugs" are carried out in four aspects, sharing the types of common drugs, analyzing the harm of drugs in simple terms, such as destroying themselves, harming their families, endangering society, etc., explaining the basic common sense of self-protection of teenagers, and helping students to understand drugs, so as to better stay away from drugs.


Build a strong anti-smoking barrier

"Students, there are many types of e-cigarettes and novel forms, which are easy to attract minors to follow suit."

"E-cigarettes contain nicotine and other harmful chemicals that can adversely affect your physical and mental health!"

"Some criminals will add prohibited drug ingredients to e-cigarettes, and then peddle and sell them in the circle of friends, students must keep their eyes open!"

On June 25, the District Procuratorate invited Wang Xinwei, a lecturer from the District Tobacco Bureau, to Lu Xun Junior High School to give a lively and interesting law popularization class to the students with the theme of "Smoking Prohibition for Minors (New Tobacco-related Products)", which enhanced the self-protection awareness of teenagers.

You, who are guarding the youth! Create a non-toxic and smoke-free environment Hongxin Garden: School Protection

Lu Xun Junior High School

You, who are guarding the youth! Create a non-toxic and smoke-free environment Hongxin Garden: School Protection

In the class, lecturer Wang Xinwei shared from three aspects: "the categories and main hazards of current tobacco-related new products", "the regulatory measures of the tobacco monopoly administrative department" and "the discussion of the future regulatory cooperation path of new tobacco-related products", taught the knowledge of smoking ban, and deeply analyzed the relevant characteristics and hazards of e-cigarettes. At the same time, through real cases, students can deeply perceive the harm of smoking and the importance of smoking ban on campus, as well as understand the ways to report illegal tobacco trafficking, etc., to help students enhance their awareness of anti-drug and anti-smoking, and build a barrier against drugs and smoking in thought, psychology and action.

Young people are the future of the motherland and the hope of the nation. The adolescent stage is the "jointing and booting period" of life, and it needs to be carefully guided and cultivated the most. The Hongkou District Procuratorate will continue to work with relevant units to promote the popularization of anti-drug and anti-smoking laws among young people, and strive to create a "drug-free and smoke-free" environment to escort the healthy growth of young people.

Source: Hongkou Procuratorate

Editor: Zhang Haiyan

You, who are guarding the youth! Create a non-toxic and smoke-free environment Hongxin Garden: School Protection

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