
Hu Xueyan had a premonition that the Hu family was not guaranteed, and dismissed 12 concubines late at night! Why?

author:Zhou Gong chatted
Hu Xueyan had a premonition that the Hu family was not guaranteed, and dismissed 12 concubines late at night! Why?

The life of the richest man in the late Qing Dynasty is too exciting! His 12 concubines finally made an amazing move! What does Hu Xueyan's legendary life tell us?

Hu Xueyan, the richest man in the late Qing Dynasty: From Jixi apprentice to business legend, the choice of 12 concubines shocked the world! His ups and downs hide such wisdom in life?

At the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, a number of powerful figures emerged in China's business circles, the most notable of which was Hu Xueyan, who was known as the "red-top businessman".

This business tycoon who came out of Jixi, Anhui Province, not only created a huge business empire, but also played a unique and important role in the changing times.

At the age of 13, he moved with his family from Anhui to Hangzhou, Zhejiang, and began his business career. At first, he was just an ordinary apprentice, and in the feudal society of the time, such an identity was destined to face many difficulties and challenges.

But with his extraordinary wisdom and perseverance, Hu Xueyan has climbed to the pinnacle of the business world step by step.

Hu Xueyan had a premonition that the Hu family was not guaranteed, and dismissed 12 concubines late at night! Why?

In that era of "Shinong Industry and Commerce", although the status of businessmen was low, Hu Xueyan was able to stand out, not only because of his business acumen, but more importantly, because of his valuable integrity and considerate character.

It was these qualities that allowed him to win many battles in the business world, and eventually became the richest man in the last years of the Qing Dynasty.

Hu's success is not confined to business.

At a time when the country was in danger, he showed a rare patriotic feeling of a businessman. At that time, China was facing an invasion by Western powers, and its national power was weakened, making it difficult for the imperial court to deal with it.

In this case, Hu Xueyan and the patriotic general Zuo Zongtang became confidants, and the two were like-minded and worked together to resist foreign enemies and defend the country.

Hu Xueyan had a premonition that the Hu family was not guaranteed, and dismissed 12 concubines late at night! Why?

In 1875, Tsarist Russia coveted the Xinjiang region of the mainland in an attempt to divide Chinese territory.

Zuo Zongtang was determined to send troops to regain the lost territory, but the imperial treasury was empty and unable to support this military operation. At this critical moment, Hu Xueyan stepped forward and generously provided Zuo Zongtang with a large amount of military spending.

This righteous act not only supported Zuo Zongtang's military campaign to recover Xinjiang, but also won Hu Xueyan the appreciation of the imperial court.

In recognition of Hu Xueyan's contributions, the Qing court awarded him the title of Yellow Jacket and Political Envoy of Cong Er Pinbu, and made him the prime minister of the "Four Provinces Treasury".

In the social environment of heavy agriculture and suppression of business at that time, it was rare for a businessman to win this honor. As a result, Hu Xueyan's business empire reached its heyday.

Hu Xueyan had a premonition that the Hu family was not guaranteed, and dismissed 12 concubines late at night! Why?

However, shopping malls are like battlefields, and politics is changing rapidly.

As the political struggle between Li Hongzhang and Zuo Zongtang in the DPRK and China became increasingly fierce, as a supporter of Zuo Zongtang, Hu Xueyan was inevitably involved in this whirlpool of power.

Li Hongzhang's suppression of Zuo Zongtang's forces intensified, and Hu Xueyan was keenly aware of the coming crisis.

In that era of supremacy of power, Hu Xueyan's huge wealth and his support for Zuo Zongtang became a potential threat to him.

Although he had a premonition of the severe test he was about to face, he probably did not expect this crisis to come in such a rapid manner.

On the eve of the crisis, Hu Xueyan made an embarrassing decision.

Hu Xueyan had a premonition that the Hu family was not guaranteed, and dismissed 12 concubines late at night! Why?

He gathered his 12 concubines, gave each of them 500 taels of silver, and told them that they were free to leave or even remarry. This scene not only shows Hu Xueyan's foresight, but also reflects his care for the people around him.

Unexpectedly, these 12 concubines rejected Hu Xueyan's kindness and chose to spend time with him.

This scene is undoubtedly the best proof of Hu Xueyan's personality charm.

Soon after, the Empress Dowager Cixi ordered the confiscation of Hu Xueyan's family property.

Overnight, the former business tycoon went from being rich to nothing. Officers and soldiers poured into Hu's mansion like a tidal wave, washing away his life's hard work.

Hu Xueyan had a premonition that the Hu family was not guaranteed, and dismissed 12 concubines late at night! Why?

This is not only a material loss, but also a huge mental blow. However, at this most difficult moment, the 12 concubines still chose to stay by Hu Xueyan's side and face the predicament with him.

This story was widely circulated at the time, not only because of the loyalty of the concubines, but also because of Hu Xueyan's personality charm that could win the sincerity of others even in the face of adversity.

In the end, Hu Xueyan failed to survive this catastrophe.

In 1883, the former business legend died of depression at the age of 59. His life can be described as a lot of ups and downs, from a primary school apprentice to the richest man in the late Qing Dynasty, and from the peak to the bottom.

However, it is undeniable that his contributions to business, philanthropy and patriotism are unparalleled.

Hu Xueyan had a premonition that the Hu family was not guaranteed, and dismissed 12 concubines late at night! Why?

Hu Xueyan's story leaves us with a lot to think about.

In the business world, he stands with integrity and wins with wisdom.

At a time when the country was in crisis, he generously supported Zuo Zongtang to recover Xinjiang, showing the patriotic feelings of a businessman.

Even at a low point in his life, he still won the loyalty and love of those around him. All this proves that true success lies not only in the accumulation of wealth, but also in the shaping of character and contribution to society.

Hu Xueyan had a premonition that the Hu family was not guaranteed, and dismissed 12 concubines late at night! Why?

Hu Xueyan's legendary life is like a historical drama with ups and downs. His road to success tells us that in addition to working hard in the business world, we must not only have extraordinary wisdom, but also stick to the bottom line of integrity.

His contribution to the country reminds us that the development of the individual is inextricably linked to the destiny of the nation. And his final fall is a reminder that in the game of power, businessmen are ultimately fragile and need to keep a clear head and a cautious attitude.