
Dr. Wu's Tongue Diagnosis Practical Analysis - Yang Deficiency and Cold Stasis, Heart and Liver Prosperity, Yin Deficiency and Dampness, and Liver Stagnation and Fire

author:Dr. Wu talks about Chinese medicine

Dr. Wu teaches everyone to see the tongue diagnosis and learn to take their health into their own hands!

Today, I would like to share with you 4 practical case studies of tongue diagnosis in the outpatient clinic

Let's take a look at each other to see which one you are

If you don't understand, you can leave a tongue image, I'll analyze them one by one!

Case 1: Yang deficiency in the spleen and kidney, heavy phlegm and dampness, and blood stasis

Usually dizziness and headache, chest tightness, palpitations and insomnia, cold pain in the waist and knees, cold hands and feet, chills and cold

Dr. Wu's Tongue Diagnosis Practical Analysis - Yang Deficiency and Cold Stasis, Heart and Liver Prosperity, Yin Deficiency and Dampness, and Liver Stagnation and Fire

Case 2: The heart and liver are hot, and the middle and lower are scorching and damp

Usually weak and unenergetic, insomnia at night, unable to sleep, irritable and irritable, damp thighs, abdominal distention, and unformed stools

Dr. Wu's Tongue Diagnosis Practical Analysis - Yang Deficiency and Cold Stasis, Heart and Liver Prosperity, Yin Deficiency and Dampness, and Liver Stagnation and Fire

Case 3: Yin deficiency and fire are vigorous, and the humidity is heavy

Usually irritable, easy to get angry, poor sleep quality, chest tightness and shortness of breath, dizziness and drowsiness

Dr. Wu's Tongue Diagnosis Practical Analysis - Yang Deficiency and Cold Stasis, Heart and Liver Prosperity, Yin Deficiency and Dampness, and Liver Stagnation and Fire

Case 4: Heavy dampness and heat, liver depression turns into fire

Usually dry mouth, bitter mouth and bad breath, fatigue and lack of energy, head and face love to produce oil, irritability and irritability, yellow urine

Dr. Wu's Tongue Diagnosis Practical Analysis - Yang Deficiency and Cold Stasis, Heart and Liver Prosperity, Yin Deficiency and Dampness, and Liver Stagnation and Fire

The above is today's actual combat analysis of tongue diagnosis, for reference only, thank you for your support, if you feel unwell, please also seek medical attention offline in time, we will see you next time.