
Shenling Atractylodes pills have been used for a long time, the spleen and stomach are better, the phlegm and dampness are less, and the kidneys are not deficient, Chinese medicine will teach you how to use it

author:Dr. Wu talks about Chinese medicine

I believe that everyone is no stranger to Shenling Atractylodes Pills, it has a good effect of strengthening the spleen and dispelling dampness, and at the same time can replenish lung qi, but I found that many people underestimate it, and they don't know how to use it, what you don't know is that if you use Shenling Atractylodes Pill well, not only the spleen and stomach are good, the phlegm and dampness are less, and the kidneys are not deficient, so I will teach you how to use it!

Shenling Atractylodes pills have been used for a long time, the spleen and stomach are better, the phlegm and dampness are less, and the kidneys are not deficient, Chinese medicine will teach you how to use it

First of all, some people always feel that their bodies are tired, especially tired, they feel tired when they do something, they are dizzy when they squat for a while and then stand up, they have insomnia and dreams at night, they are easy to wake up, their tongues stick out to see, the tongue coating is thick and greasy at the same time, and the tongue is pale and white, and there is no blood color. This may be mostly due to heavy phlegm and dampness, accompanied by insufficient qi and blood, but at this time, it is not easy to replenish qi and blood, but it is easy to get angry, so at this time, you can first refer to Ling Baizhu Pill to strengthen the spleen, dry and damp phlegm, and then return to the spleen soup to replenish qi and blood, so as to avoid the situation of fire

Shenling Atractylodes pills have been used for a long time, the spleen and stomach are better, the phlegm and dampness are less, and the kidneys are not deficient, Chinese medicine will teach you how to use it

Secondly, many gay men have the problem of declining ability in that aspect, and it is also accompanied by dampness at the root of the thighs, frequent urination and urgency, body sleepiness, soreness and weakness of the waist and knees, etc., which may be caused by phlegm and dampness accumulation in the lower coke, which hinders the flow of qi and blood, so at this time, we can first Shenling Baizhu pills to dry and damp phlegm, and wait for the tongue coating to become thin, and then go to the right to drink to warm and replenish the kidney yang

Shenling Atractylodes pills have been used for a long time, the spleen and stomach are better, the phlegm and dampness are less, and the kidneys are not deficient, Chinese medicine will teach you how to use it

The last type of people, usually the stomach is not very good, bloating and abdominal pain at every turn, indigestion, but eating Shenling Baizhu pills is still hot, and the mood is not very good, easy to be irritable, love to lose temper or like to sigh, accompanied by some fatigue, loss of appetite, stool is not formed, etc., the tongue sticks out to see, the tongue coating is thick and greasy at the same time, the tongue is swollen on both sides, at this time, you need to first soothe the liver, and then dispel phlegm and dampness

Shenling Atractylodes pills have been used for a long time, the spleen and stomach are better, the phlegm and dampness are less, and the kidneys are not deficient, Chinese medicine will teach you how to use it

That's all for today's sharing, the above content is for reference only, do not promote the treatment plan, if you feel unwell, please seek medical attention offline in time, and we will see you next time.

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