
Rose's story: It wasn't until Su Gengsheng came to the door with his son that Huang Zhenhua knew that Bai Xiaohe had deceived him for five years


"The Story of Rose" is an urban emotional drama, which takes the emotional line of Huang Zhenhua and Su Gengsheng as the core, and starts an emotional journey with ups and downs. In this drama, we see two people with very different personalities and backgrounds meeting in urban life, getting to know each other, falling in love, and finally facing various challenges and dilemmas in life together.

Huang Zhenhua, an ordinary urban white-collar worker, has an unremarkable life, working step by step every day and living a 9-to-5 life. His heart longs for an unusual love, but he is afraid to change the status quo. Su Gengsheng, an independent and strong woman, has her own dreams and pursuits, and is unwilling to be bound by traditional concepts. Her life is full of challenges and uncertainties, but she has always maintained optimism and positivity

Rose's story: It wasn't until Su Gengsheng came to the door with his son that Huang Zhenhua knew that Bai Xiaohe had deceived him for five years

Huang Zhenhua's tragedy began with a seemingly beautiful relationship. Five years ago, he met Bai Xiaohe, a woman who is gentle on the outside but calculating on the inside. Their relationship quickly warmed up, Huang Zhenhua thought that he had found true love, he devoted himself to the relationship, and tried his best to meet Bai Xiaohe's every need, even at the expense of his time and money. However, he didn't know that all this was just a lie carefully woven by Bai Xiaohe.

In the past five years, the relationship between Huang Zhenhua and Bai Xiaohe seems to be stable, but it is actually full of deception and betrayal. Bai Xiaohe takes advantage of Huang Zhenhua's trust and love to constantly obtain material support from him, and at the same time, she also maintains improper relationships with other people behind her back. Huang Zhenhua didn't know anything about all this, and he was kept in the dark until Su Gengsheng appeared.

Rose's story: It wasn't until Su Gengsheng came to the door with his son that Huang Zhenhua knew that Bai Xiaohe had deceived him for five years

Su Gengsheng is a colleague of Huang Zhenhua, a smart and independent woman, and she has sincere feelings for Huang Zhenhua. By chance, Su Gengsheng discovered Bai Xiaohe's secret and decided to tell Huang Zhenhua the truth. However, when she appeared in front of Huang Zhenhua with Bai Xiaohe's son, Huang Zhenhua's world completely collapsed. He couldn't accept that the woman he loved so much had betrayed him, and he couldn't accept that he had been paying for a lie for five years.

This discovery was a heavy blow to Huang. He felt that he had been completely deceived and that all his trust and dedication had become meaningless. He begins to doubt his own judgment, to doubt humanity, and even to doubt love itself. This deep sense of betrayal and loss led him into deep self-doubt and denial, and he began to escape from reality, avoid associating with others, and even began to alienate himself from his family and friends.

Rose's story: It wasn't until Su Gengsheng came to the door with his son that Huang Zhenhua knew that Bai Xiaohe had deceived him for five years

As time went on, Mr. Huang's situation got worse and worse. He began to experience symptoms of depression, was depressed, and lost interest and motivation in life. He was no longer willing to work, he was no longer willing to communicate with people, and even began to have thoughts of giving up on himself. His world turned grey, and he felt abandoned by the whole world.

In this process, Su Gengsheng did not give up Huang Zhenhua. She saw Huang Zhenhua's pain and struggle, and she knew that only by helping him get out of this shadow could he find himself again. Su Gengsheng began to try various ways to help Huang Zhenhua, she took him to a psychiatrist, encouraged him to participate in social activities, and even gave him unconditional support and companionship when he was most desperate.

Rose's story: It wasn't until Su Gengsheng came to the door with his son that Huang Zhenhua knew that Bai Xiaohe had deceived him for five years

However, Huang's road to recovery has not been easy. He needs to face his inner trauma, he needs to rebuild trust in others, and he needs to regain his love and hope for life. It was a long and difficult process, but Su Gengsheng never gave up. She believes that as long as Huang Zhenhua is willing to face and overcome, one day, he will be able to come out of this shadow and regain his light.

Wong's story is a story of betrayal, loss, and recovery. It teaches us that setbacks and blows in life are inevitable, but the key lies in how we face and overcome them. Only by bravely facing the trauma in our hearts can we find our true selves, and only then can we get back on our feet and move on. Huang Zhenhua's tragedy, although heavy, also gave us profound inspiration and reflection.

Rose's story: It wasn't until Su Gengsheng came to the door with his son that Huang Zhenhua knew that Bai Xiaohe had deceived him for five years

Bai Xiaohe's deception is carefully planned, and her motives are not out of love, but out of selfishness and control. In her relationship with Huang Zhenhua, she has always been in the dominant position, using Huang Zhenhua's feelings for her to meet her material and emotional needs. However, when she found out she was pregnant, she realized that the child could be an obstacle for her to control Huang Zhenhua, so she chose to hide this fact.

In order to get rid of this potential responsibility, Bai Xiaohe concocted a parting letter, which was full of false apologies and helplessness, claiming that he had to leave Huang Zhenhua for family and personal reasons. She left as a single mother, which seemed to be a helpless choice on the surface, but it was actually a move she carefully planned. She hopes that in this way, Huang Zhenhua will be full of guilt and longing for her, so that she can continue to control him psychologically.

Rose's story: It wasn't until Su Gengsheng came to the door with his son that Huang Zhenhua knew that Bai Xiaohe had deceived him for five years

For five years, Bai Xiaohe raised her children alone, but her life did not go as smoothly as she expected. She found herself unable to give her children enough love and material support, while also realizing the importance of Huang Zhenhua in her life. So, she decided to reappear with her child, hoping to return to Huang Zhenhua's life and continue to use him to meet her needs.

However, Bai Xiaohe's plan did not go as he wished. When she appeared in front of Huang Zhenhua with her child, her deception and motives were quickly revealed. Huang Zhenhua and Su Gengsheng both realized Bai Xiaohe's true face, she was not a person worthy of trust and sympathy. Her selfishness and desire to control made her lose Huang Zhenhua's love and also made her lose the image of a mother in front of her children.

Rose's story: It wasn't until Su Gengsheng came to the door with his son that Huang Zhenhua knew that Bai Xiaohe had deceived him for five years

Bai Xiaohe's deception caused great harm to Huang Zhenhua. He originally thought that he had found true love, but he didn't expect that he had been deceived and used all the time. This sense of betrayal made him feel deep pain and disappointment, and he began to doubt his own judgment and even began to doubt love itself. However, it was this pain and disappointment that gave him the opportunity to re-examine his life and values and begin to find true happiness and fulfillment.

Su Gengsheng played an important role in this process. She is not only a supporter of Huang Zhenhua, but also his spiritual mentor. She helped Huang Zhenhua see Bai Xiaohe's true face, and also helped him get out of this failed relationship. The appearance of Su Gengsheng made Huang Zhenhua realize that true love is based on trust and respect, rather than control and use.

Rose's story: It wasn't until Su Gengsheng came to the door with his son that Huang Zhenhua knew that Bai Xiaohe had deceived him for five years

Bai Xiaohe's story is a story of deception, betrayal, and self-redemption. It teaches us that deception and control may bring short-term gratification, but ultimately lead to self-destruction. Only sincerity and respect can build a lasting and healthy relationship. Although Bai Xiaohe's motives have been revealed, her actions have also given us profound revelations about the importance of sincerity and trust in love and relationships.

Huang Zhenhua's awakening was a long and painful process, but in the end he found the path to self-redemption. With the help of his younger sister Huang Yimei and Su Gengsheng, he began to realize the persistence and kindness in his heart, qualities that had been concealed by Bai Xiaohe's deception.

Rose's story: It wasn't until Su Gengsheng came to the door with his son that Huang Zhenhua knew that Bai Xiaohe had deceived him for five years

Huang Yimei, Huang Zhenhua's younger sister, has always cared about her brother's emotional life. She was keenly aware of Bai Xiaohe's dishonesty and tried to remind Huang Zhenhua many times. However, Huang Zhenhua was blinded by love at that time and did not follow his sister's advice. When the truth was revealed, Huang Yimei did not blame her brother, but gave him the greatest support and understanding. She used her own way to help Huang Zhenhua come out of the shadows and encourage him to face life again.

Su Gengsheng, as Huang Zhenhua's colleague and confidant, her existence is a kind of spiritual pillar for Huang Zhenhua. When Huang Zhenhua needed help the most, Su Gengsheng was always by his side, giving him comfort and encouragement. Her wisdom and tenacity allowed Huang Zhenhua to see a female image different from Bai Xiaohe, and also gave him a new understanding of love.

Rose's story: It wasn't until Su Gengsheng came to the door with his son that Huang Zhenhua knew that Bai Xiaohe had deceived him for five years

With the help of Huang Yimei and Su Gengsheng, Huang Zhenhua began to re-examine his life and values. He realized that his attachment to Bai Xiaohe was partly out of his desire for love, and partly out of his kindness and unwillingness to face failure. He begins to understand that true love is not based on deception and exploitation, but on mutual respect and understanding.

Huang Zhenhua also began to realize his true emotional needs. What he needs is not a woman who will only take advantage of him, but a partner with whom he can grow and support each other. He began to appreciate Su Gengsheng's independence and strength, her sincerity and kindness, all qualities he had never found in Bai Xiaohe.

Rose's story: It wasn't until Su Gengsheng came to the door with his son that Huang Zhenhua knew that Bai Xiaohe had deceived him for five years

With the deepening of self-understanding, Huang Zhenhua has a new understanding of Bai Xiaohe's deception. He realized that Bai Xiaohe's behavior, although unacceptable, was also a reflection of her own insecurity and selfish nature. He began to try to forgive Bai Xiaohe, not for her, but for his own inner peace. He knows that only by letting go of the past can he truly look forward and embrace new life and possibilities.

Huang Zhenhua's awakening is a process of self-discovery and growth. He went from being a victim of deception and exploitation to a more mature and rational person. He learns how to discern true love and how to cherish the people around him who really care about him. His story teaches us that even in the darkest of times, with the courage to face and change, we can always find a way back to life.

In Huang Zhenhua's new understanding, Su Gengsheng's role has become more and more important. Her appearance not only helped Huang Zhenhua get out of the shadow of the past, but also pointed out the direction of the future for him. After going through a series of trials and challenges, their relationship gradually became deeper and stronger. Huang Zhenhua began to realize that with Su Gengsheng, he could become a better version of himself, and they could create a future full of love and trust together.