
Damaged shared electric vehicles become a "hot potato": enterprises, users, and markets are damaged

author:Erdong 123

Ladies and gentlemen, today let's talk about a topic that people love and hate - sharing electric vehicles. I still remember when it first appeared, everyone thought this thing was fresh, and they rode around, and they were very happy. But now? The streets are full of tattered electric cars, which is annoying to look at. This broken shared electric car has really become a veritable "hot potato"!

Damaged shared electric vehicles become a "hot potato": enterprises, users, and markets are damaged

Speaking of which, the problem of sharing electric vehicles is not a day or two. Let's talk about the distress of the enterprise first. You think, in order to make it convenient for us to ride, these companies have spent a lot of money on it. The result? The car was either broken or dismantled. The money for maintenance is running out like running water, which can make the company worried.

Damaged shared electric vehicles become a "hot potato": enterprises, users, and markets are damaged

A friend who works in a shared electric car company complained to me: "Brother, don't you know that our company has to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars every day just to repair the car." This money is spent so much that our hearts are bleeding! "When I heard it, did it pay it back? Hundreds of thousands a day? This can't make the boss feel distressed to death!

Damaged shared electric vehicles become a "hot potato": enterprises, users, and markets are damaged

Let's talk about those of us who use cars. I thought it would be very convenient to ride a shared electric car, but it turned out to be good, and I couldn't find a good car for a long time. Found it, the brakes don't work, the battery is dead, the seat is crooked... Who can stand this? I was about to ride to an appointment, but it took me a long time to find one, and less than five minutes after I rode out, the bike went on strike. I could only push the cart back in a gloomy way, almost being late. This kind of experience is really annoying!

Damaged shared electric vehicles become a "hot potato": enterprises, users, and markets are damaged

Not only me, but also my friends around me have complained. Xiao Wang said: "I see a big head when I see a shared electric car now. The last time I rode one, the battery ran out halfway, so I pushed for half an hour to get to the company, and I was exhausted. Xiao Li was even worse, he said: "The car I was riding didn't brake well, and I almost hit someone, which scared me into a cold sweat." "

You see, aren't these damaged shared electric vehicles a common "hot potato" for enterprises and users? Enterprises don't want it, users dislike it, but they can't do without it, this is really a dilemma!

Damaged shared electric vehicles become a "hot potato": enterprises, users, and markets are damaged

But that's not all. These damaged shared electric vehicles have also brought a lot of impact to the entire market. If you think about it, if a brand's car is always broken, users will definitely lose confidence in this brand. Gradually, people are reluctant to use this brand of cars. No, I've heard that a certain shared electric car brand has lost one-third of its users because its cars are always broken. That's a big loss!

Damaged shared electric vehicles become a "hot potato": enterprises, users, and markets are damaged

Not only that, but these broken cars also affect the image of the city. You see, the streets and alleys are full of crooked shared electric vehicles, and some have even been thrown into the river. Isn't this adding to the congestion in the city? I once saw an out-of-town tourist pointing to a pile of broken shared electric cars on the side of the road and saying, "This city is too poorly managed, isn't it?" "When I heard this, I didn't want to mention how uncomfortable I was.

So, what's the problem? To put it bluntly, it is still a matter of the quality of all of us. Some people don't care about riding a bike, and they just throw it away after riding. There are also some people who feel that it is not their own thing anyway, so they make it with all their might. This kind of behavior not only causes huge losses to the enterprise, but also affects the experience of others.

Damaged shared electric vehicles become a "hot potato": enterprises, users, and markets are damaged

A friend of mine saw someone deliberately destroying a shared electric car. He couldn't get angry, so he went up to stop it, and almost got into a fight. He said to me, "This kind of person is really hateful, destroying public property, and justifiably. Hearing this, I also felt very helpless. It's obviously a good thing to facilitate everyone's travel, but how did it become a "hot potato" that everyone dislikes?

Solving this problem requires each and every one of us to take action. First of all, as users, we must improve our own quality and cherish public property. Be careful when riding and park well when you run out. Don't think it's a small thing, it adds up, everyone does it, and things will be much better.

Damaged shared electric vehicles become a "hot potato": enterprises, users, and markets are damaged

Businesses also have to take responsibility. It is necessary to strengthen the quality management of vehicles and improve the efficiency of maintenance. I think we can set up a credit point system like a shared bicycle. Whoever cherishes the vehicle will be given extra points; Whoever deliberately destroys it will be deducted points. In this way, everyone will cherish these shared electric vehicles even more.

The government should also introduce some policies to regulate the management of shared electric vehicles. For example, special parking areas can be designated, and fines can be imposed for illegal parking. Penalties for vandalism of shared electric vehicles could also be increased, making those who do not value public property pay the price.

Damaged shared electric vehicles become a "hot potato": enterprises, users, and markets are damaged

At the end of the day, sharing electric cars is a good idea. It not only facilitates our travel, but also reduces the pressure of urban traffic, and is also good for environmental protection. It's a pity that good things have been ruined like this.

Still, I'm hopeful about the future of shared electric vehicles. As long as each of us has a more sense of responsibility and a sense of public morality, I believe that this "hot potato" will one day become fragrant.

Damaged shared electric vehicles become a "hot potato": enterprises, users, and markets are damaged

Ladies and gentlemen, what do you think about this issue? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area, let's discuss together. Maybe your ideas can help solve this problem!

In closing, I would like to say that the sharing economy is a good thing, but to really realize its value, it will take effort from each of us. Whether it is a shared electric vehicle or other shared products, we should cherish and care for it. Only in this way can we truly enjoy the convenience brought by the sharing economy.

Damaged shared electric vehicles become a "hot potato": enterprises, users, and markets are damaged

Okay, that's all for today's topic. I hope that the next time we meet again, we can see more shared electric vehicles in good condition, instead of the "hot potato" on the street. Come on, everyone!

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