
The finale of Rose's story: The heroine is a complete scumbag, netizens: The nature is difficult to change

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The finale of Rose's story: The heroine is a complete scumbag, netizens: The nature is difficult to change

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Blooming roses also have thorns: an analysis of Huang Yimei's emotional choices and self-growth

The TV series "The Story of Rose" is based on Huang Yimei's ups and downs in her life journey, telling the intricate emotional entanglements between her and four men with different personalities, as well as her continuous exploration between love and self-worth, and finally breaking out of the cocoon into a butterfly

The finale of Rose's story: The heroine is a complete scumbag, netizens: The nature is difficult to change

Huang Yimei is not a flawless goddess, but an independent woman who struggles in the emotional whirlpool, constantly tries and mistakes and grows on the road of life, she is full of desire for love, but she is afraid of being bound by the shackles of marriage, and in the process of pursuing true love, she constantly experiences emotional twists and turns and inner struggles

The regret of first love: that untouchable white moonlight

Childhood sweetheart Zhuang Guodong is the eternal white moonlight in Huang Yimei's heart, he symbolizes the pure and beautiful love when she was young, this relationship is like a first blooming rose, pure and flawless, but also fragile and fleeting, due to the difference in family background and life experience, the two finally regretted missing it, this unrealizable first love has become an unforgettable emotional mark in Huang Yimei's heart, and also laid the groundwork for her subsequent emotional experience

The finale of Rose's story: The heroine is a complete scumbag, netizens: The nature is difficult to change

The appearance of Zhuang Guodong is the starting point of Huang Yimei's emotional world, she has experienced the sweetness and beauty of love from this relationship, the obstacles of reality and the tricks of fate, so that this relationship finally ended without a problem, which also made Huang Yimei more cautious and independent in her future relationship

The Myth of Marriage: The Wrestling of Love and Freedom

Marriage with her ex-husband Fang Xiewen is an important experience in Huang Yimei's life, this relationship is full of passion and contradictions, Fang Xiewen loves Huang Yimei deeply, but is also used to being self-centered, and Huang Yimei is eager to maintain independence and self in marriage, and finally, this marriage broke down due to lack of understanding and tolerance, which also prompted Huang Yimei to reflect on the meaning of marriage and the life she really wants

The finale of Rose's story: The heroine is a complete scumbag, netizens: The nature is difficult to change

Marriage is a siege, people in the city want to escape, people outside the city want to rush in, this may be the eternal paradox in love and marriage, Huang Yimei and Fang Xiewen's marriage experience, may be able to bring us some enlightenment in real life: in love and marriage, understanding, tolerance and respect are the cornerstones of maintaining a long-term relationship

Misplaced Guardians: Good men ≠ the right partner

The gentle and considerate Fu Jiaming is like a guardian knight, accompanying Huang Yimei when she needs it most, giving her meticulous care and support, but this affection can not touch Huang Yimei's heart, Fu Jiaming's existence is more like an emotional sustenance, rather than true love, Huang Yimei finally chose to maintain a friend relationship with Fu Jiaming, which also reflects her rationality and responsibility for feelings

The finale of Rose's story: The heroine is a complete scumbag, netizens: The nature is difficult to change

In the emotional world, not all efforts can be reciprocated, blindly giving and accommodating, may eventually make yourself bruised, Fu Jiaming's experience may be able to remind us that in love, we must maintain independence and self, and don't lose ourselves in order to please each other

The collision of a new era: the brave pursuit of true love

The young and sunny He Xi represents the understanding and pursuit of love by the new generation, he dares to break the shackles of traditional concepts, bravely expresses his emotions, and impresses Huang Yimei with sincerity and enthusiasm

The finale of Rose's story: The heroine is a complete scumbag, netizens: The nature is difficult to change

The appearance of He Xi injected new vitality into Huang Yimei's emotional world, and also made her start to think about the true meaning of love

The Bloom of Roses: Live a Wonderful Life Independently

At the end of the series, Huang Yimei did not choose any male role, but chose to embark on a new journey in life alone, she rejected Fang Xiewen's request for remarriage, and also gave up the opportunity to start a new relationship with He Xi, this choice is not a denial of love, but an affirmation of self-worth

The finale of Rose's story: The heroine is a complete scumbag, netizens: The nature is difficult to change

Huang Yimei finally understood that love is not the whole of life, independence and freedom are what she really desires, and she chooses to be true to her heart, bravely pursue her dreams, and live a wonderful life of her own

Mirror reality: arouse the audience's thinking about emotions and life

"The Story of Rose" depicts the choices faced by contemporary women in their emotions and lives with its real and delicate brushstrokes, which has aroused strong resonance among the audience, and Huang Yimei's story tells us that love and marriage are not necessary in life, and everyone has the right to choose the lifestyle they want

The finale of Rose's story: The heroine is a complete scumbag, netizens: The nature is difficult to change

In the play, every relationship is full of drama and practical significance, which triggers the audience's thinking about love, marriage, self-worth and other aspects, and Huang Yimei's final choice also tells us that women can maintain independence and self in the pursuit of love, and bravely live their own wonderful life

Sparked heated discussions: multiple interpretations and discussions of social issues

After the broadcast of "The Story of Rose", there was a heated discussion about the plot and characters on the Internet, and the audience interpreted the plot from different angles and discussed the social issues reflected in the play, such as the plight of women in marriage, the concept of love of women in the new era, and the pursuit of personal values

The success of this show lies in the fact that it does not give a standard answer, but provokes the audience to think and discuss, so that everyone can find their own shadow from the characters in the play and get inspiration from it

The meaning of roses: bloom in the thorns and live yourself

As the title of the play "The Story of the Rose" implies, although the rose is beautiful, it is also full of thorns, and the road of life is also the same, full of challenges and choices, Huang Yimei's story tells us that even if we have experienced wind and rain and thorns, we must bravely pursue ourselves and live a wonderful life of our own

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