
The junior high school girl was slapped by 8 classmates who robbed her of money! Father: Only detained and expelled from school

author:With Tony

Recently, a shocking school bullying incident occurred in Jiahe County, Chenzhou, Hunan. A girl in the third year of junior high school was bullied by eight girls of the same grade in the school toilet. These abusers not only robbed the girl of her money, but also slapped her hard, which aroused the attention of the majority of netizens after this incident was exposed!


In a middle school in Jiahe County, Chenzhou, Hunan Province, there was a shocking school bullying incident. In the school toilet, eight girls surrounded another girl and slapped her in the face as they counted. This kind of scene is not a gangster plot in a movie, but a brutal scene in real life. What's even more infuriating is that this bullying has been going on for months. As a result, the victim was under great psychological pressure and almost collapsed, but the school took an extremely negative attitude towards this, only advising the victim to "go home for medical treatment" and did not take effective measures to solve the problem, which caused strong public dissatisfaction and concern.

The junior high school girl was slapped by 8 classmates who robbed her of money! Father: Only detained and expelled from school

The bullying incident took place at a school in Jiahe County, Chenzhou, Hunan Province, and involved a junior high school girl who had been bullied for months. This includes not only frequent extortion of money, but also frequent physical assault and humiliation. What is even more unacceptable is that the victim has fallen into severe psychological distress as a result, and almost suffers from severe mental illness. The school's response to this was shocking, not only did it not take action to solve the problem, but it also obstructed the police in many ways. In the face of such a heart-wrenching behavior, the bully girl involved must be severely punished in order to set the record straight.

The junior high school girl was slapped by 8 classmates who robbed her of money! Father: Only detained and expelled from school

The victim girl could only stand still, silently bearing the continuous slaps of others. She may have a desire to rebel in her heart, but she did not dare to take any action in the face of a large number of abusers. Imagine a heart-wrenching scene where one person is treated by eight people in turn. This is not only a physical injury to her, but also a violation of her dignity.

The junior high school girl was slapped by 8 classmates who robbed her of money! Father: Only detained and expelled from school

We must understand that minors cannot be used as a cover for crime. The core purpose of the Law on the Protection of Minors is the protection of minor victims. This incident is not just about school bullying, it also exposes deep-seated problems about the education and management of minors.

The junior high school girl was slapped by 8 classmates who robbed her of money! Father: Only detained and expelled from school

In the video, the victim's father shared his daughter's experience of being bullied at school. He mentioned that his daughter had been bullied at school since March, but the child had not disclosed it to her family. It wasn't until May that he learned the truth when he came across an online video showing his daughter being bullied at school. Subsequently, he brought the evidence to the school and the education bureau for help, but they only said that they would investigate and deal with it, but so far they have not given any concrete solution results!

The junior high school girl was slapped by 8 classmates who robbed her of money! Father: Only detained and expelled from school

The girl's father revealed that during this time, due to his daughter's psychological problems, the school teacher used to invite them to come to the school. The teacher told him that his daughter was behaving abnormally at school, sometimes crying and sometimes laughing, and suggested that they take her to the hospital for a check-up. When they went to a major hospital for a check-up as recommended, the doctor diagnosed the daughter with a serious mental illness. It wasn't until May that he came across a video of his daughter being bullied at school on the Internet, and he realized the seriousness of the problem and felt heartache that he really understood the root cause of his daughter's abnormal behavior.

The junior high school girl was slapped by 8 classmates who robbed her of money! Father: Only detained and expelled from school

Parents went to the school with hope that the school would handle the bullying incident fairly, and they brought video evidence with them in the hope that the school would provide a fair solution. However, the response from the schools has been disappointing, with only emphasizing that the child should be treated first, avoiding the responsibility of the abuser, and making no substantial progress in investigation and mediation. Parents have communicated with the school several times, but no effective results have been achieved. In desperation, the girl's father decided to call the police, hoping to seek justice for his daughter through legal means. However, the school even tried to prevent the police from calling the police in the process, and it was not until May 11 that the father finally succeeded in calling the police. But until now, there has been no clear outcome of the incident. The whole experience of this whole process was very chilling for parents and deeply disappointed with the attitude and actions of the school.

The junior high school girl was slapped by 8 classmates who robbed her of money! Father: Only detained and expelled from school

Despite the presence of schools and teachers, they did not seem to be able to effectively intervene in the bullying incident until the video came to light and caused widespread concern in the community, which became a public issue. This situation begs a series of questions: Why did such bullying persist in schools for months? Why didn't schools and teachers take effective measures to stop this behavior in the early stages of the incident? Can we turn a blind eye to their misdeeds just because the abuser is a minor? As members of society, we have a responsibility not to tolerate such violations, and measures must be taken to protect the victims and ensure that such incidents do not recur.

The junior high school girl was slapped by 8 classmates who robbed her of money! Father: Only detained and expelled from school

The girl's teacher had advised the parents to take her home, saying that there seemed to be something wrong with the child, but that there was no mention of the bullying the girl was subjected to. After the incident came to light, the school quickly stepped in to try to mediate the matter, apparently to prevent the incident from escalating further, fearing that it could have a negative impact on the school's reputation. However, the girl's father was not satisfied with this, as his daughter had been bullied for a long time and had even been diagnosed with depression by the hospital. The girl's father was determined to resolve the issue through legal means and to seek a just and reasonable solution.

The junior high school girl was slapped by 8 classmates who robbed her of money! Father: Only detained and expelled from school

At present, there has been no response from the local authorities to this incident. To be honest, it's really sad to see this kind of incident in the news. Is it just that the functional departments are doing nothing? The child has been bullied at school for more than two months, and the school has not been aware of it? After the incident, the handling was repeatedly delayed. It is this attitude of inaction that makes school bullying incidents continue to be prohibited. This situation requires great attention and effective measures to be taken to make fundamental improvements in order to prevent the recurrence of similar incidents.

The junior high school girl was slapped by 8 classmates who robbed her of money! Father: Only detained and expelled from school

This egregious incident in the school shows the proficiency and normalization of bullying, and makes people have to question whether Huang is the only victim. The way in which schools have handled such serious incidents is unacceptable. In the face of such acts, giving the perpetrators appropriate punishment is not only necessary, but also a basic safeguard of justice. However, the weakness of the school may be what makes these school bullies even more unscrupulous.

The junior high school girl was slapped by 8 classmates who robbed her of money! Father: Only detained and expelled from school

All of us aspire to create a bullying-free school environment, a place where all children can develop freely and learn happily under the sun. In such an environment, every child should feel safe and every child's rights should be respected and protected. At the same time, we hope that the impartial law will intervene to bring justice to Mr. Huang and restore his reputation and dignity damaged by school bullying. In addition, we also hope that she can recover from this painful experience as soon as possible, get rid of the shadow of her psyche, and regain the joy and confidence in life.

The junior high school girl was slapped by 8 classmates who robbed her of money! Father: Only detained and expelled from school

Achieving this goal will require the joint efforts of every educator, every parent, and society as a whole. We must raise awareness of bullying in schools, strengthen education and guidance for teachers and students, and ensure that every potential problem is identified and addressed in a timely manner. At the same time, schools should establish clearer and more effective anti-bullying policies and strictly enforce them to ensure that every incident is handled fairly. Through these comprehensive measures, we can gradually build a healthier and safer learning environment, and provide a space for our children to grow up with love and hope.