
After Lai Qingde's words, Hou Youyi and Jiang Wanan were anxious, and Qiu Yi: Someone in the Kuomintang was exposed

author:DS North Wind

With regard to the 22 opinions on punishing "Taiwan independence" announced by the mainland, after Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun stated that "the mainland has no jurisdiction over Taiwan Island," Lai Qingde directly came to a lore, which made the Kuomintang completely stunned, and it felt a little like it had been used and given away.

Lai Qingde said that not only the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) on the island is "Taiwan independence," but also the Republic of China faction is also "Taiwan independence." This obviously tastes like the KMT is going to be completely dragged into the water.

After Lai Qingde's words, Hou Youyi and Jiang Wanan were anxious, and Qiu Yi: Someone in the Kuomintang was exposed

However, within the Kuomintang, including Zhu Lilun, they did not hear what Lai Qingde said and did not respond, which was an indirect endorsement of the DPP and Lai Qingde.

Seeing that Lai Qingde had intensified his efforts and continued to provoke the mainland, not only holding actual combat exercises in response to PLA fighter planes patrolling Taiwan, but also restricting tourists from Taiwan Island from traveling to the mainland, and raising the warning level to orange, the Kuomintang was anxious and fearful of reaping the consequences, and Jiang Wanan and Hou Youyi took the lead in counterattacking Lai Qingde.

After Lai Qingde's words, Hou Youyi and Jiang Wanan were anxious, and Qiu Yi: Someone in the Kuomintang was exposed

It is reported that Taipei Mayor Jiang Wanan expressed opposition to the DPP's countermeasures against the mainland and the setting of a tourism warning level, believing that in order to truly protect the people of Taiwan, communication and exchanges should be carried out, rather than aggravating conflicts.

At the same time as Jiang Wanan, Hou Youyi, mayor of New Taipei of the Kuomintang, also responded, saying that "cross-strait dialogue is better than doing it against each other," and that communication and exchanges are a good way to avoid war, and he hoped that the two sides of the strait would have good exchanges under the premise of "equality and friendship."

Subsequently, Jiang Wanan and Hou Youyi unanimously refuted Lai Qingde's statement that "the Republic of China faction is also a Taiwan independence faction" and firmly stated that the Kuomintang would not come together with "Taiwan independence."

After Lai Qingde's words, Hou Youyi and Jiang Wanan were anxious, and Qiu Yi: Someone in the Kuomintang was exposed

When Jiang Wanan and Hou Youyi said this, they obviously hurriedly dissociated themselves from the DPP and insisted that the KMT was the faction of friendly exchanges, but they did not have any sincerity.

Today's Kuomintang can only call for cross-strait dialogue and exchanges, and when it really needs to crack down on "Taiwan independence" elements, it will either speak of yin and yang, or it will not even see a shadow, and it has never taken a firm stand and confronted the DPP head-on.

After Lai Qingde's words, Hou Youyi and Jiang Wanan were anxious, and Qiu Yi: Someone in the Kuomintang was exposed

Taking the DPP's countermeasures against mainland tourism as an example, in response to the MAC's raising of the tourism warning signal to "counteract" the mainland, the KMT issued some painless statements, the content of which was not to counteract the DPP's actions of creating an atmosphere of "anti-China and fear of China" and taking advantage of the interests of the people on Taiwan Island, but to blindly criticize the mainland.

In this regard, former Kuomintang "legislator" Qiu Yi bombarded that in the current cross-strait situation, the Kuomintang is facing a big wave and sand, and many "independent Taiwan" elements within the party cannot hide, and there is no difference between "Taiwan independence" and "independent Taiwan" in the face of the great cause of cross-strait reunification.

After Lai Qingde's words, Hou Youyi and Jiang Wanan were anxious, and Qiu Yi: Someone in the Kuomintang was exposed

Just as Qiu Yi said, as long as the goal is not cross-strait reunification, it is all fake, and how many people in the Kuomintang are firmly committed to cross-strait reunification as the goal, I am afraid that there are not many, Lai Qingde said that, Jiang Wanan and Hou Youyi immediately came out to express their position, and it seems that these two people have ghosts in their hearts.

I am afraid that Zhu Lilun's remark that "the mainland has no jurisdiction over Taiwan" is the true words of the Kuomintang authorities, and the true face of many people in the Kuomintang will be revealed sooner or later!