
Countering Ma Ying-jeou and Zhu Lilun and bringing the Kuomintang to "stay away from China", Hou Youyi plotted a big move

author:DS North Wind

The Kuomintang has been absent from the post of leader of the Taiwan region for three consecutive terms, and has been in the opposition position for three consecutive terms; just imagine how it is possible that the Kuomintang itself, which already has many factions, is calm and harmonious, and there is a high probability that each has its own calculations.

As far as Zhu Lilun, the current chairman of the Kuomintang, is still in the prime of life, there is no need to retire as chairman of the Kuomintang next year, after all, only by grasping this position can we achieve greater things.

Countering Ma Ying-jeou and Zhu Lilun and bringing the Kuomintang to "stay away from China", Hou Youyi plotted a big move

However, not all voices within the Kuomintang support Zhu Lilun, in addition to the deep blue group, especially those who are dissatisfied with Zhu Lilun's dismissal of the "Huang Fuxing" party department, there is another person who is dissatisfied with Zhu Lilun, that is, Hou Youyi.

As a localist, although Hou Youyi, with the strong support of Zhu Lilun, squeezed out Guo Taiming and could run for the leadership of the Taiwan region on behalf of the Kuomintang, this does not mean that Hou and Zhu wear a pair of pants.

Countering Ma Ying-jeou and Zhu Lilun and bringing the Kuomintang to "stay away from China", Hou Youyi plotted a big move

Hou Youyi is also paving the way for his future. At present, Hou Youyi's ambition is completely exposed, that is, to replace Zhu Lilun and lead the Kuomintang to a more extreme road, which is not simple.

It is reported that a few days ago, Hou Youyi and Taipei Mayor Jiang Wanan and Taichung Mayor Lu Xiuyan participated in the same stage activities, and the political actions were very frequent, which was completely different from the previous stage, and was interpreted by experts on the island Hou Youyi is making good connections within the Kuomintang, seeking support, and paving the way for next year's election for the chairman of the Kuomintang.

Countering Ma Ying-jeou and Zhu Lilun and bringing the Kuomintang to "stay away from China", Hou Youyi plotted a big move

In this regard, Hou Youyi responded in person, claiming that he was on the same stage with Jiang Wanan, mainly because of the preparation for the operation of Shuangbei Shizhuang and the common prosperity of the place.

As for the purpose of sharing the stage with Lu Xiuyan, Hou Youyi said that New Taipei City has a population of 4.04 million, and Taichung City also has 2.8 million, with a total population of nearly 7 million, accounting for about 1/3 of Taiwan.

Countering Ma Ying-jeou and Zhu Lilun and bringing the Kuomintang to "stay away from China", Hou Youyi plotted a big move

Hou Youyi's words are obviously a high-sounding response, why did Hou Youyi suddenly rumor that Hou Youyi was going to run for the chairman of the Kuomintang when Hou Youyi was on the same stage with Jiang Wanan and Lu Xiuyan? It may be Hou Youyi's self-hype to pave the way for next year. Public opinion on the island believes that these words were all from Hou Youyi's core aides.

On the one hand, Hou Youyi's position as mayor of New Taipei cannot sit forever, and only climbing up is the appeal of himself and his staff.

On the other hand, countering the candidacy of Taipei City Vice Mayor Li Sichuan, who has a Yuliang complex with Hou Youyi, for mayor of New Taipei, if Li runs for election, he will pass Hou, and Hou Youyi should have the right to speak and dominate the 2026 successor.

Countering Ma Ying-jeou and Zhu Lilun and bringing the Kuomintang to "stay away from China", Hou Youyi plotted a big move

Although Zhu Lilun and Hou Youyi are both called "blue skin and green bones", Hou Youyi, who is from a native background, has a more direct complex and intention of "staying away from Chinese mainland", and at the same time maintains a certain distance from the KMT.

However, although Hou Youyi is qualified to run for the chairman of the Kuomintang, it is still difficult for him to be successfully elected chairman of the Kuomintang, after all, Hou Youyi, who is not good at words, was not lightly scolded by Ke Wenzhe, and he did not contribute much to the Kuomintang as a whole, so how could he be favored.

Especially in the matter of running for the leadership of the Taiwan region, it can be seen that Hou Youyi's ability is not worthy of ambition!

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