
90% of people don't know the strategy of male pregnancy preparation

author:Good upwards
90% of people don't know the strategy of male pregnancy preparation
90% of people don't know the strategy of male pregnancy preparation
90% of people don't know the strategy of male pregnancy preparation
90% of people don't know the strategy of male pregnancy preparation
90% of people don't know the strategy of male pregnancy preparation
90% of people don't know the strategy of male pregnancy preparation
90% of people don't know the strategy of male pregnancy preparation
90% of people don't know the strategy of male pregnancy preparation
90% of people don't know the strategy of male pregnancy preparation
90% of people don't know the strategy of male pregnancy preparation

The secret of ineffective pregnancy preparation: Li Yuesheng's male pregnancy preparation strategy

In Shanghai during the Republic of China, prosperity and change coexisted, and new and old ideas collided fiercely here. Li Yuesheng, a gentle and elegant young man, runs a large-scale silk village, he and his wife Xiuying have a happy married life, and the only regret is that they have not been able to usher in the crystallization of love.

In those days, the topic of preparing for pregnancy was not as widespread and open as it is now. Most people think that pregnancy is a woman's thing and that men only need to provide sperm to suffice. However, Li Yuesheng realized that in order to conceive a child smoothly, men also need to prepare for pregnancy. He knows that only by working together can a healthy and intelligent baby be ushered in.

One day, when Li Yuesheng was flipping through an ancient medical book, he accidentally found a secret book about male pregnancy preparation. His heart moved, and he decided to try it according to the method in the cheats. However, when he told Xiuying his idea, he was questioned and worried by his wife.

"Yuesheng, is this cheat reliable? Don't be something of feudal superstition. Xiuying frowned and looked at Li Yuesheng with a worried expression.

"Xiuying, I know you might think this is nonsense. But I wanted to try, after all, we've been trying for so long and nothing has worked. Maybe this approach can give us hope? Li Yuesheng held Xiuying's hand and said with a firm look in his eyes.

In his wife's doubts, Li Yuesheng began his road of male pregnancy. He first adjusted his eating habits according to the requirements of the cheats. He increased his intake of vegetables, fruits, and nuts and reduced his intake of greasy and spicy foods. At the same time, he also began to insist on exercising every day to strengthen his physique and immunity.

However, changing your eating habits and exercising is not that easy. Li Yuesheng found that he often forgot to exercise because he was busy with work, or had to eat some greasy and spicy food because of socializing. Whenever this happens, he thinks of his and Xiuying's expectations, as well as the little life that is coming. So, he gritted his teeth and persevered.

In addition to adjusting his diet and exercising, Li Yuesheng also paid attention to the regularity of life and rest in accordance with the requirements of the cheats. He goes to bed early and wakes up early every day to ensure adequate sleep time. At the same time, he also reduced the frequency of smoking and drinking to try to keep his body in the best condition.

Over time, Li Yuesheng gradually adapted to this healthy lifestyle. His mental state is getting better and his body is getting stronger. He began to feel the changes in his body and became more convinced that he was on the right path to conception.

However, just when Li Yuesheng thought that everything was going smoothly, he suffered an unexpected blow. During a business negotiation, he suddenly fainted because he was too nervous. After a doctor's examination, it was found that he had serious physical problems due to long-term work pressure and bad living habits.

This news made both Li Yuesheng and Xiuying very shocked and frustrated. They thought they had found the secret to getting pregnant, but they didn't expect to encounter such an accident. However, Li Yuesheng did not give up. He knows that his body is the key to preparing for pregnancy, and only by making his body better can he provide a healthy growth environment for his future children.

As a result, Li Yuesheng began to work harder to adjust his lifestyle. He quit part of his job, cut down on business socializing, and devoted more time and energy to preparing for pregnancy. He insisted on exercising every day, adjusting his diet, and maintaining a good work and rest habits. At the same time, he also started to read some books and articles about pregnancy preparation to learn more knowledge and skills.

After a period of hard work and adjustment, Li Yuesheng's body gradually regained his health. He and so-young also began to try to get pregnant again. This time, they pay more attention to detail and skill, following the advice of doctors and experts to prepare for pregnancy. Finally, on a dark and windy night, Suyoung came with the good news - she was pregnant!

This news made both Li Yuesheng and Xiuying feel extremely excited and happy. They know that this is the result of their joint efforts, and it is also the reward for their adherence to the male pregnancy strategy. Since then, they have cherished this hard-won happiness more and paid more attention to the health of themselves and their children.

Li Yuesheng's story has been passed down in Shanghai as a good story. His male pregnancy preparation strategy has gradually been recognized and accepted by people. More and more people are becoming aware of the importance of men trying to get pregnant, and they are starting to try to adjust their lifestyle and strategies to prepare for pregnancy. And Li Yuesheng and Xiuying also ushered in the little life they dreamed of, a healthy, smart, lively and lovely baby, bringing endless joy and happiness to the family.

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