
The basic strategy of the Son of Yuanliu Tank Edition, it is not recommended to take the confrontation road, otherwise the skills will not be used

author:Old Encounter Game Commentary

In this article, let's talk about the tank version of the new hero Son of Genryu, because he is not like a mage, he can only go in the middle lane, and this tank can take the confrontation lane, jungler or support position, so there will be more content that we need to study.

The basic strategy of the Son of Yuanliu Tank Edition, it is not recommended to take the confrontation road, otherwise the skills will not be used

What is the best position to play?

Personally, I would recommend a jungler or support bit. Because this hero's blue consumption is very serious, and at the same time, it is very cooldown and reduced, so there is no suitable equipment for the confrontation road, and there is a blue buff in the jungler, and there is also an Aurora in the support. The most suitable for this hero itself is to go to the jungle position, get the blue buff with a Boots of Calm can be stacked with a cooldown, and the rest of the pure meat outfit is extremely frank.

It's okay to take the confrontation route, but if you want to take the output route, you have to get out of the grip of ice marks, and the pure meat route has to go out of the Arctic Storm, otherwise the blue will be empty after a while, and the skills will be useless if you can't use them.

Although taking the auxiliary position can solve some of the problems of blue consumption and cooldown reduction, this hero has a poor ability to open a group, more small control and damage, and no functionality, so the strength in the auxiliary position is not as good as those functional supports.

Skill parsing


The basic strategy of the Son of Yuanliu Tank Edition, it is not recommended to take the confrontation road, otherwise the skills will not be used

If it is a meat or half-meat and half-output route, choose the sword and shield. Only if you want to play the pure output route, you will choose the hammer.

In addition to high damage, the enhanced basic attack will also have a health regeneration effect.

One skill

The basic strategy of the Son of Yuanliu Tank Edition, it is not recommended to take the confrontation road, otherwise the skills will not be used

The core skill of the Son of Yuanliu, after use, according to the number of layers of "Flow" obtained by the surrounding allied heroes and creeps, the minimum is guaranteed to be 5 layers. This mechanism tells us that this hero is played in a group, and the more teammates there are, the more fierce they are, and it is not possible to fight alone.

This skill will also have a health regeneration effect, and the more teammates you have, the more you will return.

This skill will have a very low damage and knockback when released, and this hit will not have a hard control effect, so don't worry too much about this.

Because the enhanced basic attack triggered by the consumption flow has the effect of recovering blood, as long as we have blue in the game, we can frequently strengthen the basic attack with a skill to bring the blood back.

Two skills

The basic strategy of the Son of Yuanliu Tank Edition, it is not recommended to take the confrontation road, otherwise the skills will not be used

The second skill charging towards the target will push all the enemies in the path to the end, similar to Xiang Yu's first skill and Su Lie's second skill. When clearing the line, you can first use a skill to push the front soldiers to the back row, and then use this skill to push the minions together to quickly clear them.

Consuming 4 layers of flow can be released without entering the cooldown, and it can be released up to three times in a row in actual combat, and the half-output or pure output is enough to drop the opposite crispy second.

When you are set on fire, you will have a shield effect when you first release the second skill.


The basic strategy of the Son of Yuanliu Tank Edition, it is not recommended to take the confrontation road, otherwise the skills will not be used

Jumping to knock back targets within the range, consuming 5 layers of flow can be used without entering the cooldown, and this skill can be used as a normal displacement control skill.

Outfit inscriptions

Because there are so many branches to choose from, two junglers and one support are provided.

The basic strategy of the Son of Yuanliu Tank Edition, it is not recommended to take the confrontation road, otherwise the skills will not be used
The basic strategy of the Son of Yuanliu Tank Edition, it is not recommended to take the confrontation road, otherwise the skills will not be used
The basic strategy of the Son of Yuanliu Tank Edition, it is not recommended to take the confrontation road, otherwise the skills will not be used

You can consider the pure output route above the outfit, and use the second skill to go to the second person, but because this hero's hand is relatively short, many times you can't touch the back row, so it's an entertainment game, and you still have to make good use of this hero's frankness.

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