
A compilation of all 5 high school textbook writing tasks, and the college entrance examination essay theme are all in this article

author:Chinese language is also Chinese studies
A compilation of all 5 high school textbook writing tasks, and the college entrance examination essay theme are all in this article

Compulsory Volume I

1. Appreciate poetry around imagery, record your thoughts, and write a reading note.

2. Use your imagination to write a poem about your youth.

3. Write about a worker you are familiar with.

Fourth, ancient poems often have profound meanings and unique artistic ingenuity, choose a poem, on the point you feel the most, write a literary commentary.

5. Interview relevant characters, understand the characters, history, and customs of your hometown, and collect relevant information to write a "Hometown People (Scenery)".

6. Investigate the current situation of cultural life in the hometown and write an investigation report.

7. Participate in the cultural construction of the hometown and make suggestions on enriching the cultural life of the hometown.

8. With the topic of "Changes in China's Countryside Today", choose one from the perspectives of living environment, spiritual outlook, cultural life and customs, rural management, etc., carry out investigation interviews, and write an investigation report.

9. Excerpt some famous sayings and aphorisms from several texts and talk about your own experience. (Notes)

10. What are some unforgettable reading experiences you have had and share them with your classmates? (Transcript of statement. )

11. With the development and change of society, we have encountered new problems in our study today, and we should write an argumentative essay on the topic of "New Theory of "Persuasion".

12. Select the most wonderful passage from the prose you have studied, read it aloud repeatedly, savor it, and write a comment.

13. According to the characteristics of the blending of scenes in the prose, write a video shooting script.

14. Write an essay on the topic of "I feel like I walked through for the first time".

15. Each season has its own unique characteristics, choose a solar term, observe the scenery and people's activities at this time, and write an essay.

16. Choose a writer you like, study his works, explore the art of using words, and write a language note.

A compilation of all 5 high school textbook writing tasks, and the college entrance examination essay theme are all in this article

Compulsory Volume II

17. Read three articles, find out and analyze the important points in the articles, write your own thoughts, and discuss them with your classmates. (Notes)

18. Read the selected historical works, understand the historical facts, think deeply, and even question the historical records. Write your own opinions on the questions that are worth exploring.

19. What can be learned from Mencius's thought of benevolent government today? What are the shortcomings? Does Zhuangzi's "Ku Ding Jie Niu" express the meaning of "conforming to nature" or "preserving nature"? Write an argumentative essay on one of the above topics.

20. Rehearse the fragments of the drama you have learned and write the performance script. Each student writes an essay that allows them to talk about their understanding of the rehearsal script, record their own experience of watching the play, and analyze the characters in the play.

21. We have learned certain truths and laws in the natural world, social culture, and human labor, and write an essay to explain a certain thing that you have discovered.

22. Common sense is very important to our life and learning. Some of them are summaries of natural phenomena, some are culturally related, and some are condensed with some life experiences, so please write an explanatory essay on the topic of "'Reason' in Common Sense".

23. Carry out a survey on "the habits of people around you to obtain information" around a recent news event, analyze the results of the survey, and summarize the communication characteristics of different media.

24. Select and rewrite the recruitment inspiration of the school newspaper according to the characteristics of another communication medium.

25. The school organizes a drama festival and designs a publicity and promotion plan for the class program.

26. Revolutionary mentors and revolutionary martyrs combine their personal aspirations with the requirements of the times to make life choices, contact the current social life, and write a speech with the title of "Our Mission".

27. People and things in daily life, characters may show their brilliance, things may have a unique flavor, describe a real experience, or use imagination to create a fictional story and write an article.

28. Read the fragments of daily life described in "Dream of the Red Chamber", and write a short essay on the topic of "__________ in "Dream of the Red Chamber" to talk about the cultural connotation you tasted.

29. Select and peruse the poems of a certain character in Dream of Red Mansions to deepen your understanding of the characters and write a short commentary.

30. Envision the fate and ending of some of the main characters in "Dream of Red Mansions", and write a synopsis of the story.

31. Find research essays on the theme of "Dream of the Red Chamber", think deeply about its theme, and write a summary.

32. Focusing on the topic of "responsibility and responsibility", hold a symposium, select a topic, such as "the responsibility of ancient scholars" and "take the world as their own responsibility", and write an outline of the speech.

33. Wang Anshi and Sima Guang have different views on the issue of changing the law. Reading the relevant source article, which of them do you think makes more sense? Write a draft of the debate and debate it in groups.

34. Rational expression requires that the viewpoint should be clear, the words must be well-founded, and the appropriate method of argumentation should be used to select a historical theory, analyze it from the perspective of rational expression, and write a short essay.

35. A reading survey shows that a considerable proportion of adults prefer to read traditional paper books, while many adults prefer to read electronically. In this regard, some people think that "screen reading" means fragmented shallow reading, while others disagree, believing that the two reading methods can coexist and complement each other. Write an essay to talk about your opinion.

36. Some people think that people with a low moral bottom line sometimes have an advantage over people with a high moral bottom line, and if you can't do it, he will do it, so they can always be like a fish in water. But the division commander warned us: we must adhere to the "high line" and keep the "bottom line"; Only by keeping the "bottom line" can we keep the foundation of being a human being. Write an essay on the topic of "The Bottom Line".

A compilation of all 5 high school textbook writing tasks, and the college entrance examination essay theme are all in this article

Optional compulsory course on the first volume

37. Visit the patriotic education base and revolutionary historical sites in your hometown, collect relevant materials, choose the style you are good at writing, you can write character sketches, deeds profiles, character communications, etc., and you can also write novels, poems, essays, dramas, etc.

XXXVIII. Articles of this unit. There are many classic sentences, choose one sentence from them, accurately understand its ideological content, choose your own angle, and write an article with your own intention to explain your understanding and thinking.

39. Read excerpts from foreign novels in this unit, feel and understand the cultures and social and historical features of different ethnic groups, and write a reading notebook.

40. Choose a novel you like in this unit, read it carefully, choose a key point of interest from it, and write an appreciation essay.

41. There are many "novel elements" in life, which are moving, thought-provoking, and heartwarming.

42. Collect and read review articles in the media around recent social hot issues, choose one that you disagree with, and write a rebuttal essay.

A compilation of all 5 high school textbook writing tasks, and the college entrance examination essay theme are all in this article

Optional compulsory middle book

43. The four speculative articles in this unit have clear views, thorough discussions, careful thinking, and accurate language, please choose any text, choose an angle, write a feeling after reading, and talk about your gains from reading major theoretical articles.

44. Socrates' attitude of refusing to escape from prison and gladly accepting the unjust verdict is appreciated by some and unworthy by others.

45. When we understand things, our judgment is often influenced by some factors, such as faith in the ancients, authority, and books, and listening to the opinions of the majority. These influences are reflected in common expressions such as "since ancient times", "according to famous experts", "what is said in books", and "what most people think". Write an essay around such phrases, expand your thinking, flesh out the evidence, and choose the right angle.

46. When people gain something new, they also lose something. The Internet has brought a lot of convenience to people's lives, so what may people lose? Think deeply about this issue and write an essay. (The above two topics should be preceded by an outline of speeches.) )

47. Carefully read "In Memory of Liu He Zhenjun" and "In Memory of Forgetting", and make some comments on writing techniques and language expressions in the form of side criticism.

48. Carefully read "The Body Worker", and write a note on the unity of the journalistic and literary nature of the work in combination with the specific content.

49. The class organizes a symposium on the theme of "Talking about Historical Figures". Pick one of the historical figures involved in the text, talk about what you know and evaluate about them, and then put together an outline of your speech, and then speak at the seminar.

50. Compile a brief chronology of historical figures such as Qu Yuan, Su Wu, or Li Cunqing; Or according to the narrative of "On the Passage of Qin", make a brief history of the rise and fall of Qin.

51. Historical biography is often interspersed with discussions, speculating on Ban Gu's understanding and evaluation of Su Wu in "The Biography of Su Wu", and writing a short comment on the character from Ban Gu's perspective.

52. Do you agree with the views of the authors of "On the Passage of the Qin Dynasty" and "Preface to the Biography of the Five Dynasties of Shi Lingguan"? Based on the historical knowledge you have learned, refer to relevant sources, and try to write a short essay to question or refute the two articles.

53. Read "To the Sea" and "Song of Yourself" and try to rewrite one in the form of the other. Use the imagery in the original poem without changing the theme of the original poem.

54. Read the following paragraph of materials on "telling Chinese stories well and spreading Chinese culture", refine your views, focus on the topic of "culture going out", connect with social life, and write an argument from any angle, which requires clear intentions and thoughtfulness. (Source of the essay questions in the new curriculum standard I.) )

A compilation of all 5 high school textbook writing tasks, and the college entrance examination essay theme are all in this article

Optional compulsory book II

55. Hold a class seminar with the theme of "Why do we read ancient poems today", combine the experience of studying ancient poems, refine views, and select representatives to speak at the meeting.

56. Select a poem learned in this unit, and write an appreciation essay from any one or two perspectives such as language, conception, imagery, and emotion.

57. Under the guidance of the teacher, collect and read relevant comments, form your own opinions on the topic of "The Endless Ah Q", and discuss it with your classmates.

58. The life of "Border City" is real and idealized, it is a warm work, and it has a deep sense of tragedy.

59. Some people say that modern Chinese literature is characterized by "feeling the times and worrying about the country", and the writers' eyes are more focused on the fate of the country and the joys and sorrows of the people. Communicate with your classmates about the modern literature you have read, make your judgment and explain the reasons.

60. Choose a modern writer you like in this unit, expand and read some of his works, choose one of them from the aspects of writing philosophy, artistic characteristics, language style, etc., think deeply, talk about your understanding, and discuss and communicate with the class.

61. There are many wonderful sentences worth savoring in the works in this unit, combined with examples, to explore the expression skills of language, choose an angle, and complete a language appreciation note.

62. Group discussion to explore the value of traditional Chinese cultural concepts embodied in the texts in this unit in today's society.

63. Choose one piece of ancient prose selected in this unit, try to make a comment, and communicate it with your classmates.

64. Write a letter to a friend, talking about your choice and reasons for the college entrance examination subjects and what career you will pursue in the future. It is required to tell the truth, express the truth, convince people with reason, and move people with emotion.

65. When a scientific paper is published, it is generally necessary to have an abstract or abstract, choose an article in this unit, and write a summary for it, about 200 words.

66. According to the theme of the text in this unit, determine a research topic, find a scientific work or a scientific paper related to it, read it carefully, and then write a reading report.

A compilation of all 5 high school textbook writing tasks, and the college entrance examination essay theme are all in this article

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