
The top 10 centers in NBA history who were eliminated by the small-ball era

author:Cheerful passion fruit

In the history of the NBA, there has been a group of centers who dominated the interior and dominated the court with excellent rebounding, scoring, and defensive ability. With the advent of the small-ball era, these traditional centre-forwards faced unprecedented challenges and tests. Today, we might as well take a look back at the top centers in NBA history who were eliminated by the small-ball era.

In the previous NBA, the dominators of the basket on the court were often the mainstay of the team, dominating the game with their height, strength, and interior skills. The NBA's shift to a faster-paced, perimeter-based style of play at the beginning of the 21st century has made it more challenging than ever for centers that rely on their advantage under the basket.

The top 10 centers in NBA history who were eliminated by the small-ball era

In the tide of the small-ball era, the first to suffer are those "big" centers in the traditional sense. These players, who once dominated the game physically and technically under the basket, have gradually diminished their advantages as the league's style of play has changed, and some have even faded out of the field of professional basketball.

In addition to Howard, players like Andre Drummond and DeAndre Jordan have suffered a similar fate. They excel on the rebounding and defensive ends, but don't stand up for themselves in the modern NBA, which requires long-range shooting and more movement. Their careers, like their role on the field, are gradually obsolete by the tide of the times.

The top 10 centers in NBA history who were eliminated by the small-ball era

Every player on this list has their own unique basketball talent and contributions. But over time, their weaknesses were magnified, preventing them from finding their place in the waves of the small-ball era.

The rise of the small-ball era is not only a change in skills and tactics, but also a redefinition of players' physical fitness and skill requirements. Players who adapt to this change and are able to improve their skills and adapt to new environments will be able to thrive on the NBA court today. And for those traditional center forwards who couldn't adapt to it, the arrival of this era became the end of their careers.

The top 10 centers in NBA history who were eliminated by the small-ball era

Andre Drummond, once reminiscent of a world-class rebounder, can now sit on the bench and watch the team run under the leadership of the little guys. Every time I see him sent to the free-throw line, I feel a little sad because his dominance on the rebounds is truly unforgettable. Unfortunately, the game now needs more than just rebounds, but players who can shoot from the outside.

Deandre Jordan, the little Jordan who won both blocks and rebounds, is no longer the team's first choice. I'm always a little frustrated when I look at his performance at the free-throw line, his dominance under the basket is unquestionable, but in today's pace of play, such an advantage seems too narrow.

The top 10 centers in NBA history who were eliminated by the small-ball era

If they could go back in time, maybe they would have made a different choice. Or, if they had been able to adapt and change earlier, it would have ended differently now. Fate often doesn't leave people with much choice, and their basketball careers are drifting away under such a wheel of fate.

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