
Wuda 200 love packages, go!

author:Daily Uda
Wuda 200 love packages, go!
Wuda 200 love packages, go!

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, inherit and carry forward the glorious tradition and fine style of the party, and further reflect the red efficiency of party building, on the afternoon of June 27, the Wuda District Organ Working Committee and Wuda Post Branch carried out the "Small Parcel, Big Love" donation activity, aiming to let the party members and cadres of the organ dedicate their love through this activity. A total of 60 party branches and more than 170 party members participated in this event.

Wuda 200 love packages, go!

At the donation event, representatives of the party organizations of the district organs handed over the postcards full of blessings to the postal staff together with the donation packages. These packages contain school supplies, daily necessities, clothing, etc., and contain ardent hopes and good wishes for the students in the impoverished mountainous areas of Ganzi, Sichuan, hoping that they can have a happy childhood and grow up healthy and strong. Subsequently, the staff will load more than 200 parcels into the truck, and the Wuda Post Branch will send them to every student in need of help after inspection.

Wuda 200 love packages, go!