
Announcement on reminding parents to guard against enrollment fraud

author:Guangzhou Zengcheng release
Announcement on reminding parents to guard against enrollment fraud

Announcement on reminding parents to guard against enrollment fraud

In recent years, our district has continuously increased investment in education, actively implemented quality education, deepened the reform of education and teaching, optimized the allocation of educational resources, scientifically coordinated the development of urban and rural education, and effectively promoted the balanced and high-quality development of regional compulsory education.

In 2024, the enrollment of compulsory education schools in our district has begun, and it is our common wish with you that students can go to school and study well. The enrollment of students is a work with strong policy and a wide range of aspects, involving thousands of households, and has a bearing on the vital interests of the majority of students and parents. With a highly responsible attitude towards the broad masses of the people, and in accordance with the requirements of promoting social fairness and building a harmonious and civilized society, we will earnestly strengthen the leadership of the enrollment work, carefully organize and strictly manage, strictly abide by the enrollment discipline, and strictly regulate the school's enrollment work, so that parents can rest assured and satisfied.

Recently, a few lawbreakers in society have boasted of "having internal connections" and collected money from parents in the name of being able to help them enroll in schools, spend money to buy places, or spend money to help parents get into the schools of their choice. Parents are requested not to believe rumors and avoid being deceived, causing economic losses and delaying their children's schooling. All primary and secondary schools in our district have strict enrollment procedures and admission approval procedures, and any behavior that claims to "be able to get the enrollment index or get the admission notice in advance" without the approval of the municipal and district education administrative departments is a common trick used by enrollment scammers. Parents can report enrollment fraud directly to the police, or by calling the reporting hotline set up by the district education bureau. Hotline for reporting: 82624166.

Education Bureau of Zengcheng District, Guangzhou

June 28, 2024

Source: District People's Government Portal Editor: Liu Xiaowen Editor: Lu Minghua, Lin Ruchang Review: Zhu Zhuodong, Zhang Huifang

Announcement on reminding parents to guard against enrollment fraud
Announcement on reminding parents to guard against enrollment fraud

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