
Xiaoxin said that drugs ▍ prevent HIV/AIDS, prohibit drugs and protect health

author:Twelve Divisions Online

HIV/AIDS, anti-drug and health protection

Although drug abuse and AIDS are two different types of problems, there is a very close relationship between drug abuse and the AIDS epidemic. Drug abuse is not only a breeding ground for crime, but also for the transmission of AIDS.

Xiaoxin said that drugs ▍ prevent HIV/AIDS, prohibit drugs and protect health

Anti-drug chapter

June is the mainland's national anti-drug propaganda month, June 26 is the international anti-drug day, in order to create a good atmosphere of "national anti-drug", in order to continuously improve the people's awareness and ability to recognize, prevent and reject drugs, special anti-drug propaganda and education, carry forward the main theme, spread positive energy, so that "anti-drug propaganda into 10,000 homes".

Xiaoxin said that drugs ▍ prevent HIV/AIDS, prohibit drugs and protect health

What do drugs look like

When it comes to drugs, we often talk about "drugs" discoloration, although everyone knows that drugs can't be touched, but do you know what drugs are? What are the common drugs? What are the disguised drugs in life?

Let's follow the comics and learn anti-drug knowledge.

Xiaoxin said that drugs ▍ prevent HIV/AIDS, prohibit drugs and protect health
Xiaoxin said that drugs ▍ prevent HIV/AIDS, prohibit drugs and protect health
Xiaoxin said that drugs ▍ prevent HIV/AIDS, prohibit drugs and protect health
Xiaoxin said that drugs ▍ prevent HIV/AIDS, prohibit drugs and protect health
Xiaoxin said that drugs ▍ prevent HIV/AIDS, prohibit drugs and protect health
Xiaoxin said that drugs ▍ prevent HIV/AIDS, prohibit drugs and protect health
Xiaoxin said that drugs ▍ prevent HIV/AIDS, prohibit drugs and protect health
Xiaoxin said that drugs ▍ prevent HIV/AIDS, prohibit drugs and protect health
Xiaoxin said that drugs ▍ prevent HIV/AIDS, prohibit drugs and protect health
Xiaoxin said that drugs ▍ prevent HIV/AIDS, prohibit drugs and protect health
Xiaoxin said that drugs ▍ prevent HIV/AIDS, prohibit drugs and protect health
Xiaoxin said that drugs ▍ prevent HIV/AIDS, prohibit drugs and protect health
Xiaoxin said that drugs ▍ prevent HIV/AIDS, prohibit drugs and protect health
Xiaoxin said that drugs ▍ prevent HIV/AIDS, prohibit drugs and protect health

The dangers of drugs

There are many types of drugs, and they are extremely confusing, so what harm will drugs have on our lives?

Harmful to the body and mind

Xiaoxin said that drugs ▍ prevent HIV/AIDS, prohibit drugs and protect health

1. Different drugs ingested into the body have their own side effects and withdrawal symptoms, which cause direct and serious damage to health, and even drug overdose and death. In addition, drug abuse can lead to a variety of complications due to the effects of drugs on the digestive system, respiratory system, cardiovascular system, and immune system. Such as acute and chronic hepatitis, pneumonia, sepsis, endocarditis, renal failure, arrhythmia, thrombophlebitis, arteritis, bronchitis, emphysema, various skin diseases, chronic organic brain damage, toxic psychosis, sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS.

2. Drugs not only cause great damage to the body, but also make drug addicts become slaves of drugs due to their physical and psychological dependence, and their only goal in life is to try to obtain drugs, so they lose their interest and ability to work and live.

Endangering the family

Xiaoxin said that drugs ▍ prevent HIV/AIDS, prohibit drugs and protect health

Drug abuse leads to a large number of family tragedies, once there is a drug addict in the family, it means that poverty and contradictions surround the family, and the final outcome is often bankrupt, the wife is separated, and the family is ruined. Drug use endangers the next generation. Drug abuse by pregnant women will seriously affect the normal development of the fetus, and some may lead to congenital malformations or drug addiction in newborns.

Endangering society

Xiaoxin said that drugs ▍ prevent HIV/AIDS, prohibit drugs and protect health

1. Drug abuse and crime are like twin brothers. Drug addicts often ignore morality and the law in order to obtain drug money, deviant and commit crimes, seriously endangering people's lives and social order. It is reported that half of drug users in the UK rely on crime to get money for drugs.

2. The loss of the ability to work and the normal life of drug addicts, the various medical expenses of drug addicts, the investment of anti-drug and drug rehabilitation forces, and the development of drug abuse prevention and control work have all brought serious social and economic losses. Nowadays, drug abuse has become a social disease, spreading all over the world, and human society is therefore burdened with a heavy social burden

How to stay away from drugs

Xiaoxin said that drugs ▍ prevent HIV/AIDS, prohibit drugs and protect health

1. Never try the first bite.

2. Correctly face difficulties and setbacks, and never use poison to eliminate sorrows.

3. Maintain a healthy and uplifting lifestyle.

4. Careful companionship.

5. Stay away from unhealthy entertainment venues.

HIV/AIDS prevention

Xiaoxin said that drugs ▍ prevent HIV/AIDS, prohibit drugs and protect health
Xiaoxin said that drugs ▍ prevent HIV/AIDS, prohibit drugs and protect health

What is AIDS?

AIDS, or Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, is a devastating infectious disease caused by infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

HIV is a virus that attacks the body's immune system. It takes CD4T lymphocytes, the most important in the body's immune system, as the main target, destroys a large number of these cells, and makes the body lose its immune function.

Therefore, the human body is susceptible to various diseases, and malignant tumors can occur, and the mortality rate is high.

Xiaoxin said that drugs ▍ prevent HIV/AIDS, prohibit drugs and protect health

What are the ways in which HIV is transmitted?

There are three main ways of transmission of HIV, including sexual transmission, blood-borne transmission and mother-to-child transmission, among which sexual transmission and blood-borne transmission are the main ways of transmission of AIDS.

Xiaoxin said that drugs ▍ prevent HIV/AIDS, prohibit drugs and protect health

The transmission route of AIDS does not include general contact, so people with AIDS should not be discriminated against in their lives, such as eating together, shaking hands, etc., will not transmit AIDS.

Xiaoxin said that drugs ▍ prevent HIV/AIDS, prohibit drugs and protect health

Drugs are closely linked to AIDS

Drugs are a breeding ground for the spread of AIDS



Xiaoxin said that drugs ▍ prevent HIV/AIDS, prohibit drugs and protect health
Xiaoxin said that drugs ▍ prevent HIV/AIDS, prohibit drugs and protect health

The relationship between drug abuse and HIV infection

We all know that there are three ways of transmission of AIDS: blood-borne transmission, sexual transmission, and mother-to-child transmission, so what does drug use (injecting) have to do with HIV infection? Why are drugs accomplices in the spread of AIDS?

1. Sharing syringes to take drugs is a high-risk behavior of transmitting AIDS through blood. In the early days, drug addicts were addicted to drugs such as heroin, and AIDS was mainly transmitted through injecting drug use. In order to use up as much of the remaining drugs in the syringe as possible, drug addicts often withdraw their own blood back into the syringe and rinse it repeatedly, so that the wall of the syringe adsorbs blood. If others use the syringe unsterilized or not sterilized thoroughly, they are highly susceptible to infection. Because drugs are addictive, they are always eager to push drugs into their veins when they attack. As a result, a syringe is often used repeatedly or shared by multiple people, and the virus can be transmitted to others as long as one person is living with HIV.

2. Be wary of new drugs, as taking new drugs can increase the risk of sexually acquiring HIV. Nowadays, the illusion of "entertainment" of drugs such as methamphetamine, ecstasy, K powder, and "happy water" has largely concealed their "drug" nature. Many people are often defenseless, driven by the inducement and curiosity of others, and gradually become trapped by drugs. Who knows, this increases the risk of contracting HIV! On the one hand, these drugs can make the human body extremely excited, produce strong hallucinations and desires, and are prone to chaotic unprotected sex. At the same time, some drug addicts will resort to unscrupulous means, even prostitution, in order to obtain "drug money", which makes it easier for them to be sexually infected and transmit AIDS.

3. Drug abuse leads to decreased immunity and poor physical fitness. In addition, there is another reason for the spread of AIDS among drug addicts: drugs are extremely harmful to health, drug addicts often have malnutrition, autonomic nervous system disorders, especially the obvious decline in the function of the immune system, so that the ability to resist disease is extremely reduced, which is very conducive to the AIDS virus to take advantage of the weakness.

Xiaoxin said that drugs ▍ prevent HIV/AIDS, prohibit drugs and protect health

The problem of drugs and AIDS is a serious problem facing the whole society and all mankind, and it is imperative to prevent drugs and AIDS, so that the concept of "cherishing life, staying away from drugs, and preventing AIDS" will be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and jointly build a solid wall of "drug recognition, drug prevention, drug rejection, and drug afar", so as to form a situation in which everyone participates in drug control, sweep away the drug demons, and stay away from AIDS.

Source: Text/Picture Center for Disease Control and Prevention of High-tech Zone (New Urban Area).