
The son who had been lost for 36 years was recovered: a 3-year-old boy who is now the father of two

author:Red Star News

After 36 years, Mr. Li from Guang'an, Sichuan, finally met his son Xiao Zhan (pseudonym).

At that time, Mr. Li, a father of two children, worked on a construction site in Xichang, Sichuan Province to make ends meet, and his wife cooked locally and took care of the children. One noon, his 3-year-old son, Xiao Zhan, disappeared while playing in the square with some playmates.

It later turned out that Xiao Zhan was later taken to Shandong and ended up living in a local family surnamed Cui. On the morning of June 27, with the help of the police, Xiao Zhan and his biological parents finally reunited after 36 years of separation, and the 3-year-old boy is now the father of two children......

The son who had been lost for 36 years was recovered: a 3-year-old boy who is now the father of two

Xiao Zhan reunites with his biological parents

"Son, your son has gone with someone else"

The pace of life was disrupted at noon in mid-April 1988.

At that time, Mr. Li's family left their hometown of Guang'an, Sichuan, to work as plasterers on a construction site in Xichang City. His son Xiao Zhan is 3 years old, and he plays with several children of the same age all day long, and his wife not only cooks, but also takes care of her daughter, who is only a few months old.

After 1 p.m. that day, Mr. Li's wife and her little daughter were resting at home, and Xiao Zhan was playing with a few playmates in a nearby square. Soon after, an older child ran back to her: "Son, your son has gone with someone else." ”

Mr. Li's wife heard the news and went out to look for her, but she couldn't find her son. Mr. Li said that after his son was lost, they called the police and went to a remote place to look for him at night, hoping to hear his son's cry...... Everyone hoped to catch the missing boy, but to no avail.

Mr. Li said that for a long time after his son went missing, he went to work at the construction site during the day to make money, and at night he went to the streets and alleys to post missing person notices. After that, they traveled to other cities to work and look for their son, but there was no news of their son.

It wasn't until many years after leaving Xichang that Mr. Li had time to return to Xichang, and he felt that his son, who was 3 years old at the time, might have memories of Xichang and would return there to look for them.

"I grew up knowing it wasn't their own"

In fact, Xiao Zhan has no impression of Xichang 36 years ago, and only "I have been sitting in the car in a daze".

Later, Xiao Zhan was taken to live in a family surnamed Cui in Shandong. He knew his background since he was a child, "it was not their (Cui family's) own birth". In the Cui family, in addition to an older brother with some mental problems, he also has three older sisters. Xiao Zhan told the Red Star News reporter that he had good grades in school when he was a child, but his family's economic conditions were not good, and later his adoptive parents fell ill, so he dropped out of school after junior high school, and then entered the construction site to work.

Xiao Zhan later told the police that he also thought about finding relatives in his early years, but it was not easy for his adoptive parents to raise him, and he was afraid that they would be sad. The adoptive parents never told Xiao Zhan about his life experience, and even if he took the initiative to ask, it was only in exchange for silence.

Xiao Zhan told the Red Star News reporter that in 2016, he especially wanted to find his biological parents, wanted to know his life experience, and collected blood through volunteers into the database. Later, in order to find out his life experience, Xiao Zhan had a fierce quarrel with his sick adoptive father, and his adoptive father told him: "Your surname is Li!" ”

Only then did Xiao Zhan know that he could speak the Sichuan dialect when he was a child, and he spoke very clearly.

But where exactly is home? Xiao Zhan didn't know either.

Reunited after 36 years, the son has become a father

In January this year, the Zaoshan Police Station and the Criminal Police Brigade of the Economic Development District Bureau of the Guang'an Municipal Public Security Bureau learned from Mr. Li that his son Xiao Zhan had disappeared in 1988 and that he had collected blood several times before, but it was not known whether the blood samples had been entered into the missing persons database. Subsequently, the police collected the blood of Mr. and Mrs. Li again.

The good news came in March, when the blood samples of Mr. and Mrs. Li were compared with those of Xiaozhan previously recorded by the Ziyang Municipal Public Security Bureau. However, when the police contacted Xiao Zhan, they found that the other party's blood samples were collected by volunteers and sent to the Ziyang City Public Security Bureau for entry.

In the end, the police contacted Xiao Zhan, but Xiao Zhan was regarded as a liar. "We made a lot of phone calls and didn't answer them, and later I learned that his wife had been cheated of money before, and I was afraid that we were also liars." The police of the Guang'an Municipal Public Security Bureau told the Red Star News reporter that they finally contacted the Shandong police for assistance, and they went to find Xiao Zhan to explain the truth of the matter in person, so that Xiao Zhan dispelled his doubts, and after re-collecting blood from Xiao Zhan, they finally confirmed the father-son relationship between Xiao Zhan and Mr. Li.

The son who had been lost for 36 years was recovered: a 3-year-old boy who is now the father of two

Xiao Zhan reunites with his biological parents

On the morning of June 27, at the Economic Development District Bureau of the Guang'an Public Security Bureau, Mr. Li's family finally met their son Xiaozhan and realized a reunion after 36 years of separation. 36 years have passed, and the 3-year-old boy is now married and has children, becoming the father of two children.

Xiao Zhan said that he opened a barber shop in Shandong, because his two children are still in school, so this time he just came back alone to recognize his relatives, and when the summer vacation is over, the whole family can be better reunited.

At noon on the 27th, a large family sat around for dinner. Mr. Li, who had never drunk alcohol at his youngest son's wedding banquet before, couldn't help but drink a few more glasses, "I'm happy!" ”

Red Star News reporter Wang Chao Photo courtesy of Guang'an Public Security Bureau Economic Development District Bureau

Editor: Zhang Xun, Editor: Feng Lingling

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The son who had been lost for 36 years was recovered: a 3-year-old boy who is now the father of two