
Is renting a house everyone's first lesson in society? The person who came over gave the answer


Is renting a house everyone's first lesson in society?

A netizen shared his experience that he used to like to be alone, but since he started renting a house, he would rather go to work than go back to this cold rental house.

Is renting a house everyone's first lesson in society? The person who came over gave the answer

I feel scared every day, I wake up several times a night, and there are many mosquitoes.

In the face of these, some netizens shared his experience: "The worst thing is to sign a one-year contract, and then you can't sublet during the period, you must live for a full year, and the deposit will be gone if you don't live full." ”

Some netizens said: "Life advice, first share a house and slowly transfer to a single person, one is the expense and the other is adaptation." Male. ”

Is renting a house everyone's first lesson in society? The person who came over gave the answer

Some netizens said: "I also like to share a house, although I don't communicate, but I feel that there are people in the house, and I can sleep well at night with peace of mind. ”

Some netizens gave advice: "Don't rent inferior floors and broken furniture, close doors and windows if there is a smell, don't rent just renovated, newly painted walls are ventilated for two months before living, some inferior tiles will also affect health." Excessive formaldehyde can cause cancer, which is not a trivial matter. ”

Is renting a house everyone's first lesson in society? The person who came over gave the answer

For people who go out to work, renting has become the norm, and many people hope to meet a good landlord, as for yes

Share or rent by yourself, everyone has their own choice!

Maybe there will be the experience of being cheated by the landlord during this period, and there will be a lot of troubles, but all this is a kind of wealth.

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