
Why did netizens voluntarily sign the "Agreement to Help Parents Outside"?

author:Jishishan County Rong Media Center
Why did netizens voluntarily sign the "Agreement to Help Parents Outside"?

Original title: Gather all efforts to build an age-friendly society

Compare hearts with hearts, promote multi-dimensional, start with details, and unite all efforts to build an age-friendly society

【Keywords】"Agreement on Mutual Parenting Outside the Home"

In order to allow the elderly who are away from home to get help in a timely manner, a spontaneous "mutual help parent agreement" has quietly become popular on social networks. There are no binding clauses, and even a lack of unified content, but this agreement has been supported by many netizens, who have expressed their "voluntary signing", and shared and forwarded, calling on everyone to do their best to lend a helping hand when they go out - "This time I will help your parents, and next time you may help my parents."


In life, you may encounter such a scene: an elderly person traveling alone on the train, struggling to carry luggage; The old man in the subway station who couldn't understand the transfer route was anxious and helpless; Grandma, who can't use her mobile phone to navigate on the side of the road, can only ask as she walks...... These elderly people who encounter difficulties in traveling outside are strangers in the eyes of others, but they are deeply concerned by their families. Showing more concern for the elders and adding warmth to the society is the original intention of this simple and touching agreement.

The popularity of the agreement can be seen as a relay of goodwill. Out of empathy as children, I hope that parents can meet warmth when they are at a loss; Out of instinctive kindness, I hope that every elderly person can feel the care and respect of society. A trickle of water will eventually merge into a surging river and sea. Maybe it's just an active support and a patient explanation, but with the help of a hand, it will be filled with the fragrance of love and the warmth of goodness, and we can work together to gather the powerful force of the whole society to respect and love the old and be upward and good.

With the rapid development of society and the rapid development of information technology, the familiar way of life of the older generation is changing. Make reservations at scenic spots, scan QR codes to order, and call online car-hailing...... All kinds of convenient services that are commonplace for young people may be relatively unfamiliar to older people. If young people want to help their elders bridge the digital divide, they may wish to turn their worries about their elders falling behind in the digital age into practical actions to encourage and guide them to try new technologies, so that they can also enjoy the convenience of digital technology and better integrate into the development of the times.

Of course, while applauding this spontaneous act of mutual assistance, we also call for continuing to improve the level of social renovation for the elderly and continue to build a barrier-free environment. To make the elders feel more at ease outside, we also need institutionalized and systematic all-round guarantees. For example, can stairs be fitted with handrails? Can I order food smoothly if I can't scan the code? Can the app improve the elderly mode? Only by comparing hearts with hearts, promoting multi-dimensionality, starting with details, and gathering all efforts to build an age-friendly society, can parents be more comfortable outside and children feel more at ease at home.

Respecting and loving the elderly is a fine tradition and virtue of the Chinese nation. It is the common responsibility of the whole society to let the elderly share the fruits of reform and development and enjoy a happy old age. Let us join hands and work together to promote the building of an age-friendly society so that the elderly can enjoy a happy old age.

Source: People's Daily

Why did netizens voluntarily sign the "Agreement to Help Parents Outside"?
Why did netizens voluntarily sign the "Agreement to Help Parents Outside"?
Why did netizens voluntarily sign the "Agreement to Help Parents Outside"?