
Vite 占据主导地位,TypeScript 采用率飙升|JavaScript 现状一览

Vite 占据主导地位,TypeScript 采用率飙升|JavaScript 现状一览

CSDN Editor's Note: The results of the 2023 State of JavaScript Survey highlight several key trends, including the significant dominance of Vite's build tools, the continued rise in adoption of TypeScript among the developer community, and the enduring popularity of React as a front-end framework.

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作者 | Sarah Gooding 责编 | 夏萌译者 | 明明如月出品 | CSDN(ID:CSDNnews)

The 2023 State of JavaScript Survey shows that Vite leads in adoption, retention, and popularity, with React continuing to dominate front-end frameworks and Next.js declining user retention. pnpm is the standout performer among Monorepo tools, and Express remains the most popular backend framework, Node.js takes the lead in the runtime. TypeScript usage has risen significantly, with Python becoming the most popular non-JavaScript language.

The results of the 2023 State of JavaScript Survey have been released, showcasing new trends, features, and technologies in the web development ecosystem. The survey, funded by Google and other partners, was conducted from November 22 to December 12, 2023. The release of the results was delayed as the creators rewrote the data visualization codebase and collected more free-form data.

Due to the rapid innovation of the ecosystem and the constant emergence of new tools, developers can experience what is known as "JavaScript fatigue". The creators of the survey mentioned this and advised developers to use more stable, mature technologies in the coming years to avoid being overwhelmed by new technologies. Many developers choose this path, which is one of the reasons why the survey found that respondents were interested in experimenting with new technologies.

This year's survey received 23,540 responses. The data covers the most widely used frameworks, building tools, and the most popular JavaScript video creators and influencers. Here are some highlights.

Vite 占据主导地位,TypeScript 采用率飙升|JavaScript 现状一览

When it comes to adoption, retention, and popularity, Vite is ahead of other technologies

Vite 占据主导地位,TypeScript 采用率飙升|JavaScript 现状一览

As a native development server for modern web applications, Vite has won the most awards in 2023:

  • Most Popular Technology - Awarded for the technology with the largest annual usage growth.

– "Vite continues to be the fastest-growing library, with a 25% increase in annual usage! "

  • Highest Retention Rate - Grants users the technology with the highest return rate.

– "Vite is winning again, with 98% of developers willing to use it again. Vitest came in second with a 96% return rate of users"

  • Most Loved Libraries - Awarded to libraries with the highest percentage of positive reviews.

– "With 88.7% of developers rating it positively, Vite managed to win these awards as the most beloved technology!" "

In addition, Vitest, a testing framework that natively supports Vite, also received the "Top Interest" award, which gives developers the technology they are most interested in and want to learn.

Vite 占据主导地位,TypeScript 采用率飙升|JavaScript 现状一览

React continues to dominate front-end frameworks

Unsurprisingly, React remains the most popular front-end framework, with 84% of respondents using it. This is followed by Vue.js (52%), Angular (46%), and Svelte (25%), where Svelte adoption is steadily rising.

The 2023 data interactive visualization update is particularly impressive. These updates not only allow users to apply custom filters, but also view data in a whole new way.

Vite 占据主导地位,TypeScript 采用率飙升|JavaScript 现状一览

However, some respondents reported some issues with React, including challenges with too many choices, excessive complexity, performance issues, state management, and version changes.

Vite 占据主导地位,TypeScript 采用率飙升|JavaScript 现状一览

Meta-framework: a mature field with careful exploration

Next.js is a React-based server-side rendering and static website generation framework that has a clear advantage in the meta-framework space. This type of framework focuses on the efficient rendering and service of applications. Although emerging frameworks such as Remix, Astro, and SvelteKit are on the rise, their usage is still below 20%. Notably, Next.js's user retention rate dropped from 89% in 2022 to 75% in 2023.

Overall, developer interest has declined across all frameworks, suggesting a generally more conservative and cautious approach to assessing the long-term viability of these new frameworks.

Vite 占据主导地位,TypeScript 采用率飙升|JavaScript 现状一览
Vite 占据主导地位,TypeScript 采用率飙升|JavaScript 现状一览

Monorepo 工具

The Monorepo tool is a diverse set of solutions, and no tool on the market is currently used more than 40%. With the exception of PNPM, interest and retention rates have declined across all tools, while retention rates have remained stable with a significant increase in positive reviews.

Vite 占据主导地位,TypeScript 采用率飙升|JavaScript 现状一览

Respondents also reported some common pain points with monorepo tools, including package management issues, complexity of setup and configuration, overly complex operational processes, too many dependencies, and confusion from version changes.

Vite 占据主导地位,TypeScript 采用率飙升|JavaScript 现状一览

Backend framework

When it comes to back-end frameworks, Express remains the most popular choice for users using JavaScript, with 73% of respondents saying they use it. This is a reflection of its long-standing popularity and robust ecosystem. With a usage rate of 29%, Nest's appeal may stem from its modular architecture and full support for TypeScript. Fastify, which is known for its performance and low overhead, has a usage rate of 17% and is gaining traction.

Vite 占据主导地位,TypeScript 采用率飙升|JavaScript 现状一览
Vite 占据主导地位,TypeScript 采用率飙升|JavaScript 现状一览

JavaScript runtime

Unsurprisingly, Node.js occupies the top spot in the JavaScript runtime, with 94% of respondents using it. BUN has a usage rate of 22% and is mentioned 353 times in supplementary comments, making it the most frequently mentioned technology. The creators of the survey found that Bun was the most mentioned technique in the free-form question. The emerging technology, Deno, requires no configuration to support TypeScript, and usage has steadily increased to 15%.

Vite 占据主导地位,TypeScript 采用率飙升|JavaScript 现状一览
Vite 占据主导地位,TypeScript 采用率飙升|JavaScript 现状一览

What other languages do JavaScript developers use?

According to respondents, Python is the most popular non-JavaScript language, with 44% of developers choosing to use it. Python's popularity is attributed to its versatility, ease of learning, and extensive library support in the fields of data science, machine learning, and web development.

Traditional PHP and Java continue to be strong among developers, with 31% and 27% of respondents, respectively. This is mainly attributed to their widespread use in web development, enterprise environments, and mobile app development.

Vite 占据主导地位,TypeScript 采用率飙升|JavaScript 现状一览
Vite 占据主导地位,TypeScript 采用率飙升|JavaScript 现状一览

TypeScript 使用率上升

When asked, "How do you allocate your time to writing JavaScript and TypeScript code?" , respondents were significantly more inclined to adopt TypeScript.

  • 100% TypeScript: The largest group, with 32% of respondents (5,562 developers) using TypeScript exclusively.
  • 75% TypeScript / 25% JavaScript: 26% of respondents (4,569 developers) use TypeScript in the majority of their projects.

The data shows that many developers use TypeScript exclusively or primarily in their projects. This trend can be attributed to the many benefits of TypeScript, such as improved code quality, a better developer experience, and early detection of errors through static type checking. Still, there are many developers who use JavaScript heavily, perhaps due to existing codebases or the needs of a specific project.

Vite 占据主导地位,TypeScript 采用率飙升|JavaScript 现状一览
Vite 占据主导地位,TypeScript 采用率飙升|JavaScript 现状一览

The 2024 Global Software R&D Conference (SDCon), co-hosted by CSDN and Boolan, will be held on July 4-5 at The Westin Beijing.

Led by Chris Richardson, a world-renowned software architect and technology pioneer in the field of cloud native and microservices, and Daniel Jackson, associate director of MIT's Computer and AI Lab (CSAIL) and ACM Fellow, technical experts from BAT, Microsoft, ByteDance, Xiaomi and other technical experts will gather to discuss the latest trends and technical practices of software development.

Vite 占据主导地位,TypeScript 采用率飙升|JavaScript 现状一览