
Gardenias bloom, jade bones, smiling

author:Stylish 1G

Begonia curtains, floating aromas, Hua Shanshan, this beauty with a high "whole" quotient and high "salt" value, is quite recognizable among Internet celebrities.

Gardenias bloom, jade bones, smiling

In addition to American businessmen, there are different opinions about her on the Internet, and her character and private life are also controversial. In line with the principle of "don't know the whole picture, don't comment", "Yan Kong" only shares her beauty and daily portrait photography, and does not comment much on those unfamiliar topics.

Gardenias bloom, jade bones, smiling

The first time I heard the name of Hua Shanshan, it originated from a popular video on Weibo, in the interview, she appeared with exquisite makeup and a sweet smile, she was easy-going and shiny, with the beauty of a female star, a figure comparable to a model, and belonged to the more amazing type of Internet celebrity beauty.

Gardenias bloom, jade bones, smiling

Through the popular science of netizens, I learned that many of her masterpieces are from the photographer Boss Wei.

Gardenias bloom, jade bones, smiling

Under his lens, a beautiful model with jade bones and ice muscles like snow and a smile from time to time gradually entered the sight of more netizens who are not familiar with the Internet celebrity circle.

Gardenias bloom, jade bones, smiling

She was dressed in a white jacquard suspender dress, holding a gardenia in her hand and showing a smile in front of the camera, like a gardenia blooming, lush and attractive.

Gardenias bloom, jade bones, smiling
Gardenias bloom, jade bones, smiling

Some of her angles will "hit her face" The heroine of the popular short dramas "Provocation" and "Writing", Li Muchen, has the same small and delicate facial features.

Gardenias bloom, jade bones, smiling
Gardenias bloom, jade bones, smiling

However, as an Internet celebrity who is out of the circle because of her beauty, the changes in her appearance have also attracted the attention of some beauty bloggers and professionals.

Gardenias bloom, jade bones, smiling

(The picture comes from Weibo: Dr. Xu Lijuan of rhinoplasty)

I have to say that her beauty quotient is indeed online, and every change makes her appearance continue to rise. And the current effect is more in line with the public's aesthetics, so that people mistakenly think that she is the exquisite image presented by natural facial features and fine makeup.

Gardenias bloom, jade bones, smiling

With the success of "Whole Business", Hua Shanshan's career and life have also improved a lot, and it is not difficult to see from the photos she released that she lives casually, and she is an out-and-out exquisite beauty in the lens.

Gardenias bloom, jade bones, smiling
Gardenias bloom, jade bones, smiling
Gardenias bloom, jade bones, smiling
Gardenias bloom, jade bones, smiling
Gardenias bloom, jade bones, smiling
Gardenias bloom, jade bones, smiling

Under the camera, she looks lazy and casual, and her simple body language presents an infectious soul.

Gardenias bloom, jade bones, smiling

And understanding her beauty and further amplifying her charm is the credit of the photographer.

Gardenias bloom, jade bones, smiling

Boss Wei is worthy of being a master in the photography industry, and he is even more handy when it comes to photographing beauties.

Gardenias bloom, jade bones, smiling
Gardenias bloom, jade bones, smiling

In an environment where Internet celebrities and beauties are like clouds, it is not easy to stand out, whether it is the post-maintenance of her appearance or the expansion of her contacts and circles, she can live the life she dreams of by constantly improving her charm, and she is also a "ruthless person".

Gardenias bloom, jade bones, smiling

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