
She is the ex-wife who dares to cuckold Trump, the junior is in power, and the divorce is only divided into two million dollars

author:Snow falls to paint the scene
She is the ex-wife who dares to cuckold Trump, the junior is in power, and the divorce is only divided into two million dollars

Some time ago, the scandal of Trump's cheating on his wife during pregnancy caused a lot of noise, but it doesn't seem so strange that this happened to Trump, after all, he once said: "No one understands women better than me." ”

is such a man who claims to know women in the world, he didn't even understand his wife, and he was openly cuckolded by his wife.

The last thing Trump wants to mention

In 1997, Mr. Trump saw a black-eyed photograph in the newspaper of his wife, Mara, hugging warmly on the beach with bodyguards.

She is the ex-wife who dares to cuckold Trump, the junior is in power, and the divorce is only divided into two million dollars

Trump himself was messing around outside, and he didn't know how many male cuckolds he gave away, but he never expected that he would be openly cuckolded.

Mara is Trump's second wife, and the two met in 1987, before Trump divorced his first wife, Ivana.

There is no suspense that Mara was with Trump during his marriage, and he is also a junior with no sense of morality.

Mara was born in 1963 to a model mother and a well-known real estate businessman.

She is the ex-wife who dares to cuckold Trump, the junior is in power, and the divorce is only divided into two million dollars

Mara inherited her mother's beautiful face and proud figure, and she was also elected a Hawaii beauty pageant winner.

Mara met Trump when she was 24 years old, at this time Mara was in the best age of her life, and Trump was already a 41-year-old middle-aged man with almost no advantages except for being rich.

When he was young, Trump was quite good-looking, but when he reached middle age, he was left with a greasy temperament and an obnoxious big belly.

She is the ex-wife who dares to cuckold Trump, the junior is in power, and the divorce is only divided into two million dollars

The meeting between the two was also very cliché, and Trump couldn't walk when he saw the beautiful Mara, so he stepped forward and accosted: "Do you know me?" ”

At this time, Trump has just been on the financial news, who would not know that he is a billionaire with a net worth of more than $3 billion?

Mara also replied honestly: "I know you, aren't you the super-rich Trump." ”

This kind of cliché has been written badly in the novel, but Trump and Mara still eat this set, and the two just hook up back and forth.

She is the ex-wife who dares to cuckold Trump, the junior is in power, and the divorce is only divided into two million dollars

Completely ignoring his wife and three children, Trump began a life of cheating, never meeting Mara in public or introducing her to friends.

It's clear that Trump doesn't want to make Mara public, he's just having fun, but Mara doesn't want to be an unsavory mistress for the rest of his life.

Mara began to take the initiative after being an underground lover for three years, and she actually appeared in front of Ivana and provoked: "Do you still love Trump until now?" ”

She is the ex-wife who dares to cuckold Trump, the junior is in power, and the divorce is only divided into two million dollars

This question made Ivana very uncomfortable, and before Ivana could speak, Mara immediately said: "I love Trump very much now, I love it very much!" ”

Ivana may have always known that Trump had a lover outside, but turned a blind eye to the children and money.

This time, Mara dared to appear in front of Ivana, which also made the strong Ivana reluctant to continue this broken marriage.

In 1992, Trump divorced his original wife Ivana, but he didn't seem to really want to marry his lover Mara, maybe he had a new love.

She is the ex-wife who dares to cuckold Trump, the junior is in power, and the divorce is only divided into two million dollars

Heaven is good for reincarnation, and the cheater is cheated

Mara thought that getting Trump divorced herself, but she didn't expect Trump to have other new loves besides her lover.

Now Mara has no way out, she must marry Trump, and the only way is to give Trump a child.

She is the ex-wife who dares to cuckold Trump, the junior is in power, and the divorce is only divided into two million dollars

In 1993, Mara and Trump's daughter Tiffany was born, and Mara and Trump got married in the same year.

Before getting married, Mara also signed a prenuptial agreement, which means that she will not get a share of Trump's huge fortune in the future.

I don't know what Mara wants Trump, he wants his money, but he signed a prenuptial agreement, is it really because he loves Trump if he doesn't want money?

She is the ex-wife who dares to cuckold Trump, the junior is in power, and the divorce is only divided into two million dollars

Mara may not know what she wants. That's why there was a scandal of cheating bodyguards later.

Mr. Trump has always liked to spend time outside drinking, and Mara knows that he would not have existed of his own.

When Mara really became Mrs. Trump, she knew how difficult it was for Ivana and how much she hated the mistress before.

Mara tried to dissuade Mr. Trump, but to no avail, Mr. Trump stayed home all night, perhaps on business, perhaps with another woman's overnight.

After a long time, Mara didn't want Trump to come home, because she had also found her lover, and she now wished that Trump wouldn't come home.

She is the ex-wife who dares to cuckold Trump, the junior is in power, and the divorce is only divided into two million dollars

often walks by the river, how can you not get your shoes wet, the scandal between Mara and the bodyguard is still known to Trump, and Trump is so angry that he asks for a divorce on the spot.

Trump also knows what it's like to be cuckolded at this moment, which is the consequence of his marital infidelity and the retribution for his perennial cheating.

Mara and Trump officially divorced in 1999, and the hapless Mara only received $1 million in alimony and $1 million in home purchases.

That's a lot of money for the average person, but it's a little too little for a billionaire like Trump.

Mara also couldn't get more alimony, first of all, she signed a prenuptial agreement, and secondly, she was caught cheating and belonged to the negligent party.

She is the ex-wife who dares to cuckold Trump, the junior is in power, and the divorce is only divided into two million dollars

The only fortunate thing is that Mara got custody of her daughter Tiffany, and it's not bad to have a smart and lovely daughter by her side.

After the divorce, Mara did not remarry, but her boyfriend was not less. Most of the boyfriends she made later were little fresh meat younger than herself, and it may also be to make up for the regrets of her youth.

She is the ex-wife who dares to cuckold Trump, the junior is in power, and the divorce is only divided into two million dollars

I don't know if Mara will have regrets, if she hadn't cheated back then, would she have had the opportunity to be the first lady of the United States.

Or will she regret that she was a junior and ruined Trump and Ivana's marriage.


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