
Cautionary science / cautious! AIDS "bombing" figure

author:Xinjiang Tiantong Public Welfare

After being laid off, I worked as a temporary worker, and I didn't dare to let people know, but after the unit organized a physical examination, I didn't dare to go to work, and I didn't want to humiliate myself. ”

"Before the hemorrhoid surgery, I told the doctor about my HIV infection, and the doctor replied that the hospital did not have the conditions to operate on me and advised me to go to the infectious disease hospital."


People with AIDS

Life is affected all the time, and life is limited at every turn

There is a saying called

"Don't be afraid of 10,000, just in case"

Everyone's scared!!

Fear of infection

What about you? Are you afraid?

Once infected, can you bear it?

AIDS is mostly sexually transmitted

Invisibly, it is endowed with taboo colors and put on moral shackles

More of the above is

Mental torture

Cautionary science / cautious! AIDS "bombing" figure

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What about 8-10 years from now?

If you don't take medicine or treatment

And with it:

Various complications

(The following pictures may cause discomfort, please view with caution)

Cautionary science / cautious! AIDS "bombing" figure

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For example, recurrent diarrhea, lung infections

Skin and oral mucosal lesions, liver cirrhosis, malignant tumors, etc



Cautionary science / cautious! AIDS "bombing" figure

(Skin and oral mucosal lesions, courtesy of local patients)

And also

Candidiasis, herpes simplex virus, Mycobacterium tuberculosis

Pneumocystis carinii lung disease, toxoplasmosis, Cassibo sarcoma, invasive cervical cancer, etc


Cautionary science / cautious! AIDS "bombing" figure

(Cassibo sarcoma, picture source network)

Especially middle-aged and elderly people

No treatment, no exercise

It's like going to the west to see Rulai and take a rocket

Very fast!!


Cautionary science / cautious! AIDS "bombing" figure

(Disabled AIDS elderly, courtesy of local patients)

Cautionary science / cautious! AIDS "bombing" figure

(Untreated, courtesy of local patient)

The good news is

The sooner you receive treatment, the closer your life expectancy will be to normal

Only by standardizing treatment can the disease be suppressed

Standardized treatment will return to normal

Treatment is not standardized

That's the equivalent of no treatment

Cautionary science / cautious! AIDS "bombing" figure

(No standardized treatment, courtesy of local patients)



Have sex

Wear a condom

Stay away from AIDS

Social pressure, mental stress, physical torture

Which one can you stand it?

I have AIDS

Standardized treatment with antiviral therapy

It is also possible to have the same lifespan as a normal person

AIDS can be prevented and controlled

Condoms, "regret pills" (blocking pills) are indispensable

Once you suspect that you are at risk of infection

Please go to a health care facility for testing

Be the first person responsible for your own health

Knowing and preventing HIV

Early detection, early diagnosis, early treatment

Stay away from AIDS and live a healthy life!