
The second month of HIV medication was recorded, and I probably passed every day as if it were the last day of my life

author:Xinjiang Tiantong Public Welfare

I probably took every day as the last day of my life, so I was a lot more casual, and I couldn't record my daily life like other sugar friends, so I could write something when I was in the mood.

The second month of HIV medication was recorded, and I probably passed every day as if it were the last day of my life

If I hadn't been woken up by the biological clock of daily practice, I would have slept until about nine o'clock, had a rough bite of breakfast, and was carried by the heat to nest in the sofa, without turning on the air conditioner, and abusing my laptop.

Today it is thirty-two degrees, there is no sun, it is stuffy and hot, although there will be a few wisps of breeze in the window occasionally, but it will not take half a minute to exhaust all the energy, I don't like this kind of weather, everything is so impermeable, I feel that everything is not happy when I open my eyes.

I didn't get up early today thanks to my boyfriend still playing with his mobile phone in bed at one o'clock in the morning, one turned over and woke me up with the bed, it was difficult, I complained a few words in a daze, he ran to the study, and I couldn't fall asleep, I turned on the air conditioner and wrapped the quilt tightly, trying to lower the body temperature to deceive the brain to make me sleepy, and kept muttering: "One dumpling, two dumplings, three dumplings ......" As soon as I opened my eyes, the garbage truck in the community shook off the cheeks that had been filled all night and drove away.

The second month of HIV medication was recorded, and I probably passed every day as if it were the last day of my life

A month's dose is about to be exhausted, yesterday I went to a designated hospital for a routine checkup, aspartate aminotransferase has dropped, it seems that it is really a side effect of taking Neoxinazole before; Albumin is slightly higher by 0.2, I don't drink water in the summer, I run to draw blood after exercising in the morning, and it is normal for the blood concentration to be high;

The percentage of lymphocytes is slightly higher by 2 percentage points, but the count is normal, and it doesn't seem to be a big deal to Baidu it, so ask the doctor next week; Although creatine kinase has decreased, it is still hovering around 400, it seems that it was indeed overmassaged before, my right shoulder blade is still painful, and the deaf man has become blind to the doctor, alas, I suddenly have the urge to reread the "Yellow Emperor's Neijing".

When I went to the doctor to prescribe the test order, there was a gay couple in front of me, both of them were thin, their calves were about the same thickness as my big arms, they looked like they were in their early twenties, wearing masks and hats, and they were dressed fashionably.

After they left, I couldn't help but sigh in my heart that it was good to be young, fresh, sunny, and full of hope, when I was as old as them, I fell in love for three years and finally lost to other people's youth, and ended miserably and hid back to my hometown to secretly heal myself, and they have blossomed and borne fruit, and spent bitterness and happiness together, which is good.

The second month of HIV medication was recorded, and I probably passed every day as if it were the last day of my life

After taking the medicine, I don't know if I want to prescribe it, or the white blood cells have changed, I feel that my body is much stronger than before, I am no longer lazy, I can wash the dishes and chopsticks immediately after eating, and my boyfriend can also go after work most of the time when I am invited by half the city, I began to sing again, occasionally dance the national standard, pick up these hobbies that have been abandoned by emotion, and live as I like.

Although occasionally the small theater in my heart will be crowded because of work matters, it has changed from the original all-martial arts to an ethical drama, and it is forgotten like floating clouds in the sky. I try my best to control my emotions, try not to get angry, because it is not good for my body, every day in addition to taking medicine regularly, I will also eat fruit and drink yogurt regularly to practice qigong, everything in accordance with the most scientific work and rest time, I hope that my body can slowly get better, and wait until the day when the virus can be completely eliminated.

PS: I recently got in touch with the first sugar friend in my life, it was about eight or nine years ago, because the drummer of the band who looked like me was chased by me, and finally one day he confessed to me that he had been infected and didn't dare to hope for feelings anymore, and I was just one of her many suitors, so so many rejections were not because I was not good enough, but because he really couldn't, and then he went back to his hometown and had no contact. I am very happy to know that although he is still alone, he is doing well, and his health is very good, so everyone has to work hard.

Author: Live one more day to earn a day