
How do you train pigeons in one loft race during the rainy season?

author:An ancient man

    Recently, according to the data of the Guizhou Provincial Meteorological Bureau, the province has recently had a large range of heavy rainfall weather process, the provincial meteorological observatory has issued a yellow warning for heavy rain, according to the meteorological forecast, Guizhou Province will continue to have heavy rainfall before the end of June.

How do you train pigeons in one loft race during the rainy season?

    In the early stage of the One Loft Races, it is mainly reflected in the "raising" and "training", and the training and raising of young pigeons is urgent. However, will the continuous heavy rainfall affect the pigeon's flight? What problems do pigeons flock tend to break out? How can one loft park be prevented?

How do you train pigeons in one loft race during the rainy season?

    Fanciers will find that they get sick easily when it rains continuously during the rainy season. Liu Gang, the head coach of Wanshun One Loft Race, said: "During the rainy season, the condition of the pigeons decreases. The first point is that pigeons are prone to stress; The second point is that it has a certain effect on the pigeon's body, one is the respiratory problem - mainly manifested in the monocular cold, and the other is the intestinal problem - mainly has an impact on the pigeon's digestion". In such bad weather, forcing the home flight will cause a large number of young pigeons to catch a cold and get sick, and it will also exacerbate the situation of the loss of young birds.

How do you train pigeons in one loft race during the rainy season?

    Therefore, the approach taken by Wanshun One Loft Race is as follows: in the case of recent bad weather - do not fly, close the scanning hole, avoid risks, recharge your energy, and wait for the coming day.

How do you train pigeons in one loft race during the rainy season?

    If you don't see the Wanshun One Loft Race for a long time, some fanciers will wonder: why not fly at home? Why is there no training? What should I do if my pigeons are not trained enough to be at a disadvantage in the race?

How do you train pigeons in one loft race during the rainy season?

    There is an illusion that the race starts without training. In fact, coaches with decades of experience in pigeon breeding are more aware of the situation of pigeons, and pigeon raising and training cannot be blind, but need to be gradual. The original home flight, strong flight, and training time will be adjusted accordingly according to the actual situation of the young pigeons in the shed. When the free family flies, it will fly strongly; When the strong flight reaches a certain state, it will start training. The timing of the training phases is determined according to the condition of the youngsters, not according to the planned time of "catching the pigeons on the shelves".

    Nowadays, some fanciers have a misconception about the One Loft Prop model: I send my best pigeons to your loft→ leave it to the ONE Loft Training→ resign yourself to the races. In the view of Coach Liu Gang, pigeon fanciers send "children", they must be cultivated with heart, not only to raise pigeons well, but also to carry out more in-depth exploration on "how to raise well", give full play to the original potential of pigeons, and have a new breakthrough in the original results.

How do you train pigeons in one loft race during the rainy season?

    So during this time, how did Wanshun work on "prevention" to ensure the health of the pigeons in the shed.

    1. Check the shed every day, and it is a spot check throughout the day, closely observe the state of the pigeons, and whether there are adverse reactions. (1) Observe whether the pigeon has adverse reactions and deal with it in time; (2) Observe whether the pigeon has a monocular cold problem caused by respiratory problems, and deal with it in time; (3) random sampling of the digestive status of the pigeons to rule out intestinal problems; (4) Observe whether the pigeon droppings are formed and do not stick to the hands, and are in a normal state.

How do you train pigeons in one loft race during the rainy season?

(Coach daily checks)

How do you train pigeons in one loft race during the rainy season?

(The coach checks the diet and digestion of the pigeons)

    2. After checking the shed, let the pigeons move freely into the greenhouse to maintain a certain amount of exercise and activity.

How do you train pigeons in one loft race during the rainy season?

    3. Do a good job in logistics management, clean and disinfect the perch, young pigeon activity area, and all corners of the shed after daily inspection, so as to ensure a healthy and comfortable living environment for young pigeons.

How do you train pigeons in one loft race during the rainy season?

    In the rainy season, the difficulty of raising pigeons and training pigeons increases, and the weather is also a more severe challenge to raising pigeons for all pigeon fanciers, training pigeons, just as Coach Liu Gang said: we should let more pigeon fanciers participate in the final finals, which is what we are pursuing.

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