
30 incredible shots: pigeons swimming in the river, zebras being skinned by crocodiles

author:Foreign French

01, the blunt-headed toad in the underground cave of Southeast Asia understands that the whole body is like a ball, and the appearance is very terrifying.

30 incredible shots: pigeons swimming in the river, zebras being skinned by crocodiles

02. Fortunately, it was extinct as early as 58 million years ago.

30 incredible shots: pigeons swimming in the river, zebras being skinned by crocodiles

03. It's hard to imagine that this caterpillar is actually a one-eyed caterpillar - this is not a genetic mutation or a freak, all Arabian moth larvae are like this. I'll tell you another secret, it's not its head where the eyeballs are, it's its buttocks. This eyeball is just a markings on the skin, and it is used to confuse the enemy and prevent him from being attacked by predators.

30 incredible shots: pigeons swimming in the river, zebras being skinned by crocodiles

04. Cats have 32 muscles in each ear

30 incredible shots: pigeons swimming in the river, zebras being skinned by crocodiles

05. Because it is rare, the white snake is also given the symbol of God.

30 incredible shots: pigeons swimming in the river, zebras being skinned by crocodiles

06. In the egg sheath of the praying mantis, the eggs hatched one by one, and the little praying mantis crawled out.

30 incredible shots: pigeons swimming in the river, zebras being skinned by crocodiles

07. One confronts a gray wolf and a vulture and is captured by a field tracking camera.

30 incredible shots: pigeons swimming in the river, zebras being skinned by crocodiles

08. This kind of snake with albinism is rare in nature

30 incredible shots: pigeons swimming in the river, zebras being skinned by crocodiles

09, goose goose goose, we are white swans~

30 incredible shots: pigeons swimming in the river, zebras being skinned by crocodiles

10. Look at this squirrel, the color of its fur is like a rainbow, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple, this is the Indian giant squirrel. Not only is it beautiful, it's also huge.

30 incredible shots: pigeons swimming in the river, zebras being skinned by crocodiles

11. Waiting to be fed with your mouth open

30 incredible shots: pigeons swimming in the river, zebras being skinned by crocodiles

12. When dealing with animals like snakes, the ground hornbill is definitely an expert

30 incredible shots: pigeons swimming in the river, zebras being skinned by crocodiles

13. Like a giant beast.

30 incredible shots: pigeons swimming in the river, zebras being skinned by crocodiles

14. Scorpions were made into ice cream? Can anyone tell me what's going on?

30 incredible shots: pigeons swimming in the river, zebras being skinned by crocodiles

15. This hits the neck. They threw their long necks hard at each other until one of them quit and threw in the towel.

30 incredible shots: pigeons swimming in the river, zebras being skinned by crocodiles

16. The bananas we eat now are the best varieties cultivated by artificial selection, sweet and soft and glutinous, while the ancestor of bananas, wild bananas, is not so friendly, and all of them are hard seeds that can break teeth.

30 incredible shots: pigeons swimming in the river, zebras being skinned by crocodiles

17. The python preyed on a pufferfish.

30 incredible shots: pigeons swimming in the river, zebras being skinned by crocodiles

18, family, it's time to guess the idiom by looking at the picture again, and tell everyone in the comment area where you know the answer!!

30 incredible shots: pigeons swimming in the river, zebras being skinned by crocodiles

19. For me, this is simply entering a new realm of "Catwoman", covered in cat hair.

30 incredible shots: pigeons swimming in the river, zebras being skinned by crocodiles

20. Sea lily is a marine animal, a echinoderm that was first seen in the Early Cambrian period

30 incredible shots: pigeons swimming in the river, zebras being skinned by crocodiles

21. In the famine year, it is already common to look unkempt in tattered clothes

30 incredible shots: pigeons swimming in the river, zebras being skinned by crocodiles

22, idiom solitaire game ?!!!

30 incredible shots: pigeons swimming in the river, zebras being skinned by crocodiles

23. What the hell is this? Two snakes are entwined.

30 incredible shots: pigeons swimming in the river, zebras being skinned by crocodiles

24. During the First World War, people came up with a very bad battle plan, which was extremely strong on the back of an elephant, and it turned out that this kind of "machine gun elephant cavalry" had no effect except for sending them to death in vain.

30 incredible shots: pigeons swimming in the river, zebras being skinned by crocodiles

25. "This is the little master??" ”

30 incredible shots: pigeons swimming in the river, zebras being skinned by crocodiles

26. It's a magical thing, I can't even guess what it is. Is this some kind of rolled bamboo curtain? Or is it the root of some kind of aquatic plant? In fact, it is the core of a banana tree that has been cut down, and in some parts of Southeast Asia, people dig up this core and eat it as a kind of vegetable stir-fried.

30 incredible shots: pigeons swimming in the river, zebras being skinned by crocodiles

27. I didn't expect the duck to be able to pose so bewitchingly!

30 incredible shots: pigeons swimming in the river, zebras being skinned by crocodiles

28. The hippopotamus is huge, has a fierce personality, and has a strong sense of territory. As soon as another animal intrudes into their territory by mistake, they will not hesitate to open their mouths and attack wildly. Although they are not carnivores, their large bloody mouths and long fangs do absolutely no less damage than crocodiles.

30 incredible shots: pigeons swimming in the river, zebras being skinned by crocodiles

29. "Stand-in Messenger" is not just a comic plot, in reality, not only humans, but even animals have this ability

30 incredible shots: pigeons swimming in the river, zebras being skinned by crocodiles

30. The number of porpoises in Jiawan is not much, and it is necessary to protect endangered and protected animals

30 incredible shots: pigeons swimming in the river, zebras being skinned by crocodiles

31. They are our childhood companions, and everyone's growth process is accompanied by the buzz of beetles.

30 incredible shots: pigeons swimming in the river, zebras being skinned by crocodiles

32. For some reason, everything in this tomato has opened, and it has already sprouted inside.

30 incredible shots: pigeons swimming in the river, zebras being skinned by crocodiles

33. How do you reply?!!!!!!

30 incredible shots: pigeons swimming in the river, zebras being skinned by crocodiles

34. The lobster moth caterpillar, yes, this caterpillar looks too much like a lobster, it inhabits the south of England, lives in beech and oak forests, and looks like it is armed with iron armor from head to tail, like a lobster.

30 incredible shots: pigeons swimming in the river, zebras being skinned by crocodiles

35. The tiger is holding a big deer head

30 incredible shots: pigeons swimming in the river, zebras being skinned by crocodiles

36. I just want to say that this kind of bird is as beautiful as the Seven Fairies.

30 incredible shots: pigeons swimming in the river, zebras being skinned by crocodiles

37. This is a jewelry specially designed for honey lovers, like a hexagonal honeycomb, crystal honey is flowing down. In fact, it's a kind of "honey" made of resin.

30 incredible shots: pigeons swimming in the river, zebras being skinned by crocodiles

38. Due to genetic mutations and other reasons, some deformed animals are occasionally found in nature, for example, in central India, Maharast, people have found a two-headed snake, which has two heads, and the two heads share a body, but they can move freely.

30 incredible shots: pigeons swimming in the river, zebras being skinned by crocodiles

39. The Mexican salamander has tadpole-like spinal fins that are consistent with their body length

30 incredible shots: pigeons swimming in the river, zebras being skinned by crocodiles

40, hahaha, the kitten also hopes to have a pair of wings.

30 incredible shots: pigeons swimming in the river, zebras being skinned by crocodiles

41. The Lion King and His Little Prince

30 incredible shots: pigeons swimming in the river, zebras being skinned by crocodiles

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30 incredible shots: pigeons swimming in the river, zebras being skinned by crocodiles

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