
This thing at your hand is the key to unlocking the vault of life, and many people ignore it

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【Personal Growth & Wealth】


1 What was the first pot of gold?

Whether you're starting your own business, working in a company, or maybe you're at the beginning of your career right now, you're sure to realize how important your first gold earned is for the rest of your life.

The first pot of gold can be the start-up capital of your business, the capital you try, the guarantee of your life, and the foundation for you to build your own small family.

So, how do you get your first pot of gold? In other words, how can you really make your first pot of gold?

Many people have a misconception that they earn their first pot of gold because they have done one thing or another, such as earning income from investment, working in a high-paying position for five or six years, successfully saving some money in a small business, and so on.

Why is this a misconception? Because in fact, if you succeed in doing something and you have saved wealth, this is all a result, not the cause of this result. What we have to do is to push forward with this result, return to the starting point, and see what must be taken, what can be taken, can lead to this first pot of gold.

Moving down this line of thought, what exactly made us make this money, or what did we do before we made this money?

The answer may be that we have been working in one field for a long time. We have accumulated experience, we have ideas, and our labor has generated value, and this "value" is reflected in the material economy, which is to earn the first pot of gold.

Therefore, the key is that we can work in one field for a long time and continuously. "Long-term" and "continuous" represent our time, which means that we have carefully devoted a long time to one thing.

It turns out that time is our fairest first pot of gold, it doesn't need us to earn, and it's not something we can get extra. Each of us has time, it depends on how you put in it and how you allocate it.

Some people are lawyers, programmers, accountants, and have saved their first pot of gold through their first job. That's because before that, they worked their profession. Through study, examination, and practice, I have accumulated sufficient knowledge and skills.

Some people save their first pot of gold through live broadcasting, writing, and making videos. That's also because they've worked hard in their field. Even if there is an element of chance when you first receive attention, if you want to turn this accidental luck into inevitable sustainable development, you still need to continue to cultivate in your own field.

Seeing this, some people may say that the first pot of gold can be saved depends on the environment, resources, and opportunities. External conditions are important, but you should know that these external conditions and the internal conditions of your "time" are two reasons that do not conflict with each other and cannot replace each other. In other words, if there are good opportunities and conditions, but you don't have enough strength yourself. These opportunities and conditions are still useless.

Of course, this is not to say that opportunities and platforms are not important, and if you think about it that way, it is a matter of attributing all your success to your own personal heroism. When we emphasize our personal approach, we mean that we should grasp what we can grasp, and not give up what we can grasp because we can't grasp it.

This thing at your hand is the key to unlocking the vault of life, and many people ignore it

2 Make good use of your time

If you think about it further, everyone has 24 hours a day. How do people who have the time to do what needs to be done, and who can use that time in their areas of interest, do that?

Some people may say that time is like water in a sponge, as long as it is squeezed, there will always be. That's true, but there's a limit to everything. If you have the time and energy, then you save time by squeezing in time to do what you want to do. But if you obviously don't have time, you obviously don't have enough physical strength, but you insist on stuffing yourself with some more things, then it becomes self-squeezing.

For example, if you can sleep 7 hours a day, you wake up 15 minutes early to go for a run, and sleep 15 minutes late to read a book, this is a normal "squeeze time". However, if you only sleep 4 or 5 hours a day, you are exhausted after coping with daily work and life, and you still have to go for a run or read a book, this extra task will bring some damage to your body and mind.

Another example is learning English while waiting for your child, or listening to financial information while doing housework. If you have a lot of energy, then, a high level of concentration in a short period of time will usually give you unexpected results. But if you are very tired, your brain can no longer turn, and you are tired and unable to sleep every day, then I am afraid that you will force yourself to see, listen, and learn.

Therefore, we should add a premise to the "time" we are talking about, that is, "it can be used effectively". It's like when we say, "Drink more water," the word "water" here naturally refers to drinking water, which naturally excludes undrinkable water such as rainwater and seawater.

From this point of view, the time that can be used effectively must be the part of time that you can have extra in the first place, not the time that you have "created" by force.

This thing at your hand is the key to unlocking the vault of life, and many people ignore it

3 How to save time?

How can you save time for yourself that you can use effectively?

To think about this question, we still have to start from time itself. Time cannot be created by us, all we can do is control and manage it. So, the key to saving time is to change the way we use it.

Changing the way you use your time can be summed up in one sentence: don't do what you don't need, and do what you need to do efficiently.

What's not to do?

In fact, what you do every day is something that you subconsciously think you have to do. But if you can calm down, focus on your goals, and carefully analyze your daily activities, you will find that there are some things that you really don't have to do.

For example, you are used to watching short videos to help you relax, but in fact, exercising, reading, drawing, gardening, ...... These fun activities are both a way to rest and good for your physical and mental health.

For example, in order to get by on face, I often attend some unnecessary gatherings and maintain some unnecessary contacts. But in fact, only by disconnecting yourself from people who don't need to be in a long-term relationship can you find friends worth making.

How do you do what you need to do efficiently?

One of the principles of true efficiency is that you make these things your own life, and don't deliberately put your time and energy into dealing with them.

Let's use weight loss as an example. We all know that losing weight is to eat less and move more, but have you noticed that for most people, eating less and moving more is a very difficult thing?

This is not because we are lazy, but because we have inadvertently made some particularly simple and natural things particularly complicated and arduous.

For example, if you don't usually exercise much, and you want to lose weight today, you set yourself a goal of running 3km every day. If your body can't adapt, you'll definitely be tired, and when you're tired, you won't want to persevere, and when you give up, you'll feel like you don't have the stamina. Or stick to the end of the run and you have to go eat something high in calories to comfort yourself. In this way, the weight goes up and down, and it is very difficult to lose weight.

And the most time-wasting thing is not the problem of weight loss rebound, but you have to build yourself psychologically and do some ideological struggles, and this process will come out with more internal friction.

The easiest way to do this is to make weight loss a daily routine and a daily life. Eat well three meals a day, and you'll have fewer cravings for snacks. Get up and walk more every day, starting with ten squats. You'll be less stressed. When these things become your natural life, you will establish new habits. With a healthy lifestyle, it is natural that you will not be able to gain weight, which is a successful weight loss.

Get rid of unnecessary things and do what is necessary, and your time will generate more value.

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[Since you're here, don't go.] Focus on "The Vow" and let's meet again in the next topic. 】