
C#/. Do you know all these practical skills and knowledge points?

C#/. Do you know all these practical skills and knowledge points?
C#/. Do you know all these practical skills and knowledge points?
C#/. Do you know all these practical skills and knowledge points?


Today Da Yao will share with you some C#/. The practical skills and knowledge points in .NET, which can help us improve the quality of code and programming efficiency, hope to help students in need.

. .NET uses CsvHelper to quickly read and write CSV files

This article mainly explains. How to use it in .NET


This open-source library enables fast CSV file reading and writing.


Three open-source and practical . .NET code obfuscation tool to protect your. .NET application

This article shares three open-source and practical . .NET code obfuscation tool that can protect your . .NET application, I hope to help students in need.


. .NET uses native methods for file compression and decompression

Implementing file or file directory compression and decompression in .NET can be done in a variety of ways, including using native methods (


) and third-party libraries (such as:




etc.). In this article, we're going to talk about how to use it


Protozoic method






Efficiency booster, an online one. .NET source code query website

Do you have such distress and sometimes need to ask. Source code for a type, method, property, or assembly in .NET, but you don't want to download the source code from GitHub. Today Da Yao shares an online and practical. .NET source code query website.


The C# process calls FFmpeg to manipulate audio and video

This article mainly explains the simple audio and video operations of using C# process to call FFmpeg.exe to merge video, audio, and audio and video into video.


A 200,000+ free and practical C#/.NET/.NET Core interview book

C#/.NET/.NET Core related technology common interview questions summary, not only for the sake of learning for the interview, but also to check and fill in the gaps, expand the knowledge and learn and progress together. The knowledge base is mainly composed of three parts: a summary of one's usual learning and practice, a collection of excellent articles on the Internet (the source will be marked in this part), and a provision from community partners. This basic interview book is completely free and has gained a lot of results since it was released for more than three years. Praise from NET partners.


. .NET Facial Recognition Solution

Today Da Yao recommends 2 models to you. .NET is open-source, free, cross-platform, and a simple-to-use face recognition library, hoping to help students in need.


Don't have to look for it anymore. .NET-related projects and frameworks are worried

This article will tell you what to look for. For .NET-related projects and frameworks, you can give priority to DotNetGuide's C#/.NET/.NET Core Excellent Projects and Frameworks Selected Column, which includes a large number of . Excellent projects and frameworks related to .NET, of course, if you have better projects and frameworks recommended, you are welcome to submit PR contributions.


An open-source and comprehensive C# algorithm tutorial

Algorithms play a vital role in computer science and programming, such as problem solving, efficiency optimization, decision optimization, computer programming, reliability improvement, and scientific integration. Today, Da Yao will share with you an open-source, free, and comprehensive C# algorithm practical tutorial:



使用Visual Studio分析.NET Dump

Memory leaks and high CPU usage are common problems encountered in day-to-day development, and they can lead to poor application performance or even crashes. Today we're going to talk about how to use Visual Studio 2022 analytics. .NET Dump to quickly find program memory leaks.


Visual Studio Programming Productivity Improvement Tips Set (Improving .NET Programming Efficiency)

In this article, Da Yao will introduce you to some tips and suggestions for using Visual Studio to help. .NET developers are more efficient with Visual Studio for programming. Whatever you are. From beginners to experienced .NET developers, these tips will help you work more efficiently and get you to write high-quality code faster. Let's explore these tips to make coding easier and more efficient!


C# is an open-source and practical tool library that integrates more than 1,000 extension methods

Today, Da Yao will share with you a C# open source (MIT License), free, practical and powerful tool library, integrating more than 1,000 extension methods to enhance the use of .NET Framework and .NET Core: Z.ExtensionMethods.


Visual Studio中使用CodeGeeX AI编程助手

Through deep learning technology, CodeGeeX can understand the programming intent of developers, and provide intelligent code completion, error checking, code refactoring and other functions to help developers quickly write high-quality and easy-to-maintain code. At the same time, it integrates seamlessly with Visual Studio, making it easy to use without additional configuration and setup.


5 paragraphs. .NET open-source and free Redis client component library

Today Da Yao will share 5 models with you. .NET open-source, free Redis client component library, I hope to help students in need.


2 open source and powerful. .NET decompilation artifact

Today, Da Yao will share with you two pieces of . .NET open-source, free, and powerful. .NET decompilation artifact with detailed tutorials.


An article will take you to understand. What can .NET do?

Today Da Yao will talk about it briefly through this article. What development can NET do, and those who are interested in .NET can also get the .NET-related learning materials attached at the end of the article.


7 pcs. .NET open-source, powerful rapid development framework

7 shared. .NET is an open-source, powerful rapid development framework, and I hope it can help you have a reference when choosing a framework.


. .NET quickly implements web data scraping

Today we're going to talk about how to use . DotnetSpider, a lightweight, flexible, high-performance, cross-platform distributed web crawler framework with .NET open source (MIT License), can quickly implement web data scraping functions.


ASP.NET Core Web中使用AutoMapper进行对象映射

In daily development, we often need to map one object to another, and this process may require writing a lot of repetitive code, if you write it manually every time, it will not only affect the development efficiency, but also be prone to errors when the project becomes more and more complex and large. In order to solve this problem, object mapping libraries have been created, which can automatically complete the mapping between objects, thereby reducing a lot of development workload and improving development efficiency. Today, we're going to talk about using AutoMapper to quickly map objects in ASP.NET Core Web.


5 paragraphs. .NET open-source, free, and powerful charting library

5 were shared. .NET open-source, free, and powerful charting library.


. How many implementations are there for .NET async?

Use. .NET asynchronous programming improves system performance and user experience.


There are several ways in which C# implements multithreading

Multithreading is an important concept in C#, and multithreading refers to the mechanism of running multiple threads in the same process at the same time. Multithreading is suitable for scenarios that need to improve system concurrency, throughput, and response speed, and can make full use of multi-core processors and system resources to improve the performance and efficiency of applications.


Four Code Formatting Tools in Visual Studio

Today, Da Yao will share with you four code formatting tools and extension plug-ins in Visual Studio. You can download and install the management extension or plug-in market in Visual Studio.


. What are the useful scheduled task scheduling frameworks for .NET?

The business related to scheduled task scheduling is a very common requirement in daily work development, and some friends often ask questions in the technical group: What is the recommended framework for using scheduled task scheduling? Today Da Yao will share 5 with you. .NET is an open-source, simple, easy-to-use, and free task scheduling framework that helps you have a reference when selecting the technology of a scheduled task scheduling framework.


Share a few. .NET open-source AI and LLM-related project framework

Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies are in full swing today, and they have shown great potential and influence in various fields. Today Da Yao will share 4 with you. .NET open-source AI and LLM-related project frameworks, hoping to provide some reference for you.


A library helps you easily create beautiful ones. .NET console application

Done. Students of .NET console applications should know that the content of the native .NET console application output is relatively monotonous, and it may take a lot of time to write code and debug if you want to write beautiful and beautiful console output content or style. Today Da Yao will share one with you. .NET's open-source and free libraries make it easy to create beautiful, aesthetically pleasing libraries. .NET console application: Spectre.Console.


C#/. .NET Quick Start Learning Resource Set

Shared some C#/. .NET Quick Start Learning Resource Set.
