
Cao Gang shares: "Safety Production Month" is in action

author:China Business Daily Hebei Reporter Station

All departments of Caogang Co., Ltd. carried out a series of activities of "Safety Production Month" to enhance the safety awareness and emergency response capabilities of employees, escort the high-quality development of enterprises with high-level safety, and provide a solid safety guarantee for the sprint to "double more than half".

Extensive mobilization: Hold a symposium on warning education for cooperative units

Cao Gang shares: "Safety Production Month" is in action

Caogang Co., Ltd. held a symposium on warning education for cooperative units, and put forward specific requirements for the safety production management of cooperative units. The participants watched the 2024 "Safety Production Month" theme video and the "Safety Production Responsibility on the Shoulder" warning education film. The real cases sounded the safety alarm, made the participants fully realize the importance of safety, strengthened the awareness of safety production responsibility of relevant management personnel, and built a solid line of defense for safety production.

Strong training: Carry out training on the publicity and implementation of laws and regulations

Cao Gang shares: "Safety Production Month" is in action

Caogang Co., Ltd. invited national safety training lecturers to give lectures to the main persons in charge of grassroots units, safety management personnel and relevant responsible personnel of cooperative units. The teaching content covers the "Work Safety Law of the People's Republic of China", "Hebei Province Safety Production Regulations", "Hebei Province Flood Prevention and Risk Avoidance Personnel Transfer Regulations", and "Hebei Province Safety Production Reporting and Reward Measures", which further enhance the safety awareness of employees and build a strong safety line of defense.

Improve skills: Carry out various emergency drills

Cao Gang shares: "Safety Production Month" is in action

Combined with the theme of "everyone stresses safety, everyone will be able to respond to emergencies - smooth life channel", all units of Caogang Co., Ltd. carried out emergency drills such as fire evacuation, fall from height, electric shock accidents, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, etc., further strengthened emergency response measures, prepared for prevention and response, and improved emergency response capabilities and levels.

Learning laws and regulations: Hold safety production reading activities

Cao Gang shares: "Safety Production Month" is in action

Each unit of Caogang Co., Ltd. held a reading activity on safety production laws and regulations, so that employees can deeply understand the laws, regulations, standards and requirements of safety production through reading and learning, so as to enhance employees' awareness of safety production and ensure that the company's safety production work situation continues to be stable.

Practice common sense: Hold a WeChat fun quiz activity

Cao Gang shares: "Safety Production Month" is in action

In accordance with the activity plan, all units of Caogang Co., Ltd. carried out safety knowledge answering activities through the network platform, and tested the employees' mastery of national laws and regulations and the company's safety production rules and regulations and operating procedures, and enhanced the enthusiasm of the majority of employees to learn safety production knowledge and participate in safety production work.

Identify risks: Carry out various safety inspections

All units of Caogang Co., Ltd. actively carry out a three-year action to tackle the root cause of safety production, focusing on comprehensive inspections on safety management, equipment maintenance, cooperative unit operations, fire safety, etc., and require immediate or time limit rectification of problems and hidden dangers in place, so as to truly prevent problems before they occur.

In the next step, Caogang will solidify the good practices and good measures formed during the "Safety Production Month", deepen the implementation of responsibilities, strengthen awareness improvement, refine work measures, keep the bottom line of safety, build a strong safety line of defense, and ensure that the safety situation continues to be stable. (Liu He, Xu Tianhui) (Photo courtesy of Hebei Port Group)

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